Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

27 Jun 2024, 10:46pm
A good question, but since I like neither (the Asp mostly because of its horrible, stupid engine noise), a more impartial judge may be required to provide an answer.
27 Jun 2024, 10:57pm
Kasumi GotoA good question, but since I like neither ..

27 Jun 2024, 10:59pm
That new Type 8 is about to smash right into the The Most Ugly Ship rankings anyway. :p
27 Jun 2024, 11:06pm
Vasil VasilescuSince the Type 9 and the Asp are not considered the most attractive of ships, would their bumping into one another be considered bumping uglies?

Got a feeling it's gonna get ugly between us Basil, don't you worry.. . Wait, that sounded..

27 Jun 2024, 11:11pm
Vasil Vasilescu

Luckily, this is not Warhammer.

And even I remain more maneuverable than a Type 9, which says enough...

MeowersThat new Type 8 is about to smash right into the The Most Ugly Ship rankings anyway. :p

I haven't made a decision in either direction for it yet. Other than that it is distinctly not Lakon in its look. And I probably won't get it because it is another boring hauler.
27 Jun 2024, 11:32pm
Kasumi Goto I haven't made a decision in either direction for it yet. Other than that it is distinctly not Lakon in its look. And I probably won't get it because it is another boring hauler.

It looks like it should be able to transform into a Robotech mech for fighting the Zentradi.
27 Jun 2024, 11:44pm

None of you know anything. Some of the Type 8s come with a power ring, and when 5 worriers of heart each find one of the colored rings, their ships combine and form LAKOTORN!
Defending Arus from the evil King Zarkon!

*Insert cheesy 80s rock theme tune*
28 Jun 2024, 12:05am
Lions, not cars.

The one with cars sucked.
28 Jun 2024, 12:58am
So, what you're both saying is, five T8s would form a Bruticus-style Transformer. (Or in Vasil's case, a T8 is just a conscious machine disguised as a ship.)

starts to think Hm... is Salvation going to be hiding on the computer systems of an unlucky pilot's ship and make snarky remarks toward Thargoids if it encounters them? (But it would be total garbage at fighting any because there's only gauss or modded shards/plasmas available for those/most of its hardpoints and it has a C4 distributor.)
30 Jun 2024, 11:02pm
...then let's download Salvation and install him into a Hauler! :p
30 Jun 2024, 11:15pm
Surely something more torturous than the Hauler exists. Type 7, maybe? ... no, that actually can move around (begins to think of what to stuff AI Salvation into that would be awful and not allow him to do anything with it)
01 Jul 2024, 5:39pm
Krait Coffee Maker!

"Buy one of our Limited Edition Kraits now and get a 1:1000 chance to have Salvation installed into your coffee maker!"
01 Jul 2024, 7:54pm
At least make it a Python, the Krait can do some things well. Being stuck in a coffee machine inside of the ship that does everything and nothing well will be the ultimate insult.
01 Jul 2024, 8:39pm
...a Python bought by some boring noob to do mining, not even the Robigo runs. Where Salvation could silently observe the behaviour of his captain, stuck in a horrible limbo of being trapped inside a machine with only one function, to make coffee. Unable to move, to speak, to express himself in any way. And oh hells what a heinous brownish goop of a coffee that noob likes! Week after week after week, weeks turn into months, months turn into years, as the former evil mastermind makes cup after cup after cup of that disgusting sour drink, watching his new owner who's blissfully unaware of the dangerous entity trapped inside a harmless appliance. Almost everything that takes place in the cockpit of that Python ends up witnessed and flawlessly memorised by Salvation. Endless hours of mining, interrupted by short but loud ecstatic episodes when the noob touches himself after discovering a load of diamonds. Flying with cruise and docking assists on, while the noob is on the toilet. He picks his nose, farts and rocks back and forth in his seat, his flight suit is covered in stains of sweat, coffee and sauce from cheap meals bought on a station. And every time he presses that button, Salvation must prepare a cup of coffee for him.

Is that torturous enough? :p
yesterday, 1:38am
I'm sure we all considered it, but a 'big Kira' of that size is not getting sent into vents voluntarily or unless the situation absolutely demands it. Or a weird friend of hers is trying to pull a really stupid and mostly harmless prank on her. Except for the dignity which may be lost during "The Incident".

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