Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

05 Jul 2024, 2:04am
Define "a kind of a party"...
05 Jul 2024, 2:10am
And that's the whole point: I can't! This might be an utter mess with highly unpredictable anything, and also this might be a piece of boring crap. Schrödinger's Party. Until the day comes, nobody's able to tell what this might be. But something has to happen, I'm sure.
05 Jul 2024, 2:21am
Bumps might happen. Especially if the right people get drunk. The problem is, that party might not exist once you open the box. You also have to hope there isn't a cat inside. An unalived cat, anyway, because you don't know if it is or isn't alive until you take a look.
05 Jul 2024, 8:17am
(Meow)ers...Schrödinger's (cat)...I sense a theme forming here.
05 Jul 2024, 4:37pm
You just had to, didn't you
05 Jul 2024, 5:00pm
What are you talking about? :p
05 Jul 2024, 8:05pm
Nooooo I didn't see it before it was removed! D:

If it was that bad, you better PM me and fill me in
05 Jul 2024, 8:12pm
05 Jul 2024, 8:16pm
Ah, gotcha! I'm glad you popped in there with that. Gave me a good chuckle
05 Jul 2024, 8:35pm
Can't say I was planning to provide for that kind of material to appear in the forum, but I can't say it's something to complain about...

... but are you really writing those kinds of things into the system chat during the active Titan assault phase?
05 Jul 2024, 8:36pm
Yes, I do. And this is fun. :p

Sometime this happens, lol. 2:57, right before the cut.
05 Jul 2024, 8:46pm
Well, I guess I might see some of that if I get a reason to poke the corn cob/pineapple of one of the other three Titans, then.

And probably with shard cannons since Ram Tah's magic anti anti-Guardian field immunity now no longer comes with a damage reduction (whether they're better than AX missiles is to be determined, but, well, other people will do the maths - and, even though the basic Guardian guns other than gauss are downright terrible in most other circumstances, shooting a big stationary target is not going to be an issue for them). I guess Frontier finally decided that we've suffered long enough with that. Or from that.

(Now if I could turn my modified shards immune to those pesky Glaives ...)
05 Jul 2024, 8:47pm
"Boom goes the giant crapper"
06 Jul 2024, 5:51pm
MeowersYes, I do. And this is fun. :p

I had to squint at the text window to even notice the bit in question. No thanks to the editing of that person's video.

Indra definitely isn't going down anywhere near as fast as Hadad did, though, that's for sure. Whatever the reasons for that are.

... and on a different, totally unrelated note, is that one interaction around here going to continue? I had plans... if it does.
06 Jul 2024, 10:51pm
So, what? You're all just gonna leave Creamy stuck on that desert world for another year?

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