Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

19 Mar 2018, 12:23am
It's not weird at all. FSD targets the strongest gravity source in a system, which is usually the main star.
22 Mar 2018, 7:19am
Yes, I understand that but wouldn't there be a way where you could lock on to an object try to warp to it and then drop out before you got there due to to fsd malfunction or lack of Ly range capacity or do you guys think the ship would he ripped apart?
22 Mar 2018, 12:52pm
FSDs work like they do for one reason... Sure, it'd probably be possible to drop out at any object, but that'd kill gameplay. Most of the game is spent travelling between stars and planets, dangerous space filled with pirates, bounty hunters and cops. Remove that and the game becomes a takeoff and landing simulator.
22 Mar 2018, 1:52pm
Perhaps we could. But our understanding of how Witchspace works is sorely limited. I don't think the ship would be ripped apart, as evidenced by the Thargoid Hyperdictions, however I think our calculations would need a lot of refining. It's not like there are landmarks in Witchspace to follow, so we can't exactly say "Take a left at the third glowy bit" and hope for the best after all.

No doubt, in lore, there are countless scientists attempting to refine Witchspace travel, but for now we are stuck with travelling to the Primary Star only.

Of course, from an out of game perspective, there are a few groups who built themselves around the currents travel system. They pride themselves on enjoying the lengthy supercruise times and is, in fact, an enjoyable experience for them. One such group is the Hutton Orbital Truckers who formed themselves around the Outpost in Alpha Centauri. I suspect large groups like that will be disappointed with a change that nerfs the SC aspect of system travel. So don't hold your breath for a change any time soon.
22 Mar 2018, 2:21pm
If I've read correctly, the mega ships, military capital ships, etc. are capable of making those precise jumps, rather than relying on large bodies of mass to lock onto. I'm no physicist, but my theory is that witch space works similarly to the concept of an Einstein-Rosen bridge, where you are travelling "outside" of physical space. To try and cut the route half way would be like trying to leave a tunnel half-way to its exit.

My guess is the Thargoid's advanced understanding of witch space allows them to "burrow" through your ship's tunnel mid-transition.
25 Mar 2018, 3:59pm
Is there any voice server people use to chit-chat about in-game routines, the galnet and game lore-related stuff, that doesn't necessarely require IC third-person actions as seen in the RP channels?
... Or am I the only weirdo that would enjoy doing that?
25 Mar 2018, 10:37pm
I found one, but you're required to be interviewed before they let you into the voice RP section. Obsidian Ant promoted it as the Elite Dangerous Roleplay server. I'd give it a miss personally.
25 Mar 2018, 11:55pm
LordPsymonI found one, but you're required to be interviewed before they let you into the voice RP section. Obsidian Ant promoted it as the Elite Dangerous Roleplay server. I'd give it a miss personally.

If it's the one I'm thinking of, it's pretty restrictive and rulesy. It's also confined to I think five systems for the actual RP experience, too.
26 Mar 2018, 12:36am
I tried it yesterday and I gotta agree: For its name, their universe is too unidirectional and concentrated in a tiny portion of the bubble. They got a very specific (and big) ruleset for a very specific way to rolepay; that's too restrictive for what Im looking.
26 Mar 2018, 1:07am
Yeah, can't say I was a fan either.
26 Mar 2018, 3:00am
It's basically just so the streamer who created it can pretend to be a cop and interdict people for her channel content. Best to avoid.
26 Mar 2018, 3:07am
John Mathurin (Xeknos)It's basically just so the streamer who created it can pretend to be a cop and interdict people for her channel content. Best to avoid.

26 Mar 2018, 9:42pm
Phisto Sobanii
John Mathurin (Xeknos)It's basically just so the streamer who created it can pretend to be a cop and interdict people for her channel content. Best to avoid.


I think I have a pretty good idea what you're planning, and I approve.
04 Apr 2018, 10:51am

I could RP as a crime... inal... A criminal.
11 Apr 2018, 5:02am
I am still in the process of reading through the backlog (by choice, not by any perceived obligation). I am on the fence about how I should proceed when I finally do join the role-playing.

I'm not sure I particularly care for this style. All my previous RP experience was done in game or via a forum based MUD where the RP was very much designed to operate as a game.
Posts were short and concise, designed to maintain a steady flow at as close to the rate of natural conversation as possible. Word walling and slow typing were discouraged.
All posts were done in strict third person limited perspective... the perspective of the viewer, the other players. Players can't read minds, so emoting thoughts and feelings was frowned upon.
The focus was player interactions, so extended conversations with NPCs in the company of players was seen as odd.

Inara seems to run their RP system more like a collaborative novel, which I have little problem with, but I now have to decide to either conform, or be the one guy no one can see inside the head of.

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