Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

10 Feb 2018, 11:56pm
In RL most people who see someone walking down the street muttering about how the government is after them will go to pains to avoid interaction. The best case scenario is they're crazy, worst case is they're right and most people don't want to get involved in either of those messes.  You might consider a more subtle hook to get people to interact.
11 Feb 2018, 1:10pm
Also, the Empire and Federation will not exchange intelligence for any reason. Except for maybe the Thargoids.

Maybe even then.
14 Feb 2018, 4:23am
John Mathurin (Xeknos)Also, the Empire and Federation will not exchange intelligence for any reason. Except for maybe the Thargoids.

Maybe even then.

No, that they won't. At least not on a large scale. Private individuals or even small law offices may share some on known criminals if it serves a mutually beneficial outcome.
17 Feb 2018, 10:34pm
Comments on Raxxla were born from a discussion on the AEDC's Discord, where a lively discussion about Raxxla was taking place, and I said, "I still think Raxxla is make believe, like Santa, the Easter Bunny, and Slash. Also, sorry if any of those were revelations to anyone :\"

This was of course sandwiched between posts about hugging Thargoids, remaking the galaxy in the image of Fat Eddie, and some truly dank cat memes.
17 Feb 2018, 10:37pm
Hahahaha. Slash is real. You can't fool me!
17 Feb 2018, 10:45pm
You...you didn't know Slash isn't real? Hahahahahahaha......
17 Feb 2018, 11:27pm
If you want to know my characters story just click on my name and go to log books

Last edit: 18 Feb 2018, 12:19am
17 Feb 2018, 11:30pm
Connor Jeska "Kurama10"(Not in Roleplay) If you want to know my characters story just click on my name and go to log books

That's what this board is for!
18 Feb 2018, 12:18am
yeah just realized LoL

Ok I moved my post to the correct channel

Last edit: 18 Feb 2018, 12:26am
24 Feb 2018, 11:39am
May seem random at this point as I'm commenting on a two year old post, but...
There was a point where there was speculation about the FSD having gravity altering properties.  That seems like a stretch.  

The argument was made that the ships have artificial gravity.  I have never seen any evidence of this, the pilot is strapped in, the bobble heads can simply be rigid enough to simulate being in gravity, and I still refuse to believe that the federal assault ship has two coffee makers.

Another argument was given that in order for the pilot to survive the massive G strain of hyperspace acceleration, there must be an artificial gravity system for counteracting G-forces.
I don't buy into this theory either, it is entirely possible to redout from Gstrain in game and the bobble heads moving at all argue against G force nullifiers.  I imagine there's a physics  isolation zone in the form of a warp bubble that saves us from g force death in hyperspace.

Tldr, I'm on team "Artificial Gravity isn't canon"
24 Feb 2018, 1:00pm
Was this post perhaps intended for the lore discussion page?

Either way, I think it's been established somewhere that FSDs don't work by accelerating the ship from zero to multiple times the speed of light. Instead they wrap the ship in a kind of bubble and space moves around it. As a result, in the ship, acceleration is close to zero. This is probably what is meant by the 'Gravity Altering Properties' that you mentioned.
24 Feb 2018, 1:18pm
Nope. Page 13ish of this board, a post that probably predates the lore board. I am going through the backlog because I'm thorough about my homework, and quite possibly insane.
24 Feb 2018, 1:51pm
Ah well, in that case just be wary of which topics you choose to revive. Some may carry old wounds best left forgotten. =)
24 Feb 2018, 2:09pm
Ominous. Tread not upon the graves of the lore-defiling anime catgirls.

And with that I go back to the realm of the lurker.
24 Feb 2018, 4:25pm
Luke's a catgirl? That explains why there's always fur in the HQ!

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