Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

08 Jul 2019, 4:53pm
Ronald EvansHello! I'm new to INARA and decently experienced with Elite: Dangerous on XBox and I'm playing more on PC but I was wondering if I wanted to Roleplay with a group in game what the first step would be? Thank you all and good hunting! o7

A good place to start would be to choose one of the location threads (the bar or the docks for example) and read back a few pages. Get an idea for what is going on in others' narratives, and try to see if there is an opening to naturally cross paths with one of those characters without disrupting their existing story arcs.

Or, you could start a story of your own and leave it open-ended for someone to interact with you.

Just try not to manipulate someone's existing arc too much, and try not to speak for anyone else's character if it's avoidable, and you should be good to go.

If you want some dialogue practice first, the 'Banter' thread is just 'in character conversation' with no specific location or actions occurring.

Each location thread has some general and inara-specific etiquette write-ups in the header that you should check out as well.
24 Aug 2019, 4:28am
To those in the bar, I'll just point out that the Inara Galactic Bar is bang-smack in Neutral territory. They have no Fed or Imperial bias, as long as the person is paying for drinks. Also try lay off the quoting, people can figure out what you're replying to with context.
29 Aug 2019, 5:49am
Hmmm, Personally I would prefer more roleplay between actual commanders than novels. Thoughts?
29 Aug 2019, 6:12am
God damn it, I had a novel for this...
30 Aug 2019, 12:40am
Alrighty, no more unnecessary quoting. Thanks for the heads up.

Regarding the politic stuff, I just introduced it as part of my character. He's supposed to be kind of clueless and awestruck about interstellar traveling and power dynamics. He's a simple farm boy suddenly swimming with the big fishes. Not actually the way I think... but if it bother someone, I have no qualm in changing the subject. I was just trying to spice things up a bit, nothing more.
30 Aug 2019, 7:38am
RenraikuHmmm, Personally I would prefer more roleplay between actual commanders than novels. Thoughts?

Preferably, yes. Difficult to do 'right', that is to say, with depth or fine writing.

I have a rather extensive past with this in a RPG setting and found that quality roleplay worked for those who knew each other's characters well. That tones down the 'look at me, I am cool' description parts and makes room for interactions, driven by common interest in all the character's development and the exploration of a joint story arc. Once I know your character, I can anticipate response and you learned to trust me with it. This makes it possible, e.g., to summarize over a conversation including close personal views - driving the play and the role.

Here, at INARA, we have a setting that allows to meet. But walking in another characters shoes is frowned upon (and for good reason), the other characters are unknowns in the sense that we do not know what another writer is after, so... none of the writing I described above.

Of course, it can develop and of course, there are exceptions, and of course, some established such bonds.

But, generally: Walking in the Galactic Bar is like walking in any bar. Lots (or few) of interesting and lots (or few) of boring people.
Strangers all. Most likely, one will not engage in a conversation. Instead, maybe, do it in one's head.
Which is the equivalent to writing the novel, to come back to your point.

So, I am not surprised to see the novels. Started to write my logs around such narratives.
But here? Maybe, if I am in any position to offer advise, picking up a locations mood works just as EvilCreamsicle works, but if there is someone whose style and ideas appeal, get in touch per PM to find the mutual interest.

Sending strong signals of 'roleplay welcome' helps some, too.
Well, sometimes. Not, if inner monologues makes reception impossible. See above - and the real world bar comparison holds as well.

Thoughts and experiences to share?
30 Aug 2019, 11:34am
When you say "Novels", what do you mean, exactly?
30 Aug 2019, 5:30pm
Mark WahlblargWhen you say "Novels", what do you mean, exactly?

Well I see Roleplay in this setting in the RP threads as more like short posts too and fro, a conversation between Commanders and possibly crew. taking time to respond to each other, evolving a story around the events portrayed by all involved.

A novel is more like one Commander writing multiple characters and bantering between them in a long single post therefore not allowing other Commanders to interact with the conversation. I understand setting the scene is important, however not at the expense of the flow of conversation. I see these novels as being better placed in logbooks.

Obviously this is only my opinion.

Mike Probably Preferably, yes. Difficult to do 'right', that is to say, with depth or fine writing.

I do not believe this is difficult, It takes effort and cooperation. PM's are useful for setting boundaries, discussing direction, setting and goals.

Thank you for your views I appreciate your candour.
30 Aug 2019, 7:37pm
Exactly what Ren said.

If one wishes to tell their own story, I would highly recommend posting to the Logbook (AKA Stories, or "Things"). I have found that more people enjoy reading longer posts in the Logbooks, rather than Role Playing. To the length of an RP post, I generally keep my posts to a two or three paragraph length.

Remember, when in doubt, read the expandable rules section found in Roleplay: The galactic bar and the other Role Play boards.

Have fun!
31 Aug 2019, 11:39am
Well, gentlemen, that makes three of us with very similar views on the delta between role-playing and 'novelling'.

The beauty of Inara is that both have their place. To that, my thanks for Jubei's recommendation to use the logs for telling the non-interactive stories, as it confirmed my view and approach, and may well serve as a reminder or pointer here.


Mike Probably Preferably, yes. Difficult to do 'right', that is to say, with depth or fine writing.

I do not believe this is difficult, It takes effort and cooperation.

Well, yes. Issue of wording here - I believe us to be on the same page and certainly did not refer to a difficulty that, e.g., would require stronger writing skills (whatever those might be).

I would, however, add that it also requires the openness to another's view on the own character, to leave the own skull-sized kingdom, to have a mirror made out of other's reactions held in one's face. That is not always a given, not for all or not at all times. But maybe, more often than not, most rewarding for those who cherish to explore a role.

In that sense, I echo Jubei: Have fun!
And don't let this be, like Mud Flow sings,
Just another party where the people dance alone
(while) Everybody's trying to have some fun.
31 Aug 2019, 9:54pm
It's also important to remember not to listen to critics too much. Sometimes people would rather critique than create. If you want to post, then post and do it shamelessly.

Nothing looks sadder than an empty, but well manicured board.

One solution to the longer RP thread is to link it to your personal logs. Here is an example
01 Sep 2019, 2:04am
So far as this discussion involves me, ours is a story that's been going on a while, and it involves I think 5 different writers who at this point are comfortable, as someone put it 'summarizing' conversations. Saves time and effort and allows the writing to flow better.

Sorry if you haven't enjoyed reading the story so far, but I suppose you also don't have to. If you prefer a different style, the board is big enough for everyone.
02 Sep 2019, 2:13am
No one is criticising any of the posts for their validity or content. I personally was simply attempting to draw attention to the options available.
03 Sep 2019, 3:30pm
I should also clarify that the longer story-type narratives we've been posting don't mean we're not open to interaction from others.
04 Sep 2019, 4:33pm
Since you and your friends are comfortable with writing long passages over long periods of time, why not collaborate on a novella?

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