Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

27 Sep 2017, 2:37pm
Simon DaturaHello people,

Just want to bring up the Casino shindig again - I still fully intend for it to happen, but as myself and others have been juggling a few things both in game and in real life, it's been delayed for quite some time.

Rest assured that it's not been forgotten about.

Glad to hear it, keep us posted! =)
M. LehmanI don't want to presume to speak for Marra, but as her collaborator in Thing mischief I can assure you that there's nothing dramatic or negative going on.

Glad to hear it. I'm assuming this simply means it's an RP thing. in which case that youtube video she posted makes sense now =D

Cuisinart8Hiya folks, I recently made my first post to Inara's RP boards over in the docks (yay!)

I'm rather new to RP'ing, so I'd appreciate comments on my writing (and on my intros and attempts to start interactions- I'm horrible at starting things out...)

No matter how horrendous my writing, it's a pleasure to finally become a bigger part of this community, and I look forward to many RP hijinks in the future! Fly safe, CMDRs o7

I mirror what Giyari said. Pretty good for a first timer.

Definitely get a biography up, even if it's simply a case of Name, Age, Height and Physical Appearance. It doesn't need to be filled with backstory, you can do that in Logbooks if you're so inclined. In the meantime, I look forward to seeing more. (Also, there can be more than one elevator if you like. No need to wait for the trio to finish their ride first) ;-)
27 Sep 2017, 3:13pm
Hello Cuisinart, and welcome to the RP!

You made a solid start in the Docks, and your bio is very good imho. The only advice I would add to what the others have offered is to be patient in the RP rooms. Don't worry about actively starting an entire conversation yourself. If you leave a little hook of some kind, someone will pick it up and carry on to develop the thread with you.

Have a look back at some other RP posts for examples. It could be something as simple as "Cake walks into the InGaBa and walks towards the bar counter. He looks around the room at the other patrons, with a slight frown on his face."

The "slight frown" is your hook. It's up to someone else to develop it in some way with you. But don't worry if there's no instant response, as replies can take a while to appear due to time zones and other RL considerations.

Have a look at the RP guidelines if you've not already done so. And do feel free to ask for help if you need it.
27 Sep 2017, 3:22pm
Jemine CaesarHello Cuisinart, and welcome to the RP!

You made a solid start in the Docks, and your bio is very good imho. The only advice I would add to what the others have offered is to be patient in the RP rooms. Don't worry about actively starting an entire conversation yourself. If you leave a little hook of some kind, someone will pick it up and carry on to develop the thread with you.

Have a look back at some other RP posts for examples. It could be something as simple as "Cake walks into the InGaBa and walks towards the bar counter. He looks around the room at the other patrons, with a slight frown on his face."

The "slight frown" is your hook. It's up to someone else to develop it in some way with you. But don't worry if there's no instant response, as replies can take a while to appear due to time zones and other RL considerations.

Have a look at the RP guidelines if you've not already done so. And do feel free to ask for help if you need it.


I found your first post to be good, and your bio is nice as well.
Give it some time. People are on and off constantly.

Glad you are here!
27 Sep 2017, 3:39pm
Heh, I just had a read of Calebs Bio. Seems him and Luke both have something in common with accidents during training.

Hopefully Luke will arrive back soon and give them both something to discuss =P
27 Sep 2017, 4:58pm
Thanks for the tips and the warm welcome, everyone! Prepare for POV whiplash as suddenly and without explanation I jump to third-person!
27 Sep 2017, 5:03pm
Cuisinart8Thanks for the tips and the warm welcome, everyone! Prepare for POV whiplash as suddenly and without explanation I jump to third-person!

As long as you stay away from second person.
27 Sep 2017, 5:04pm
Cartlidge1000 As long as you stay away from second person.

Oh god no. I may be new to RP, but even I know not to do that XD
27 Sep 2017, 8:10pm
Daman, please be aware of what your character would know, and would not know.
He does not have privileged information into the inner workings of Black Omega, and therefore would have no insight into who is leading who, and if anyone left.

Also, be aware of what is spoken and discussed in the general chat room on the Discord, does not translate to RP happenings. The RP banter board is for role play. Please keep that in mind. Ask yourself, does your character know this information, or do you, before posting.
28 Sep 2017, 1:52am
Ok ok, it's time to give this a try.

Hi guys and gals!

I've been lurking and building up the courage to try it but... Where do I start? How the heck do I do this?

28 Sep 2017, 1:54am
And forgot to say I'm really enjoying what I've been reading from y'all here and in the logbooks. Good stuff !!
28 Sep 2017, 2:49am
Hey everyone, if I could have your attention for just a moment, I'd like to bring your attention to what has been going in the "Banter" section for the last few weeks. Without breaking down the entire "Banter RP" I'd probably explain my recent actions. As you might have guessed the RP in that particular forum has been more prevalent over most of the other RP posts in the RP section, not to mention most of the site. After a brief communication on Discord with a few others, I'd like to call your attention to a Private Message I sent to Daman in attempt to more-or-less bring this spectacle to an end...My intial post will be first, followed by his responses...

My Initial message:

"Hey Daman,

As much as this RP in "Banter" has been fun for probably most involved, I think it's time for it to come to an end.

While I am not taking sides in this debate, or in any means proclaiming a victor, this whole thing has spiraled completely out of hand. IC and OOCly line are starting to get blurred. It's unhealthy, and on a personal note, I'm tired of it. I'm not speaking for anyone else other than myself.

For example, any character would not know that Adam dropped off his Explo data at BO ports, frankly it's my OOCly supporting my friends. There are plenty other examples I might bring up, but you and I both know that there is no need to get into them.

Mainly, the "Banter" section of Inara's RP forums has become quite the spectacle from many using this site, which is not its purpose. There are now multiple numbers of posts in that forum than many of the other sections combine. The RP, if you might call it that, is now going completely in pointless circles.

If possible, I would no longer continue to reply to that thread or at least on the topic that has been prevalent for a few weeks now. I speak for a few others in terms of we want this to OOCly end as it's just creating unwanted RP and friction.

Please let me know if you have any other questions.


His response:

"Hi Apex

On whose behalf are you requesting?

BTW re. your dropping stuff off at BO stations - well - I took that as intercepted communications. I can't really be blamed if you are doing it OOC given its for a gameplay reason - you should probs take that up with your friends.

And also - probably also best if your buddies don't post while drunk


My following response:

"I'm requesting on the behalf of myself. It's becoming an eyesore on an RP Forum that should be used for something completely different than IC disagreements.

Additionally, "Intercepted Communications" is not good RP. There is no IC request or intent and is often considered as "God-Modding."

The following response from Daman:

"You asked Marra (which is an IC name) where she wants the data dumped. I don't know how that counts as OOC. But anyway - its a petty digression so sorry lets drop that.

When I was in these forums I was then told this type of IC stuff is appropriate in the Banter forum - which everyone else seems to concur with.

Now you are telling me you don't want to see it in the banter RP forum.

There are several other IC forums that I don't post on for RP settings .This is the only one I post on.

Its text states: "Anything you want to banter about. In-character..."

I don't know why a number of people totally unrelated to Omega got involved. But thats their business and if someone gives it out they can also take it back. I certainly have no problem with that

Look - am not meaning to be difficult. But I don't see your reasoning.

Maybe you have stronger reasons, but I am not understanding them up to now. Certainly I don't agree that its somehow breaking the rules of this forum or inappropriate.

If you believe others are taking it personally or are becoming personal - thats another issue and maybe you can just be straight with me."

Now, I'm not sure if I stepped out of line in posting these messages here, and will reap my own consequences if deemed necessary. Feel free to take these as you will as I will no longer be replying to any of the Banter RP posts on the related topic.
28 Sep 2017, 2:54am
Hi guys. Sorry I never looked in this section before
28 Sep 2017, 2:58am
Stryker AuneDaman, please be aware of what your character would know, and would not know.
He does not have privileged information into the inner workings of Black Omega, and therefore would have no insight into who is leading who, and if anyone left.

Also, be aware of what is spoken and discussed in the general chat room on the Discord, does not translate to RP happenings. The RP banter board is for role play. Please keep that in mind. Ask yourself, does your character know this information, or do you, before posting.

OK. Just saw this message.

Someone mentioned similar to this to me in PM maybe after you posted it here.

I actually treat the Wings in Inara as part of the universe for myself - for example you do not see any wing for Railroad.

The reason being its a covert org and therefore did not want to expose its structure to public viewing. I have mentioned this to BO members as well.

Likewise when I saw what happened with the BO wings issue - I sent a PM to your newly promoted guy congratulating him - though that was OOC.

Basically - it hasn't been clear cut for me in this way. I didn't ascribe any reasons to their leaving, as that would be wrong. But knowledge of it. Well - that would be like me having a railroad wing online here and expecting BO not to look up the commander names as we are meant to be covert, I would assume as a big group such rumours would be naturally a part of the RP setting as well.

Apologies if this is beyond your defined limits. I am really just RPing the game and not to the lengths and in the manner that you all seem to here, therefore I only use the Banter board and my logbook and dont try to get involved elsewhere in the RP settings.

Last edit: 28 Sep 2017, 4:03am
28 Sep 2017, 3:02am
Apex FirethornHey everyone, if I could have your attention for just a moment, I'd like to bring your attention to what has been going in the "Banter" section for the last few weeks. Without breaking down the entire "Banter RP" I'd probably explain my recent actions. As you might have guessed the RP in that particular forum has been more prevalent over most of the other RP posts in the RP section, not to mention most of the site. After a brief communication on Discord with a few others, I'd like to call your attention to a Private Message I sent to Daman in attempt to more-or-less bring this spectacle to an end...My intial post will be first, followed by his responses...

My Initial message:

"Hey Daman,

As much as this RP in "Banter" has been fun for probably most involved, I think it's time for it to come to an end.

While I am not taking sides in this debate, or in any means proclaiming a victor, this whole thing has spiraled completely out of hand. IC and OOCly line are starting to get blurred. It's unhealthy, and on a personal note, I'm tired of it. I'm not speaking for anyone else other than myself.

For example, any character would not know that Adam dropped off his Explo data at BO ports, frankly it's my OOCly supporting my friends. There are plenty other examples I might bring up, but you and I both know that there is no need to get into them.

Mainly, the "Banter" section of Inara's RP forums has become quite the spectacle from many using this site, which is not its purpose. There are now multiple numbers of posts in that forum than many of the other sections combine. The RP, if you might call it that, is now going completely in pointless circles.

If possible, I would no longer continue to reply to that thread or at least on the topic that has been prevalent for a few weeks now. I speak for a few others in terms of we want this to OOCly end as it's just creating unwanted RP and friction.

Please let me know if you have any other questions.


His response:

"Hi Apex

On whose behalf are you requesting?

BTW re. your dropping stuff off at BO stations - well - I took that as intercepted communications. I can't really be blamed if you are doing it OOC given its for a gameplay reason - you should probs take that up with your friends.

And also - probably also best if your buddies don't post while drunk


My following response:

"I'm requesting on the behalf of myself. It's becoming an eyesore on an RP Forum that should be used for something completely different than IC disagreements.

Additionally, "Intercepted Communications" is not good RP. There is no IC request or intent and is often considered as "God-Modding."

The following response from Daman:

"You asked Marra (which is an IC name) where she wants the data dumped. I don't know how that counts as OOC. But anyway - its a petty digression so sorry lets drop that.

When I was in these forums I was then told this type of IC stuff is appropriate in the Banter forum - which everyone else seems to concur with.

Now you are telling me you don't want to see it in the banter RP forum.

There are several other IC forums that I don't post on for RP settings .This is the only one I post on.

Its text states: "Anything you want to banter about. In-character..."

I don't know why a number of people totally unrelated to Omega got involved. But thats their business and if someone gives it out they can also take it back. I certainly have no problem with that

Look - am not meaning to be difficult. But I don't see your reasoning.

Maybe you have stronger reasons, but I am not understanding them up to now. Certainly I don't agree that its somehow breaking the rules of this forum or inappropriate.

If you believe others are taking it personally or are becoming personal - thats another issue and maybe you can just be straight with me."

Now, I'm not sure if I stepped out of line in posting these messages here, and will reap my own consequences if deemed necessary. Feel free to take these as you will as I will no longer be replying to any of the Banter RP posts on the related topic.

Buddy - its really not polite to take our PMs into public. Though its all good
28 Sep 2017, 4:10am
Stryker AuneDaman, please be aware of what your character would know, and would not know.
He does not have privileged information into the inner workings of Black Omega, and therefore would have no insight into who is leading who, and if anyone left.

Also, be aware of what is spoken and discussed in the general chat room on the Discord, does not translate to RP happenings. The RP banter board is for role play. Please keep that in mind. Ask yourself, does your character know this information, or do you, before posting.

OK. Just saw this message.

Someone mentioned similar to this to me in PM maybe after you posted it here.

I actually treat the Wings in Inara as part of the universe for myself - for example you do not see any wing for Railroad.

The reason being its a covert org and therefore did not want to expose its structure to public viewing. I have mentioned this to BO members as well.

Likewise when I saw what happened with the BO wings issue - I sent a PM to your newly promoted guy congratulating him - though that was OOC.

Basically - it hasn't been clear cut for me in this way. I didn't ascribe any reasons to their leaving, as that would be wrong. But knowledge of it. Well - that would be like me having a railroad wing online here and expecting BO not to look up the commander names as we are meant to be covert, I would assume as a big group such rumours would be naturally a part of the RP setting as well.

Apologies if this is beyond your defined limits. I am really just RPing the game and not to the lengths and in the manner that you all seem to here, therefore I only use the Banter board and my logbook and dont try to get involved elsewhere in the RP settings.

I actually treat the Wings in Inara as part of the universe for myself [...]

Meta-gaming is never okay when regarding RP.

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