Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

26 Apr 2017, 7:41pm
I found this interesting post on the great google machine, and I thought I would share it.

May or may not pertain to this site, but I think worth a read.

The Seven Sins of Roleplay

Sloth: Do not begin a storyline only to turn to laziness and inactivity. If you are too busy in the real world, it may be tempting to spend your computer time in complete idleness. Remember, you hold up not only your own character, but your partner’s as well.

Gluttony: Do not allow the overconsumption of your own time. Know your limit for the number of stories or characters you can reasonably commit to. There is no need to gorge yourself on fifteen to twenty different roleplays when you can feed your urges with a handful of quality games.

Lust: Do not let your lust for a newly discovered obsession or sudden flash of creative inspiration overpower your senses so that you are constantly jumping from game to game, character to character. Your relationship with your partner will suffer if they feel they are constantly being asked to abandon worlds or persons they have built with love only to have to start fresh again in a few weeks time, and all in the name of some shiny new obsession.

Avarice: There should be a sense of balance between players. Do not become greedy and turn the natural give-and-take flow of a game into a one-sided affair. When greed drives a player they come to a game with world, characters, and story fully built and refuse all compromise with their partner, they make no attempt to match their partner’s posting habits and often will post only the bare minimum while expecting full and complete replies in return. They do not care about sharing in the fun of storytelling and feel they can dictate the terms and receive the benefits without paying back in kind.

Wrath: Stories come along with emotional scenes and conflict. Do not confuse your character for yourself, nor the action of other characters as a commentary on you. Not everyone will love your character, not everyone will react precisely as you want them too. A good roleplayer will look at the events of a post and reply in a way that takes both the situation and their own character into consideration. Do not punish them for good writing by turning to anger or throwing a fit when their character does not react as you expected. Do not have your character strike out at theirs in an attempt to get even with another player. Characters should always act as their character requires. Players should always act as mature human beings.

Envy: At its core, rping is a partner game which requires that players work together if they wish to succeed. When you turn the game into a competition against your fellow players, you destroy the harmony and enjoyment in a game. If you wish to be a part of a specific storyline but feel that the other player is spending more time with a different player’s character, open a discussion to see how your character might be more involved rather than trying to drag the other away in a jealous fit. If your partner puts their character through an event or uses an idea on them that you liked or wanted to use yourself, do not turn it into an argument over whose character gets to do what but talk about the situation and see if compromise is possible. Do what you can to avoid a building resentment of the other characters, players, and games.

Vainglory: Unless you are Neil Gaiman or Shakespeare’s zombie, no one is so desperate to rp with you that they will put up with abuse, neglect, and general assholeness. Don’t be selfish. Always pay attention to the players around you, check with your partners to see that you are both on the same track and both still enjoying the game, and remember that the rp’s existence spends upon more than just your own self. A little humility and teamwork will always win the day and keep the geeks in play.

- Mina Beavers

Original post found Here

Last edit: 26 Apr 2017, 10:52pm
26 Apr 2017, 7:52pm
HappyComrieWell, it makes more sense that way, doesn't it?

If you have a bunch of people RP'ing in first person in Inara's format it´ll be like trying to read trough four diffirent stories, switching from story everytime someone else is posting.

Doing it in third person would make the whole RP just óne collaborate story, wich I think is a lot easier to read.

But yeah, it´s the writer´s choice.
I'll admit that the swap was a bit jarring at first. But that's just simply because I got use to third person writing, not the fault of those who opted for first person.

Those of you who have joined us, welcome!!!

son of kHzvoltzIf never been the strongest of RP'ers in the history of RP, but I might start
Idk, I can't paragraph well
You're more than welcome to join in. In terms of grammar/punctuation/spelling, it's preferred you do as well as you can. But if something is unclear, someone will ask you what you meant and suggest an edit to make it clearer. All we ask is that you take this help for what it is and not get overly defensive about it.

I'm more than happy to proofread anything you wish to put in if you are extrememly unsure of yourself. Just PM me and I'll give it a quick once over as soon as I have the time
26 Apr 2017, 9:06pm
Hop on the Discord too. There's a RP channel that's great for experimentation.
26 Apr 2017, 9:32pm
Not to be presumptious but is the last post in "Off Station" not better suited to "Wing Promotions" ?
26 Apr 2017, 9:37pm
SonofMacPhistoDive in! What's the worst that could happen?
Phisto might splatter you with his Anaconda....?
26 Apr 2017, 9:47pm
SonofMacPhistoDive in! What's the worst that could happen?

Phisto might splatter you with his Anaconda....?

Laughed more than I should at this!
26 Apr 2017, 10:20pm
SonofMacPhistoDive in! What's the worst that could happen?

Phisto might splatter you with his Anaconda....?

Laughed more than I should at this!

Narrows eyes at Luke and Leif.

26 Apr 2017, 10:25pm
SonofMacPhistoDive in! What's the worst that could happen?
Phisto might splatter you with his Anaconda....?
Laughed more than I should at this!
Narrows eyes at Luke and Leif.

Squinting is probably why you keep crashing into peoples ships!!!!!!
26 Apr 2017, 10:34pm
Narrows eyes further. Hits boost.
27 Apr 2017, 7:13am
For Christ's sake what is going on here???
27 Apr 2017, 8:03am
Your asaking me? i only just got 'ere
27 Apr 2017, 8:15am
Whistles Innocently
Nothing to see here, move along...
27 Apr 2017, 11:29am
M. LehmanSomething something Drew Wagar's post.

That was actually ridiculously helpful. Thanks, mr.!
27 Apr 2017, 8:49pm
son of kHzvoltz
HappyComrieFor Christ's sake what is going on here???

Your asaking me? i only just got 'ere

You'll understand once you get to know Phisto a little better.;)
It also helps if you join the discord. we talk there too so you might miss out on some of the in-jokes.
27 Apr 2017, 9:01pm
I've made a little name for myself splattering SLFs in my Anaconda.

All in good fun, you see.

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