Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

27 Jul 2017, 8:36am
You're just coming across as arrogant now. A lot of the objections we have are present because they do not fit within the lore of Elite: Dangerous as we have tried to explain time and time again. What you are doing is considered God Modding in an RP sense, and is heavily frowned upon in RP communities everywhere, not just here. Respect the setting, dude, because right now you are not, and the examples have been pointed out several times now.

"Can survive in harsh environments, even a vacuum." Two things wrong with this off the top of my head:

  1. It's not biologically possible for anything larger than a tartigrade. The fluids in your body will boil and/or be sucked out of every hole in your body as soon as you hit low-zero pressure, killing you really fast no matter what "gene modifications" you have and no matter how advanced technology is in 3303. Not only that, but you'll more than likely be snap-fozen as well.
  2. It is not established within Elite lore, which is why we have the Remlok suits.

Importing lore from other franchises is also something RP communities everywhere frown upon. For example, earlier on a while ago, a guy tried to come in and RP as a Khajit. It was not received well, as it shouldn't be. Neither should your importing of Warhammer 40k lore.

I think you might be taking a lot of this personally... These are not personal attacks - these are the same concerns that people have in RP communities everywhere.

Last edit: 27 Jul 2017, 8:48am
27 Jul 2017, 8:43am
Here's the thing, b:

Characters aren't interesting because they come equipped with fancy gear and perfect traits. They're interesting because they have a story, and because they're identifiable on a human level. What you've done is the exact opposite of that. You're relying on contrived equipment and handwaved badassery to carry your character. It isn't working, no matter hard hard you try to claim creative prerogative.

And we're not trying to stifle your creativity. We're trying to guide you into making good, realistic decisions for your character and his story. Roleplay isn't a binary thing where your character is either the bestest at all the things or "generic, boring, and unimaginative" (your words). Good characters mirror real people: individuals with hopes, dreams, strengths, weaknesses, histories, and insecurities. You can be imaginative in this regard and have a realistic, down-to-earth character. In fact, I'd say with certainty that it takes more creativity to write a character who has to overcome challenges and rely on his wits than some genius supersoldier engineer in his invincible, lore-breaking exosuit who has literally no weaknesses or insecurities.  

That isn't a good character. That's the roleplaying version of the guy with no personality and nothing of substance to say who drives a fancy car in hopes that people will find him interesting by proxy.

"Too much imagination" isn't a valid defense in this case. "Imaginative" isn't the same as "good", and creativity isn't a claim on automatic validation.

Last edit: 27 Jul 2017, 8:59am
27 Jul 2017, 9:07am
I have nothing to add, except for maybe this: it takes more creativity to build three dimensional and believable characters than it does to simply have a list of unearned adjectives.

I'm really just reiterating Lehman's point, but it's an important one.
27 Jul 2017, 9:47am
Simon DaturaYou're just coming across as arrogant now. A lot of the objections we have are present because they do not fit within the lore of Elite: Dangerous as we have tried to explain time and time again. What you are doing is considered God Modding in an RP sense, and is heavily frowned upon in RP communities everywhere, not just here. Respect the setting, dude, because right now you are not, and the examples have been pointed out several times now.

"Can survive in harsh environments, even a vacuum." Two things wrong with this off the top of my head:

  1. It's not biologically possible for anything larger than a tartigrade. The fluids in your body will boil and/or be sucked out of every hole in your body as soon as you hit low-zero pressure, killing you really fast no matter what "gene modifications" you have and no matter how advanced technology is in 3303. Not only that, but you'll more than likely be snap-fozen as well.
  2. It is not established within Elite lore, which is why we have the Remlok suits.

Importing lore from other franchises is also something RP communities everywhere frown upon. For example, earlier on a while ago, a guy tried to come in and RP as a Khajit. It was not received well, as it shouldn't be. Neither should your importing of Warhammer 40k lore.

I think you might be taking a lot of this personally... These are not personal attacks - these are the same concerns that people have in RP communities everywhere.

Is that so, fine, then.

Now I have to erase all bio...what a waste...
Rebecca Hail
The benevolant
well if I "fail" because i have too much imagination, well sorry about that I will switch the logs as Drafts.

That's not what I meant at all. There is no such thing as too much imagination. But there's going overboard with your imagination and failing to keep it within the boundaries of the setting, which is what you do.

Even that isn't necessarily a bad thing, if you recognize and revise it. Sometimes good ideas from coming overboard and then going back on it later. I'd advise you to read a bit deeper into the official lore of the ED universe to explore what is possible and what is not in the 34th century in ED.

I hope you're right, I'm not very comfortable with overhaul, but okay.
27 Jul 2017, 10:00am
Edit:This post was typed out when the last post was M.Lehman @ 0959

Benevolent: You're sadly missing the point of what people are saying. If you've read the Guidelines thoroughly, and carefully, it should be apparent what people are saying. Maybe it's partly the language barrier, or just simple misinterpretation, I'm not sure. Either way, I'll put it plainly in the hopes it becomes very clear and easy to understand.

Firstly, the specific rule that we're trying to enforce:
Inara RP Etiquette:

1. Respect the setting and rules of the universe.
Inara is an Elite: Dangerous 3rd Party Tool. The RP Forums are set in the Elite: Dangerous universe. Elite: Dangerous has rules, as any fictional universe does from Lord of the Rings to Star Wars, or Game of Thrones to Star Trek. If you intend to RP within the Elite: Dangerous universe you are bound by the history and rules of that universe. Simply put, this RP forum is bound by the same rules as the game, so if it can't be done in the game, it is not permitted here. This applies to things from a 50Ly Jump Range on a normal, unmodified Sidewinder, to the destruction of entire stations.

Yes, Elite: Dangerous is set 1300 years in the future. Yes, we fly spaceships around the galaxy in the same manner that we drive to the local corner shop here in 2017. Yes, it is a science fiction universe born from one mans imagination and a team of developers and writers who may or may not have had some input on said universes creation. However, this universe still has rules. It's not a complete free for all in terms of what can or cannot exist in the galaxy.

This is not a limit on imagination. But it is a framework you use to guide that imagination.

Your Logbooks are your own thing. Go nuts in them. Build crazy exo suits, or have your character survive in the vacuum of space if you want to, just leave that stuff in the logbooks and be prepared to have other people who are unwilling to interact with you. This isn't because they dislike you, or think your character is rubbish (hard to believe, but not necessarily bad), but because the things your character does, or exhibits, have a knock on effect to their own character. If they meet someone (in your specific case) who pops out into space without a protective suit and survives with no ill effects, that becomes part of their characters history and they then have to justify that in their own way. Which in this case is impossible, or at least requires a huge amount of work on their part.

It's very important to understand that Elite is not a universe populated with all manner of beings. It's filled with regular guys like you, me, my neighbour, your grandma, the list goes on. Your character does not fit this description, at all, for the reasons people have already mentioned to you several times.

Off the top of my head, I'd like to suggest a couple of changes that would be a good start towards rebalancing:
-Blood replaced by a mix of various narcotics, combat stimulants through complete transfusion.
How about instead, (for reasons up to you), he has to take a multitude of injections/pills regularly. Nothing too zany, just stuff along the same lines of an Insulin injection that we have nowadays, only for something that isn't insulin.

-Able to survive in extreme conditions, including the vacuum of space (Project VARIA)
The Remlock suit already grants survival in some pretty extreme conditions. Even a vacuum. Perhaps Benevolent just never takes his off if he can help it?

-Gene-seed status: Stable
This is just ripped from another universe. It's unacceptable for the same reason you wouldn't put a US Marine into a Lord of the Rings story. I won't pretend to understand what it is, but I do know that it doesn't belong here. Sorry.

Last edit: 27 Jul 2017, 10:14am
27 Jul 2017, 10:40am
Luke3107Edit:This post was typed out when the last post was M.Lehman @ 0959

Benevolent: You're sadly missing the point of what people are saying. If you've read the Guidelines thoroughly, and carefully, it should be apparent what people are saying. Maybe it's partly the language barrier, or just simple misinterpretation, I'm not sure. Either way, I'll put it plainly in the hopes it becomes very clear and easy to understand.

Firstly, the specific rule that we're trying to enforce:
Inara RP Etiquette:

1. Respect the setting and rules of the universe.
Inara is an Elite: Dangerous 3rd Party Tool. The RP Forums are set in the Elite: Dangerous universe. Elite: Dangerous has rules, as any fictional universe does from Lord of the Rings to Star Wars, or Game of Thrones to Star Trek. If you intend to RP within the Elite: Dangerous universe you are bound by the history and rules of that universe. Simply put, this RP forum is bound by the same rules as the game, so if it can't be done in the game, it is not permitted here. This applies to things from a 50Ly Jump Range on a normal, unmodified Sidewinder, to the destruction of entire stations.

Yes, Elite: Dangerous is set 1300 years in the future. Yes, we fly spaceships around the galaxy in the same manner that we drive to the local corner shop here in 2017. Yes, it is a science fiction universe born from one mans imagination and a team of developers and writers who may or may not have had some input on said universes creation. However, this universe still has rules. It's not a complete free for all in terms of what can or cannot exist in the galaxy.

This is not a limit on imagination. But it is a framework you use to guide that imagination.

Your Logbooks are your own thing. Go nuts in them. Build crazy exo suits, or have your character survive in the vacuum of space if you want to, just leave that stuff in the logbooks and be prepared to have other people who are unwilling to interact with you. This isn't because they dislike you, or think your character is rubbish (hard to believe, but not necessarily bad), but because the things your character does, or exhibits, have a knock on effect to their own character. If they meet someone (in your specific case) who pops out into space without a protective suit and survives with no ill effects, that becomes part of their characters history and they then have to justify that in their own way. Which in this case is impossible, or at least requires a huge amount of work on their part.

It's very important to understand that Elite is not a universe populated with all manner of beings. It's filled with regular guys like you, me, my neighbour, your grandma, the list goes on. Your character does not fit this description, at all, for the reasons people have already mentioned to you several times.

Off the top of my head, I'd like to suggest a couple of changes that would be a good start towards rebalancing:
-Blood replaced by a mix of various narcotics, combat stimulants through complete transfusion.
How about instead, (for reasons up to you), he has to take a multitude of injections/pills regularly. Nothing too zany, just stuff along the same lines of an Insulin injection that we have nowadays, only for something that isn't insulin.

-Able to survive in extreme conditions, including the vacuum of space (Project VARIA)
The Remlock suit already grants survival in some pretty extreme conditions. Even a vacuum. Perhaps Benevolent just never takes his off if he can help it?

-Gene-seed status: Stable
This is just ripped from another universe. It's unacceptable for the same reason you wouldn't put a US Marine into a Lord of the Rings story. I won't pretend to understand what it is, but I do know that it doesn't belong here. Sorry.

Yeah yeah I know, can we just move to something else, now?  I start getting tired of this and my motivation like my patience to make this "overhaul" is getting thiner, better restart while I can.

Thank you...

Now how about some Fujin tea?

Last edit: 27 Jul 2017, 10:59am
27 Jul 2017, 12:06pm
Hmm... I'm a dwarf out of the Nazil mines, distant relation to Telchar of Nogrod and nephew of Narvi Nazildrûn, Lord of Kur-Nazil, north of the High Fey. Bit of a bummer really. Some Fujin Tea sounds quite pleasant. Thanks Benevolent One.
27 Jul 2017, 12:50pm
*ahem* Speaking of lore and research, I'm surprised no one has made an android character, since that technically is a thing in Elite.
27 Jul 2017, 12:55pm
Cartlidge1000*ahem* Speaking of lore and research, I'm surprised no one has made an android character, since that technically is a thing in Elite.

You referring to Jaques?

I feel kind of bad for him, at least he have is own ship/starport but he's bound to it, sort of.

Last edit: 27 Jul 2017, 1:01pm
27 Jul 2017, 1:02pm
Jaques is a cyborg, which are pretty commonplace in the RP here. What I'm talking about is an android, or synthetic human. You have to dig pretty deep into the lore but there's a company called Achilles that is owned by an android named Jorvak. Ironically true AI in elite are highly illegal lore-wise. What that all means then I'm not sure.
27 Jul 2017, 1:14pm
Cartlidge1000Jaques is a cyborg, which are pretty commonplace in the RP here. What I'm talking about is an android, or synthetic human. You have to dig pretty deep into the lore but there's a company called Achilles that is owned by an android named Jorvak. Ironically true AI in elite are highly illegal lore-wise. What that all means then I'm not sure.

I forgot about Jorvak and his, but for AI I don't know maybe the fully autonomous-one or setient-like AI from thargoids which are advanced enough to behavious themselves, nothing worse than an AI that goes Rampant (Rogue)
27 Jul 2017, 2:24pm
Cartlidge1000Jaques is a cyborg, which are pretty commonplace in the RP here. What I'm talking about is an android, or synthetic human. You have to dig pretty deep into the lore but there's a company called Achilles that is owned by an android named Jorvak. Ironically true AI in elite are highly illegal lore-wise. What that all means then I'm not sure.

The relationship to them is somewhat toxic because of all that hunting down of rogue-AIs etc.
27 Jul 2017, 2:37pm
Cartlidge1000Jaques is a cyborg, which are pretty commonplace in the RP here. What I'm talking about is an android, or synthetic human. You have to dig pretty deep into the lore but there's a company called Achilles that is owned by an android named Jorvak. Ironically true AI in elite are highly illegal lore-wise. What that all means then I'm not sure.

They are quite useful for the businessman/woman who cannot be everywhere at once...
27 Jul 2017, 2:58pm
Synthetic life is a Thing, but also severely outlawed, due to some serious AI rebellions in the past. If anyone were to make an AI or android character, they would have to be prepared for every character they interact with trying to kill them.

It's possible, but would require much care and careful planning to stay believable and realistic.
27 Jul 2017, 3:19pm
Ten is a fairly decent example. At least, I like her.

In other news... No one else is shitting themselves over the fact that Phisto is about to meet Marra, Professionally? That's not scary to anyone?? I'm out here in Sgr A* and considering calling it home now...

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