Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

23 Jun 2020, 9:03pm
That moment of fear and anguish when you logout to create some RP alts...realise you have forgotten your password, and then the reset email won't come though....
Thanks god I have my password saved to auto login on my phone XD had to use my phone to login, autofill the password to change it to one I can remember so I could log back in
23 Jun 2020, 9:35pm
DJ VoidI mean i wasn't gonna shoot you though


on another hand though what happened to Ender? he flew in and out of the station but is he comin back? lol

I have been waiting for Viscera to respond on radio. I could potentially post another update myself, but it'll basically be Ender many km outside the station being paranoid of what happened as no response arrive. I'll see what I can do with it maybe tomorrow if no response.
24 Jun 2020, 7:33am
Haha...i am at this time clearly making my way out of the docks, before i find my next secured/untraceable channel of communication... I seem to of blown my last one up ????

I am sure it wont be too long though...

I may make a walk through cameo role somewhere on my way out if i see the chance at the right moment of time...

As to Ender in the ship with the mystery cargo... He may chose to act spontaneously, that would be in his nature i feel, though i could not say for sure.

Last edit: 24 Jun 2020, 7:40am
24 Jun 2020, 7:51pm
To pick up that discussion about the Remlock suits from earlier: I think I finally found a picture of how I imagine the Remlok suit Amata here is currently wearing looks like (but in white):

24 Jun 2020, 10:20pm
I cant think of how to place myself so im gonna lurk for a bit till something happens
25 Jun 2020, 4:46pm
Amata LireinTo pick up that discussion about the Remlock suits from earlier: I think I finally found a picture of how I imagine the Remlok suit Amata here is currently wearing looks like (but in white):


A significant improvement over the Space Bikini!
26 Jun 2020, 6:11pm
Might Dwarf-Tossing be an activity in certain bars?
26 Jun 2020, 6:53pm
Out of curiosity: What kind of player are you?

26 Jun 2020, 7:07pm
Ah, so it appears that I'm a LVL 1 Assassin Noob.

I'm okay with this.
26 Jun 2020, 7:10pm
That level-thing in that strip is due to the story of the main comics this strip is based on. Lisa is the new player to that group and just getting started.

And no, the two comics are not gaming-related
26 Jun 2020, 7:24pm
I get sidetracked so much in games with story/lore or just plain old dicking around and that usually results in me never leveling up or moving through it at a pace that's proportionate to the time I actually spend in them.

26 Jun 2020, 7:34pm
I don't know & can't tell; I can't expand the pic to show the detail enough.
26 Jun 2020, 7:38pm
Synthya WylderI don't know & can't tell; I can't expand the pic to show the detail enough.

I had to open the image in a new tab and zoom in to see it. Might help ya.
26 Jun 2020, 7:38pm
Synthya WylderI don't know & can't tell; I can't expand the pic to show the detail enough.

Have you tried (on PC) to use CTRL+Scrollwheel on your mouse? This will zoom text in and out, and you can use it to enlarge text and pictures.
26 Jun 2020, 8:12pm
Maul, thanks, that helped.

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