Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

08 Nov 2017, 11:00pm
It's literally being written as we speak.
09 Nov 2017, 12:06am
I use rude words in my Things all the time. I think it's fine as long as they make sense for the context rather than being strewn around for the sake of it.

As for banter - I think of it like a bulletin board. Unfortunately it is quite common for people to completely miss the point of it as I'm sure you've noticed being pointed out by now, but feel free to jump in. Just remember that hostilities in there are also in character (most of the time anyway) so shouldn't be taken personally.

Last edit: 09 Nov 2017, 12:23am
09 Nov 2017, 12:49am
I'll keep that in mind Simon, thank you!
09 Nov 2017, 12:50am
It is always safer to avoid any hostilities, even in-character. It is like playing the Diplomacy game - even when everybody knows it is a game and nothing should be taken personally, it can still damage the real relationships.
09 Nov 2017, 12:54am
You come here and say that to my face Artie *throws bottle*. I'm not as think as you drunk I am!
09 Nov 2017, 1:36am
I'll be careful, don't worry!

If I feel like someone is taking something too personally, I will drop them a PM to discuss it. I'd rather not alienate anyone after all. Unless I have to, for character reasons of course. Although I will avoid doing the same to the user.

Thank you Artie o7 x
09 Nov 2017, 5:11am
Hey, Jem hated me when I first got here, but look how that turned out.
09 Nov 2017, 8:12am
ArtieIt is always safer to avoid any hostilities, even in-character.[/img]

That would seriously hinder the expression of some characters. I try to make Marra's acidic comments entertaining as well as consistent with the character portrayed in the stories.

Separation of IC and OoC is the responsibility of every participant.
09 Nov 2017, 8:19am
Marra Morgan
ArtieIt is always safer to avoid any hostilities, even in-character.[/img]

That would seriously hinder the expression of some characters. I try to make Marra's acidic comments entertaining as well as consistent with the character portrayed in the stories.

Separation of IC and OoC is the responsibility of every participant.


Not to name names and not to point fingers, but a lot of people on Inara have difficulty with this.
09 Nov 2017, 9:00am
Amen. The character is not the author. Basic stuff.
09 Nov 2017, 9:23am
Unless they're a Mary Sue, of course.
09 Nov 2017, 10:08am
The descriptions which accompany the various roleplay rooms couldn't be much clearer. All comments, opinions and implied actions are in-character and should comply with ED lore. It's the responsibility of the poster to recognise this and participate accordingly.
09 Nov 2017, 1:48pm
Jemine CaesarThe descriptions which accompany the various roleplay rooms couldn't be much clearer. All comments, opinions and implied actions are in-character and should comply with ED lore. It's the responsibility of the poster to recognise this and participate accordingly.

We all know some people don't read those, but agreed. If someone can't keep themselves from reacting OOC to an IC event, RP boards are not somewhere they should frequent.
10 Nov 2017, 10:36am
Apologies if this has been answered (I can't find the answer though), but how is one supposed to interact with another person in RP? I don't what to force the actions of another player, but not sure how to do it correctly.

All my character did so far was walk into Ingaba, and order a drink, lol, it's been awhile since then!
10 Nov 2017, 1:09pm
DR PlatusApologies if this has been answered (I can't find the answer though), but how is one supposed to interact with another person in RP? I don't what to force the actions of another player, but not sure how to do it correctly.

All my character did so far was walk into Ingaba, and order a drink, lol, it's been awhile since then!

try banter, I'm the same honestly, or make a scenario in a chatroom

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