Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

26 Nov 2017, 11:44am
Greybeard LXIHow closely should we respect the universe when engaging in the role play discuss threads?

I'm about 200 LY from Inara system and heading to the actual Citi Gateway station would not be in character for me. Is it appropriate to drop in without actually landing at the station?

Basically what Matt said.

If you wish to visit Inara in game, excellent. We welcome you and hope you appreciate what Inara Nexus has done with the place. However, if you just want to participate in the RP here, you may do so from the safety of any other system in game you choose.

For example, right now Luke (my character) is in the InGaBa in conversation with others. However, the in-game Luke is currently in Coma running passenger missions.
26 Nov 2017, 7:26pm
I'd advise visiting the places in your RP at least once just to get a feel for the place.
26 Nov 2017, 8:25pm
Thank you all for the responses. It sounds like the discuss threads are where ever I need them for my RP.

My RP requires Greybeard to do pretty much what I say in my log. So if the log says he took a named CEO on a sight seeing trip, he really did it in game.

I'm about ready to settle down and start building Greybeard's fleet, but am not sure how I can make an interesting story about it. I'll have to check out Jemine's older logs to see how she did it.

I have read the RP guidelines. Barging into ongoing RP wouldn't be my RP. It just wouldn't work. Greybeard is too close to my personality to allow that.

If I see an opportunity to progress my RP while supporting other RP I'll jump in. I suspect that my RP may need to advance before that happens. If so, oh well.

Note: I am the guy behind the keyboard. Greybeard is the guy that knows how to fly space ships. Or maybe I'm real confused.
26 Nov 2017, 8:35pm
The things we do in the game are pretty familiar to all of us; taking CEOs here and there, RESing some bounties, robbing a T6, etc - and to be fair, they don't make for particularly exciting stories.

What makes a story (for me, anyway) are the characters and personalities that drive it. Focus on those, rather than the hum-drum I did some missions and you'll have something much more enjoyable to share
26 Nov 2017, 8:39pm
Marra MorganThe things we do in the game are pretty familiar to all of us; taking CEOs here and there, RESing some bounties, robbing a T6, etc - and to be fair, they don't make for particularly exciting stories.

What makes a story (for me, anyway) are the characters and personalities that drive it. Focus on those, rather than the hum-drum I did some missions and you'll have something much more enjoyable to share

26 Nov 2017, 9:11pm

I often find that, if an in-game activity needs to be spoken about, it's worth adding some flavour to it. Give a reason for it, and add some flair around what happened. If an NPC attacks your passenger ship, tell us you met with the passenger and found him worth saving.

Am example of my own is in my Logbook entry "Saying Hello to Darkness" where Luke found himself in Sgr A*. In RP he went there as the result of grief, loss and feeling the need to escape. Without spoiling too much, I really did crash my Beluga into a planet and I factored that into the story thanks to some RP input from Stryker.

The real reason for going to Sgr A* was for a Buckyball Run, which also features slightly within the story. But writing about it in that manner, as Marra said, would've been a fairly tedious read.
29 Nov 2017, 9:17pm
Posted this in the wrong forum.

I'm writing a kind of, 'action' scene in my newest Thing. I'm wondering what sort of rules there are governing this stuff? Like, how detailed can we get in terms of injuries? Should it be glossed over like in kung fu films were injuries are implied, or can we go full 'Torture Porn' so to speak (like in Saw for example).

I'm probably going to leave it somewhere in the middle, provided it's not above the established limit.

Thanks guys!! o7 x
29 Nov 2017, 9:34pm
To whom it may concern:

I'm fed up with certain people being unable to part between RL and RP ongoings and can't let go of the past. Hence why further posts from me won't be seen until Artie finally has implemented the Ignore feature.

That'll be all.
29 Nov 2017, 9:41pm
Ryan, Lukes response is completely in character.

If there's an issue with it, please feel free to PM me and we can discuss it further. As far as I can tell, the only one having trouble seperating RP and RL is you, but I'm open to discussion if you feel otherwise.
29 Nov 2017, 9:50pm
I'm sorry, what? You come into RP, your "character" does nothing but berate everyone and throw out arrogant remarks, and you're getting mad because they're responding (in character) accordingly as people would? Learn to take what you dish, or don't dish it.

On the plus side: good to see Olive Grove taking off.

Last edit: 29 Nov 2017, 9:57pm
29 Nov 2017, 10:13pm
Right? The party is arriving.
29 Nov 2017, 10:13pm
Ryan MurdocTo whom it may concern:

I'm fed up with certain people being unable to part between RL and RP ongoings and can't let go of the past. Hence why further posts from me won't be seen until Artie finally has implemented the Ignore feature.

That'll be all.

The only person I see that has trouble discerning between RL and RP is you Mr. Murdoc.

Last edit: 29 Nov 2017, 10:34pm
29 Nov 2017, 10:57pm
It’s a step up from passive aggressive poetry, I suppose.

That said, when you make posts that seem to only put down others and promote your somewhat inflated view of yourself, what do you honestly expect to happen?
29 Nov 2017, 11:36pm
In case anyone is curious, Suki's Japanese dialogue ("Sore wa koko de totsuzen hijō ni isogashīdesu") translates to "It's suddenly very busy in here."
29 Nov 2017, 11:43pm
You saved me a Google!

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