Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

16 Jun 2018, 3:23pm
Jeff JamesonHow does one enter an RP thread?

Before you do, first check out the etiquette guidelines in the RP pages. They're full of useful advice for anyone wanting to participate in Roleplay. After that, it's simply a case of choosing your preferred location and getting stuck in.

Don't worry if things don't quite work out the way you hope first time; it's perfectly fine to back out of an RP. If you're not sure of what to do next, ask for help on the OOC Roleplay forum

Also, (and this is perhaps too obvious to mention, but does get overlooked from time to time) please don't take remarks made by others in RP personally. They're in character too!

Above all, have fun!
16 Jun 2018, 6:40pm
Jemine Caesar
Jeff JamesonHow does one enter an RP thread?

Before you do, first check out the etiquette guidelines in the RP pages. They're full of useful advice for anyone wanting to participate in Roleplay. After that, it's simply a case of choosing your preferred location and getting stuck in.

Don't worry if things don't quite work out the way you hope first time; it's perfectly fine to back out of an RP. If you're not sure of what to do next, ask for help on the OOC Roleplay forum

Also, (and this is perhaps too obvious to mention, but does get overlooked from time to time) please don't take remarks made by others in RP personally. They're in character too!

Above all, have fun!

Thanks! I'm probably going to go to the docks. Jeff is a bit of a "petrolhead", for lack of a better term.
16 Jun 2018, 9:10pm
PhelboreSo... Is EvilCreamsicle in the bar or 14,000 ly away with Gman?

Eh.. in the docks at the moment. Sorry I screwed up the continuity there. New to Inara ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Guess I figured it was two separate stories not one huge intertwined RP
17 Jun 2018, 6:16am
Jeff JamesonHow does one enter an RP thread?

With style, grace and poise.

(One day I will take my own advice )
11 Aug 2018, 9:51pm
When people write their bio's, and are talking about where they are from, does this always have to come from some canon/lore, or are people just picking places they see that are habitable or have stations and then checking it isn't affecting anything lore wise (on google)? I want to 'keep it real' and I am interested in the lore, but I pick it up here and there as I go, so didn't really want to read a ton of stuff just to pick where I am from, but equally I don't want to mess up the lore/my bio -if you know what I mean?

Any advice welcome!
11 Aug 2018, 10:36pm
Honestly, I just picked a place and went "that place will do" originally. Where your character is born is going to have little to no effect on lore anyway.
11 Aug 2018, 11:04pm
BolasieWhen people write their bio's, and are talking about where they are from, does this always have to come from some canon/lore, or are people just picking places they see that are habitable or have stations and then checking it isn't affecting anything lore wise (on google)? I want to 'keep it real' and I am interested in the lore, but I pick it up here and there as I go, so didn't really want to read a ton of stuff just to pick where I am from, but equally I don't want to mess up the lore/my bio -if you know what I mean?

Any advice welcome!

I picked a system I liked, and added a earth like world. Don't think anyone is going to look that closely. And if they did, awesome.
12 Aug 2018, 4:41pm
I wanted to try some creative writing so I plotted out a story. Then I found two systems to start in, wrote down the station, contacts from mission boards and the faction names. I started writing my logs and kept everything below the level of lore. Growing up on a station all I needed was the names of factions and I could fill in all the other blanks.

Then I cleared my save and role played the story out, writing logs as I went. When I got to the end of the first story arc I realized I had not put in enough hooks to let the story flow. I was also spending more time writing than playing so left the story there. It's at a point where you can add the "And he lived happily ever after" to the end of it.
12 Aug 2018, 5:23pm
When I wrote my bio I decided that my character was to have been born on an Earthlike world. My starting point ingame was LHS 3447, as it is with many other players. LHS 3447 has an Earthlike (A5), so I just made that my birthplace.

Over time I've included several references to named locations on A5 as well as on a number of other planets, but I made them all up. None of them are lore specific, but they add some flavour and depth to the story.
13 Aug 2018, 4:48am
I chose the ELW T'sin Gu 1 as my character's birthplace. I doubt that the locals would call it that, so I took the liberty of giving it the unofficial name of New Cambria.

It forms an integral and very important piece in her story, as you're about to find out
13 Aug 2018, 6:15am
Now that you mention it, it surprises me that worlds that are arguably core to the lore (e.g. Cubeo 3, Kamadhenu 1, etc) aren't given proper names, given them being the capital worlds for their respective power play entites.
13 Aug 2018, 5:41pm
I suppose a game constraint, that you would run out of names very fast - we (humans) name every lump bigger than a car in the solar system, and that would be true for every system - only so many names to go around. That happens for real (my friend from Birmingham is certainly not from Alabama). Thats even before you get to the likes of 'New York' (or for that matter 'Carthago Nova' which proves it has always gone on and is not just a modern or colonial thing)

Whilst that's fun in an Atlas, in game it would be a mess, and to give everything its own name would create some ridiculous names. I do agree that the major ELW in big civilised systems ought really to have proper names

And thanks for all the advice everyone
14 Aug 2018, 9:39pm
Marra MorganaI chose the ELW T'sin Gu 1 as my character's birthplace. I doubt that the locals would call it that, so I took the liberty of giving it the unofficial name of New Cambria.

It forms an integral and very important piece in her story, as you're about to find out

Your truly fantastic work is what inspired me to do this. I doubt I could say much more than has already been said other them a simple 'thank you'

Enjoyable, exciting, well written - If my eventual Bio/Post is 5% of yours I will be satisfied.

It must have been said before, but i will do it again... BRAVO and well done
15 Aug 2018, 4:49am
Your truly fantastic work is what inspired me to do this. I doubt I could say much more than has already been said other them a simple 'thank you'

Enjoyable, exciting, well written - If my eventual Bio/Post is 5% of yours I will be satisfied.

It must have been said before, but i will do it again... BRAVO and well done

Thank you Bolasie

Although, I cannot possibly take the credit single-handedly here - I am part of a collaborative writing team with Matt Lehman and Jem Caesar. Matt is the primary writer in this arc, guided and proof-read by myself and Jem (imagine Misery with two Annie Wilkes)

On behalf of we three; thank you for your kind words - to know that you're enjoying our work is a huge inspiration to us!
24 Aug 2018, 5:02pm

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