Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

04 Mar 2018, 6:03pm

Speaking of, I need to update mine...

Oh gross! Same here! :/
04 Mar 2018, 6:58pm
Alysia IversonI've been interested in role playing in ED, just that I don't know much about the lore or even where to start on building up a character bio for my character.

Best place to start, for me is to fill this out

Age: (DOB)
Body type:
Place of origin:

Then move into a physical discriptions.

From there, go into what makes this person tick? What do they like, dislike. What motivates them to do what they do. Give a bit of psychology

Then go into a backstory. How did they get to where they are now? Who influenced them and why. Etc.

Think of your personal story. And use that as a guide to create one for your character.
05 Mar 2018, 12:18am
I've taken to writing in-character style bios as if someone sat down with them and asked "so, tell me about yourself?"

I don't know why, I just find that format fun to write.
05 Mar 2018, 1:32pm
its out of the current subject but i just refined 500 ore so all i need is 10 painit and i have 8 out of 10
05 Mar 2018, 1:56pm
Connor Jeska "Kurama10"its out of the current subject but i just refined 500 ore so all i need is 10 painit and i have 8 out of 10

You're right - General / game talk is the place you want to be!
05 Mar 2018, 1:56pm
Connor Jeska "Kurama10"its out of the current subject but i just refined 500 ore so all i need is 10 painit and i have 8 out of 10

Well done, but you're quite correct; it is out of the current subject. Perhaps the General/Game Talk might be a better option?
08 Mar 2018, 7:34pm
Hi all. I have a unique problem that maybe you can help me with.

I'm about to write a new log. It will include a new wing member joining me that is from the UK. He has a heavy accent. Even though I myself was born in England, I moved to the US when I was two. I can't picture what it sounds like in my head so I'm having a hard time writing it.

Anyone care to help or know where I can go to figure it out myself?


08 Mar 2018, 8:01pm
If you mean how should you go about writing the dialogue to make it read like he speaks, then I'd say do it in moderation. Trying to replicate the sounds of dialects and accents can end up making the dialogue very hard for the reader to decipher. So much so, in fact, that they may give up altogether.

A hint at the accent is usually sufficient, with some key words or phrases thrown in to give flavour.

You might like to check out this excellent guide:

What accent does your friend have?

Last edit: 08 Mar 2018, 8:18pm
08 Mar 2018, 9:53pm
I want to say Cockney, but I'm not sure. I just know it's not the Queen's English and it's definitely not the slang us Yankees call English.

Thanks for the guide; it looks to be very helpful from my initial scan.

08 Mar 2018, 11:30pm
To be honest, I don't think that you need to focus on getting a specific 21st-century accent just right. Keep in mind that 1300 years is a long, long time for language to evolve, and so even an approximation of what you're thinking will probably do. If you insist on having a character speak with a replicated contemporary accent, it's usually best to disguise it a bit. For example, Marra Morgan's character doesn't have a Welsh accent- she has a New Cambrian accent. Kat von Steuben doesn't have a German accent- she has a Teutonic accent. Apollonia Purduto doesn't have a French accent- she has a Gallic accent.

The nations of today will likely not exist in any meaningful sense in the Elite universe, so it breaks your narrative just a bit to mention them. The cultures, however, still remain- and you can reference them at will!

Last edit: 08 Mar 2018, 11:36pm
09 Mar 2018, 1:16am
Ok, that makes sense. I'll try that. I'll make up an accent based on Ms Caesar's guide and allude to Merry ole England and see how that goes.

Thanks again guys and gals,

09 Mar 2018, 1:37am
If you are struggling, you can always leave the accent to the readers imagination. So long as you keep things consistent, there should be no issues. I myself have trouble describing Illeana's accent. I know how it sounds in my head, and it is as clear as day to me, but since I can't clearly describe it without risking confusing the reader, I decided to leave it.

To add on to what Matt said about cultures becoming extinct, Illeana speaks the occasional bit of Greek. But it's never explicitly stated she is of Greek descent, nor does she speak it fluently. Rather it's a language that has blended with English (which, to be fair, would likely have changed itself over the course of 1300 years) and so is now just another part of her native language. Kinda like how someone who is naturally bi-lingual might accidentally swap between two seperate languages without thinking about it.

As a side note, if you are using foreign or obscure words (slang or otherwise), try to use them in a very clear context so the reader doesn't have to do a google search to see what is meant. Although there are exceptions where not doing so can be appropriate.
13 Mar 2018, 11:29am
Is it just me or is it weird that we haven't figured out how to build plotting computers that calculate jumps halfway to stars as long as there's enough fuel for both jumps.?
13 Mar 2018, 12:12pm
Mind you that our FSD technology is a by product of reversed engineered Thargoid drive technology from INRA yes the same people who made the Mycoid Virus which with our current understanding of FSD technology we can't make a jump in between 2 stars only Thargoids can do that cause they've been here for millions of years (See Professor Ram Tal for guardian Research files on the Newer Guardian Sites) so They have a better understanding of Witch Space
13 Mar 2018, 12:18pm
In my mind the reason for it is that we need a large gravitational force to pull us from Witchspace. While binary systems like Alpha Centauri do have multiple sources of thus gravity, one source is higher than the rest in the system and so it is that one we use for the exit.

It's neither elegant nor backed up by lore, but it's at least logical I guess.

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