Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

24 Oct 2017, 1:13pm
Not sure if this is the place to post it, but thought that Kamadhenu Red needed a label:

24 Oct 2017, 4:33pm
For those looking for a read - I've published a public logbook - https://inara.cz/cmdr-logbook/44040/23555/

This particular bit of writing tells the tale not of a commander, but of a ship, and some of those who have commanded it before, and those who have encountered it. It may very well turn up in some of my later RP as a mention, so if you'd like to familiarize yourselves, this would all fall into the realm of "public knowledge".
02 Nov 2017, 9:00pm
So, uh... Ryan.

I've noticed that you instantly transitioned from never commenting in Banter to calling everyone there "sludge", and then doubling down on your attitude in a way that makes it hard to believe that you're one-hundred percent in-character.

Is everything okay?


And now tripling down. C'mon dude. Talk to us.

Last edit: 03 Nov 2017, 4:07am
02 Nov 2017, 9:19pm
Nobody has mentioned his moral superiority for a while now. He was just reminding us of it. I'm sure he's fine Matt =)
03 Nov 2017, 4:01am
Murdoc, I am going to take this time to point out that Banter is for in character interactions, not for you to use as your personal soap box to shit on people you disapprove of.

I am not convinced that your interactions are of an IC nature.
05 Nov 2017, 2:29am
Okay. I began writing my biography but I've hit a few roadblocks. The guidelines in RP say it's necessary to stick to the rules of the Elite: Dangerous universe. However I'm somewhat Lore Illiterate and I figure, since it's story writing and not lore research, this would be the best place to ask. (Feel free to send me to the 'Elite Dangerous: Lore section if I'm wrong though!)

How strict are these guidelines? I wanted to have Illeana's Father be a System Security Pilot, and have him be that since the 'legal age' for someone to do so. But, I don't know what that age is so I don't know what to put as the year his service began.

Also, I know we all start in Sidewinders in game. But is it a problem for characters to be written as though another ship was their first ship? I have an explanation for why it might be the case (Illeana flies a Cobra MkIV) but I don't want to break the rules just so that it suits me.

With regards to the Cobra MkIV and its limited availability to gamers, is there an explanation in place for that? Like, is it perhaps something akin to a 'Limited Edition' ship by Faulcon Delacy, sort of like how some car manufacturers only release 1000 of a certain car for whatever reason. Or is this just ignored completely?

Finally, is there anyone here who would be willing to read my Biography before I publish it and tell me if it's suitable and/or where I should make changes?

Thanks in advance CMDRS o7 x
05 Nov 2017, 2:47am
IlleanaHow strict are these guidelines? I wanted to have Illeana's Father be a System Security Pilot, and have him be that since the 'legal age' for someone to do so. But, I don't know what that age is so I don't know what to put as the year his service began.

Technically in the log books, you can go as mental as you want. In RP, however it is a different ball game. Usually if I am not sure on some things I'll check the Elite: Dangerous Wiki, but reading books like Mostly Harmless by Kate Russell, or Drew Wagar's books is a good start. The book that comes with the Elite: Dangerous Roleplay Game is quite in-depth too.

Same PersonAlso, I know we all start in Sidewinders in game. But is it a problem for characters to be written as though another ship was their first ship? I have an explanation for why it might be the case (Illeana flies a Cobra MkIV) but I don't want to break the rules just so that it suits me.

My story started off in a Cobra. Just write a convincing story about how she came to possess the Cobra IV and go from there. Did she steal it? Spend inheritance money on it? Or did she stumble upon it in a boneyard and it just happened to be in somewhat working order?

Finally, remember that a lot of things that happen in game are because video game. It's okay to bend a few things that are too videogame-ish to make a decent narrative. For example, being blown up, or not being able to land on anything with an atmosphere, or things that suddenly appear because of game updates. There were way too many "the Pilots Fed finally lets us land on airless worlds," and "the Pilots Fed finally lets us take passengers," posts running about whenever major patches hit. It was rather silly.

And yeah, send me a link to the draft if you like.

Edit: And here is a drinks menu if you need some ideas of what to drink out in the galaxy. This is an evolving list that continues to grow as we all come up with more ideas. Elite is vague on alcohol so we took it upon ourselves to make some up.

Last edit: 05 Nov 2017, 2:59am
05 Nov 2017, 3:35am
I'll shadow what Simon said here.
Log books are totally up to you. But the best ones are the ones where the character is somewhat believable and have flaws, trials and tribulations. It's sad to say that uber-super mega awesome commanders tend to be common, and they are extremely boring to read about.

Give it a bit of thought and ask the question: in 3303 at what age would it be appropriate for a commander to receive his license. I would say at the youngest, 18.  It's about suspending disbelief.

How did you get your ship?

Stryker found the Broken Bow in a Federal ship graveyard. As an engineer (mechanic) he put all his earnings into fixing it and making it space worthy again (note, I am reworking his back-story a bit). The Vanguard has a bit if a darker story behind it. (Which at some point I will expose in a Thing).

Best rule of thumb that was offered to me when I started writing and sharing stories here on Inara was this. Your Commander is a nobody, in a universe of nobodies. Oddly enough, this allows the reader to identify with the character.

If you're not sure about something just pop it up here on the ooc, and we'll all jump on it like a pack of starving hyenas. Eventually we will come to a consensus! The main point here is have fun with it, but don't be overtly outlandish (at least most of the time, there are times for flair)

Last edit: 05 Nov 2017, 3:48am
05 Nov 2017, 9:14am
Illeana, I'd be happy to talk a look at your bio, if you like.
05 Nov 2017, 9:52am
Illeana, lots of good advice from the boys there. Official lore isn't detailed enough for all the minutiae of things like legal ages for service, so it's not unreasonable to make some assumptions here. It often helps to match things like this up with your experience of the real world. Someone could conceivably be a system security pilot from the age of 18 imo, but if you want to err on the side of caution then just add on a couple of years.

I'd also be happy to give you feedback on your bio.

Edit: Just to pick up on the thread in Intros about Inara Nexus... As Phelbore said, there is absolutely no obligation to support the ingame faction. All players are welcome to use this amazing site (authored and admin by the incredible Artie), regardless of playstyle. Inara Nexus has been designed as a safe haven for pilots of all types. With an HQ on Citi Gateway, Inara Nexus is a peace-seeking organisation, tolerant of diversity. Feel free to come and go as you wish IC, and help out as much as you like OOC.

Last edit: 05 Nov 2017, 10:30am
05 Nov 2017, 3:09pm
Okay. I feel I'm to assume that the 'Horizons Pre-Order Only' aspect of the Cobra MkIV is widely ignored as being too 'gameplay-ish'. I will take you all up on your offers and send a copy of my Biography once I finish it. If anything is taking too many liberties, I'm sure I can trust you to tell me.

Simon DaturaTechnically in the log books, you can go as mental as you want. In RP, however it is a different ball game. Usually if I am not sure on some things I'll check the Elite: Dangerous Wiki, but reading books like Mostly Harmless by Kate Russell, or Drew Wagar's books is a good start. The book that comes with the Elite: Dangerous Roleplay Game is quite in-depth too.

Thank you for the recommendations. With Christmas coming up soon I'm sure I can twist someones arm.

Stryker AuneStryker found the Broken Bow in a Federal ship graveyard. As an engineer (mechanic) he put all his earnings into fixing it and making it space worthy again (note, I am reworking his back-story a bit). The Vanguard has a bit if a darker story behind it. (Which at some point I will expose in a Thing).

I'll be sure to get caught up on everyones stories then, since you shared though, I'll do the same.

Illeana got her Cobra from her Sister who works in Ship Requisitions and Sales. It had been sitting for a while, unsold and taking up space in the shops inventory because despite it's limited production, it wasn't an uncommon sight in the Bubble, quoting "You know, Faulcon DeLacy said limited edition but I'm fairly sure they're unfamiliar with the term. They're about as limited as data-pads to be honest."

NFC PhistoIlleana, I'd be happy to talk a look at your bio, if you like.

Thank you Phisto. I'll send it to you when I'm done.

Jemine CaesarIlleana, lots of good advice from the boys there. Official lore isn't detailed enough for all the minutiae of things like legal ages for service, so it's not unreasonable to make some assumptions here. It often helps to match things like this up with your experience of the real world. Someone could conceivably be a system security pilot from the age of 18 imo, but if you want to err on the side of caution then just add on a couple of years.

I'd also be happy to give you feedback on your bio.

I was thinking 16 to join up, but perhaps 18 before he became an official pilot? I have lee-way since his birthdate isn't set in stone. It's not a huge issue really, mainly just adding some flair to the information given rather than a simple run down of facts.

I will also take you up on your offer to read my Biography. Thank you very much.

See you soon CMDRs o7 x
05 Nov 2017, 3:24pm
Illeana Grimm-TurnerHow strict are these guidelines? I wanted to have Illeana's Father be a System Security Pilot, and have him be that since the 'legal age' for someone to do so. But, I don't know what that age is so I don't know what to put as the year his service began.

I'm about as familiar with the lore as you, but let's think this out. Legal is determined by the government, but there is no galactic government. Her father is System Security, and there's a lot of systems out there varying in population from billions to mere thousands (I think I saw 3,000 once, I used to fly in one with 30,000). A system with billions is going to be pretty strict about who they hire, but since it's a faceless job with no physical strength required, I could see a poor independent backwater hiring whoever they could, even a kid who can fly.
05 Nov 2017, 3:38pm
Hell, in my own stories they preferred starting them out young.
05 Nov 2017, 4:03pm
I get it's 1000+ years in the future, but my take on it would be that something not FSD capable, say a Condor or Taipan, might be allowed for 16 year olds, similar to a 50cc Moped in the UK. Once you turn 17 you can apply to get lessons in a proper car or motorcycle, or in the case of Elite, apply to learn in a Sidewinder.

But I like Phelbores take on it. It probably would vary system to system, depending on the faction or government in charge. Much like in modern day earth with different countries having different lawsfor the same things.
05 Nov 2017, 4:11pm
Seems to me worth mentioning that a lot of questions haven't been settled because they haven't been asked yet!

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