Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

06 May 2017, 9:11pm
Actually, I'm on it now...

But it ain't going as well as I'd hoped...

But yeah, I'll keep on it for now and I'll let you know if anything striking comes out of it!
07 May 2017, 2:30pm
Hi Lilith,

It's nice that we have the Holo-me but compared to other game's it is as you know, somewhat limited. Anyway, I took the liberty of seeing what I could do.
Rather than post a bunch of screen shots, anything with a slider I've rated -100 to +100, -100 being far left, 0 the middle and +100 far right.

Before the stats, even with age set to -100, I haven't been able to create a look that doesn't appear middle aged, perhaps the pony tail doesn't help.
Re your profile pic, as with all such pictures, they are really small so a lot of detail is lost to anyone other than yourself making some detail a bit of guess.

Re Comrie's comment on the available hair styles, I agree with him but the holo-me is designed to be your working, or 'in cockpit' look. There is no way any sensible pilot with long hair wouldn't have it a pony tail. Imagine when the life support fails; you grab your helmet and slam it on. Oops, seal failure due to hair between helmet and suit!

Lastly, your profile pic seems to be experiencing rather strong feeling melancholy and without more advanced editing features such as eye brow shaping rather than choosing from presets, there really isn't a way to represent this.

I hope that the following might give you a base to work your own magic from.

Base preset 1/ Head Smooth / Skin Medium-fair / Age -100

Pony Tail Black / Eyebrow 1 Black

Eyes Narrow / Bags (!) Blend +100 Distance +75 Width +100 Angle +50 / Upper Eye Fold 2 Blend -100

Narrow Width -60 Height -25 / Prominence Type 5 Blend +50 / Bridge Profile 3 Blend +0 / Tip 6 Blend +45 Angle -5

Default Thin 2 Blend +40 Width +100 Height +0 / Upper Lip 2 Blend +60
[without a lip shaper I don't think getting a match to your top lip is possible, I did try with make up but no luck]

Brow Round Blend -100 / Cheeks Sharp Blend +85 / Jaw Angular Blend +40 Width +0 Weight +100 Prominence +0 Angle -80 / Chin Square Blend +100 Width +0 Prominence -40 / Neck Average Blend -10
07 May 2017, 4:20pm
Thanks very much Sekiou. I'll give that a try later tonight

(Lilith is my alternate profile in case you're confused )

Definitely getting there, a few small tweaks made it a more similar looking avatar. Cheers bud

Comrie, if you're still trying, by all means carry on. I'm interested to see your take on it too

Last edit: 07 May 2017, 7:33pm
07 May 2017, 9:59pm
Your reply didn't confuse me until I paid attention to your reply to Comrie's reply after I read your reply to my reply... and now I'm confusing myself :

You're welcome.

Any tips on config's/choice of weapon tweaks for going toe to toe with the less friendly players out there? I'm currently tooling up one of my Conda's as a tank.
07 May 2017, 10:02pm
For PVP, you're best asking literally anybody else lol.

All I can advise is, fixed weapons not gimballed. 99% of PVPers run Chaff and they can quickly become impossible to hit as a result. Other than that my advice is simply, hit them more than they hit you... All I got, sorry bud
07 May 2017, 10:04pm
Gimbals work in PvP. Get in close. Unless they are running double chaff you can still do good DPS. Chaff doesn't last forever.
07 May 2017, 10:05pm
See? Even the ONE thing I know about PVP is wrong XD
07 May 2017, 10:14pm
I run gimballs and have had much success in PvP. Chaff is annoying, but as long as you're prepared to quickly de-select for some eyeball sighting you're okay.
07 May 2017, 10:33pm
^ That

With experience, not nearly as difficult as you'd think.
07 May 2017, 10:47pm
Good old Kentucky windage, never fails, eh?
07 May 2017, 10:51pm
Ok, good points all round but unfortunately nothing new. I've been fragging npc's running chaff up close for ages, real people are rather more challenging though and the old double chaff gag is not pleasant.

Problem: Getting close and staying there in a Conda when facing almost any other type of ship, perhaps some seeker missiles with drag effect and hope they don't have a point def system. Then again, fired at close range the missiles could beat the point def?
07 May 2017, 10:57pm
SekiouOk, good points all round but unfortunately nothing new. I've been fragging npc's running chaff up close for ages, real people are rather more challenging though and the old double chaff gag is not pleasant.

Problem: Getting close and staying there in a Conda when facing almost any other type of ship, perhaps some seeker missiles with drag effect and hope they don't have a point def system. Then again, fired at close range the missiles could beat the point def?

As far as weapons configuration for PvP goes, I've found that good ol' multicannons do the job. They're got high DPS, don't use much power, and don't generate much heat. You can engineer them to be more effective against shields, hull tanks, and stealth alike (with the incendiary, corrosive, and emissive special effects, respectively). I use this combination on my Fer de Lance, and am very happy with it!
07 May 2017, 11:20pm
I've brought the same kind of ideas Matt has to my Anaconda, and let me tell you what, she wrecks shop. Thing is, you gotta consider the whole package. Guns, speed, armor, shields, utilities, weight, power, and heat generation (plus just FLYING the damn thing) all play into success.

Maybe step back, think of the mission your Anaconda is looking to fill and build around that. You said yourself you're looking to deal with hostile players. Are you looking to murder them? Drive them off? Survive to get away?

Each of those questions require three different builds.
08 May 2017, 7:36am
Also, I'd quickly just liked to say that I think it's usually a bad idea to run fixed on a large vessel because the distance between the hardpoints might make it impossible to hit small ships...

It'd be really cool if frontier made a compensation mechanic for this.

Don't forget you can set a keybind to untarget your oponent soo you can use your gimballed weps as fixed, just incase they chaff too much.

But most large PVP ships won't be running chaff anyway, cause they're useless on large ships.

And if you haven't got fully resistance engineerd shieds I advice you should! It's not thst hard to get and well worth the effort!
08 May 2017, 7:55am
finaly, after toying with paint alitle i get this, slightly distorted face pic of my cmdr

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