Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

30 Jun 2017, 3:27am
To sort of build off on this, do remember that there's a logbook option. RP generally works best when it allows for other people to participate - most posts should be setting up something for others to participate in or be an offering to someone else's storyline. There are a few cases where people post something to an RP post when it really ought to be in a logbook, which results in potentially wasted story. It's something else to be mindful of.
30 Jun 2017, 4:57am
John MathurinTo sort of build off on this, do remember that there's a logbook option. RP generally works best when it allows for other people to participate - most posts should be setting up something for others to participate in or be an offering to someone else's storyline. There are a few cases where people post something to an RP post when it really ought to be in a logbook, which results in potentially wasted story. It's something else to be mindful of.

JM thanks for bringing this up (as I'm working on precisely that). Do you mind commenting on this a bit more? For instance when do you segue to or from logbooks or how would you suggest best practice in these instances? I feel like I could be guilty of this more often than once. Feel like some of my 'rp' posts get (got) a bit long winded, but struggle to find ways to 'set the environment' in some cases- especially when gone for a spell. But then again I find myself wondering how to circle back to an ongoing event without telling people 'go read my log' which I don't think I'd want to make a habit.
30 Jun 2017, 7:54am
Stryker Aune

I will try to be tactful here.

Fishing for RP, is exactly that fishing. You have to leave a baited hook for others to want to grab onto and participate. Ending posts with "I'm going to go off and take a nap." is not very appealing. But something along the lines "His casts his cool blue eyes to the patron next to him, and asks the question. "Why are you here?" leaves a hook for others to work with.

You have to ask yourself the question "Am I leaving a hook, for others to grab on to?" If your not, you're not likely to land any RP.

The other thing to consider is proper grammar, spelling and cohesion. Sure, some mistakes are fine, and in reality no one talks perfectly, but in most cases role play is about creating a story. Would you want to pick up a book full of grammatical and spelling errors and read it? I wouldn't.

Character development is important. I haven't seen much in this area and the idea of you creating an alt doesn't make much sense. Work on your current character, get a personality, backstory, some identity and you will see that it becomes easier to play him.

We are here for you and we do want to see the community grow, so please don't take this as slam, but rather constructive criticism.

If you have questions, feel free to PM me.

Nicely said. And agreed. Quite a few here are very generous with their time. They enjoy helping people.

Some other tips I'm learning along the way: logbooks (ironically I only have one entry now, but I've started several new and improved entries thanks to the suggestions of some helpful souls)- going back and fleshing out the details that people here don't only want, but probably need in order to invest their energy in worth while writing. Most of the time a lack of inclusion isn't personal. People here are looking for engaging story and they are often cautious and courteous with taking liberties with other people's characters. How can someone engage another fairly if they have absolutely nothing to go on? They really can't, and they can't do it tactfully due to so many unknowns. Even without bios and backstory though people here have generally been great about including people who make a sincere effort to participate and or learn.

My suggestion is do what I'm doing right now. Write your story first, be a little selfish in the beginning and give people rich landscapes to work with, they'll read them, and they'll appreciate it- and build you in more appropriately where it makes sense.

Last thing I would say is like a strong hook, don't forget the sinker. Instead of letting things drudge on for pages and pages, if it's good stuff, and feels strong, don't be afraid to end it and move to the next segment down the line. Things can get cold and stale fast when people run out of ideas, so they just keep guessing hoping something interesting will happen. It's ok to reach out to who you're building story with and preemptively build an arch- then let some improve happen simultaneously.

Hop in, the waters fine, and it's a good time mostly.

thanks, i'll do those if i get the time (school 'n' stuff with exams ect kinda in the way) i'll add logbooks whenever i can thanks for the help

o7 CMDR's, fly safe.
30 Jun 2017, 12:33pm
John MathurinTo sort of build off on this, do remember that there's a logbook option. RP generally works best when it allows for other people to participate... *snip*

JM thanks for bringing this up (as I'm working on precisely that). Do you mind commenting on this a bit more? For instance when do you segue to or from logbooks or how would you suggest best practice in these instances?... *snip*

To me I find the issue is less about the length of a post and more about the content.

There has been occasions where someone comes in, writes about 500 words detailing their characters journey from the Docks to the Bar with zero opportunity for anyone to bump into them and interact, and they continue that pattern when they reach the bar too. These things are the ones I feel best left in a personal log book, I mean, if you're not going to let people interact there's no point putting it in an RP forum.

Long posts are sometimes unavoidable, and some people (I find this applies to yourself Nsite), just have a style of writing that involves embellishing a lot of things in one go. That's perfectly fine. Especially when your character has just arrived at the forums, you need to establish what he/she is wearing, mood, that sort of thing, and keeping that to an arbitrary limit can mean important details get left out.

However as the arc goes on, it's possible to format posts like this:

Reaction to previous post
Response to post

Example: Someone has just arrived at your table and offered a drink
Reaction: Sean looked up and eyed the man suspiciously, noticing the drink and friendly smile he nodded and accepted the offer.
Response: "Thanks, uhh, to what do I owe the pleasure?" He said, gesturing to an empty seat with his open hand.

Do I stick to that rule? God no... I'm probably one of the worst for unecessary embellishment. It's a matter of thinking "Have I written too much" and shortening it where possile if the answer is yes.

In regards to "how to direct people to logbooks" I literally just add "Continued in logbooks" to the bottom of my final post. Maybe a link. It's not a forced thing I don't think, and it means if the RP forums go quiet while you write your things, and you end up coming back with only 2 posts between your last post and your new one, there's much less confusion as to how on earth your character managed to get a haircut and gain several scars by simply jumping out of system and straight back in.
30 Jun 2017, 1:12pm
Something that I do, when engaged in RP, is I ask myself some questions before I press the submit key.

1) does this post add to the quality of the RP?

2) Is this something the reader would be interested in reading, or am I just vomiting words for my own edification?

3) and most importantly, does this post glorify the other character(s)?

An amazing thing happens when you switch from being me-centric and trying to glorify your character, to other-centric. When you start focusing on the other characters, they in turn start focusing on yours and it becomes a dance rather then competing over the readers limited resources of time. The story flows more naturally.
30 Jun 2017, 1:25pm
Now I have to ask Stryker if that's something I'm good at or need to work on...
02 Jul 2017, 4:28am
I have two questions about thi-, hang on... three questions about Roleplay in this forum.

1: What is the best way to enter into RP, and does it have to be related to the previous post or can it be the start of its own story?
2: Can my characters be as eccentric as I want as long as it does not disrupt the flow (of course leading into it naturally, I.E. start off unknown and more things will be learned over time)?
3: Are funny hats allowed?

(It might be obvious what I might do)
02 Jul 2017, 5:19am
MediaevalJamesI have two questions about thi-, hang on... three questions about Roleplay in this forum.

1: What is the best way to enter into RP, and does it have to be related to the previous post or can it be the start of its own story?
2: Can my characters be as eccentric as I want as long as it does not disrupt the flow (of course leading into it naturally, I.E. start off unknown and more things will be learned over time)?
3: Are funny hats allowed?

(It might be obvious what I might do)

1) Well that depends, You can read back through the rp, get an idea of who is where, and try to interact, or toss out your own hook

2) So long as it subscribes to the lore, and for me, if the character is too eccentric, in that it does not suspend the disbelief, that may cause problems

3) My character once came into the bar wearing a mole costume cut into a singlet, to signify to his employer that he was made a mole by the FIS? Ask Jem. She might have more of a take on this.
02 Jul 2017, 12:35pm
3) We once had unicorns in the bar.
02 Jul 2017, 2:28pm
There's a point where eccentricity becomes ridiculousness, be careful you don't cross that line.

As for funny hats, I'm sure many would find it unrealistic as people don't wear that sort of thing in real life, but I saw a man with a Minnie Mouse top on and love heart sunglasses just the other day so I'm happy to accept a daft hat...
02 Jul 2017, 2:29pm
Silly hats is pretty much a honest appraisal of Imperial fashion anyway, right?
02 Jul 2017, 6:50pm
Eccentricity is all about execution. If you do it right, it works.
02 Jul 2017, 9:14pm
NFC PhistoSilly hats is pretty much a honest appraisal of Imperial fashion anyway, right?

Good point.
03 Jul 2017, 1:36pm
y'know, i think im gonna try again with RP, now, i have decided to convert my ASP into a CAS freelancing ground strike ASP or the "CASP"
03 Jul 2017, 1:46pm
Son of khzvoltzy'know, i think im gonna try again with RP, now, i have decided to convert my ASP into a CAS freelancing ground strike ASP or the "CASP"

Not the Casper?
I'm disappointed buddy =P

I look forward to seeing what you come up with. Just remember the tips that people have given up above. Good luck!!

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