Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC
22 Jun 2016, 6:21pm
At least do me a favor and call me a damned bastard retarded ass looking dog. Please ¡ P
Post edited/moved by: Artie, 22 Jun 2016, 7:27pm
22 Jun 2016, 6:25pm
LusciniaThen instead of calling me a penguin
At least do me a favor and call me a damned bastard retarded ass looking dog. Please ¡ P
Come now, there's no need for that.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 22 Jun 2016, 7:26pm
22 Jun 2016, 6:41pm
XeknosArtieShizuka"She may be a witch, but she is OUR witch" XD
I think if it were only body modification, we would have been more accepting. As it stands, he's playing a half-human half-Chimera. We aren't going to force him to leave Inara, but we do reserve the right to not interact with him.
From what I noticed there was no direct character description (except hood, pale hands, spine and sharp teeth), it still may fit. Just the direct speech seemed to be over the edge, but that character may be also just telling false stories to the innocent barkeeper....
...hmmm... as I am thinking about it, I should take a role of a Ingaba barkeeper for good. "No abstaining freaks and cheeky dudes in my bar, I say!"
Perfectly fair. If the character is delusional, he's delusional - though that seemed to miff him a little bit.
LusciniaArtieWell, there is expected that the roleplay in Bar and Docks will fit Elite universe at least partially and will be believable in this settings. So no mixing with StarTrek, StarWars or any other franchise/genre (and I believe I told so earlier in the RP thread and there was also a mutual agreement about it). If roleplay will fit in these boundaries, there should be no problem with it.
I think body modifications are perfectly acceptable to some extent, when made "realistic" (such kind of body modification is happening also in the current reality), but also as in a reality there can be expected it may cause curious looks and sneers. Until it will stay in-character, it's OK. Then it is on authors' creativity how to solve the situation in the roleplay. But, please, also respect other authors (not character) wish if something shouldn't be touched and it is applied to both sides. If one side like to play body-modified characters, it should be respected by the other authors. But if the other side want to keep (properly) believable Elite universe, it should be respected too and there shouldn't be something wild brought to the table. The fun from RP should work both ways for all authors/characters participating.
But I must say that appearance of such character insanely increased the activity in the Bar.
Well said, and exactly. I was just fine with the looks and stuff, it was the lack of their group not wanting to accept me for the character I was attemtping to install.
And Xeknos-
It would be better to say: "not make fun off" rather than ignoring. Because I am all up for y'all ignoring me when I enter the bar next. But I wouldn't prefer it. I would be much happier to have another voice rather than an awkward silence. So let's it give it a few weeks aight? Give it a few weeks- let the steam blow off- I'll finish my little own story- and then I'll come back. And we can see where we stand then. Does that sound fine to you?
I don't know where you got I was angry. I'm really not. You're free to do as you wish, it's just that the Inara Writer's Guild has certain opinions about lore. You may also ignore these as you wish - just be prepared that it'll draw a bit of a response from us.
And obviously we are expected to bow to the guild's wishes, I see... To answer your earlier question, no, I've never read his backstory, nor entered the bar...and after seeing this catastrophe I won't. You don't want me there...if one half bird chick walking in ruffled this many feathers *grins*, then I would cause your brain to absolutely melt. If you have something of this nature with an open forum, then what precisely did you expect? Is there a copy of the Writer's Guild Rulebook that I can download somewhere, lest I write improper fiction about fictional things and offend? *laughs*
Allow me a fast edit of L's roleplay, if you'd be so kind.... ' bird girl walked into the bar thinking with disdain that it reeked of arrogance, glad that she wore the Amulet of Caw Caw Squawk so that those with closed minds could not see or hear her.'
There. Now the guild never saw our witch, and L can live in peace without being called a penguin by a Hitler...
Post edited/moved by: Artie, 22 Jun 2016, 7:26pm
22 Jun 2016, 6:47pm

Last edit: 22 Jun 2016, 7:26pm
22 Jun 2016, 6:49pm
Krazy ScottAnd obviously we are expected to bow to the guild's wishes, I see... To answer your earlier question, no, I've never read his backstory, nor entered the bar...and after seeing this catastrophe I won't. You don't want me there...if one half bird chick walking in ruffled this many feathers *grins*, then I would cause your brain to absolutely melt. If you have something of this nature with an open forum, then what precisely did you expect? Is there a copy of the Writer's Guild Rulebook that I can download somewhere, lest I write improper fiction about fictional things and offend? *laughs*
Allow me a fast edit of L's roleplay, if you'd be so kind.... ' bird girl walked into the bar thinking with disdain that it reeked of arrogance, glad that she wore the Amulet of Caw Caw Squawk so that those with closed minds could not see or hear her.'
There. Now the guild never saw our witch, and L can live in peace without being called a penguin by a Hitler...
I think you've misunderstood. (And, forgive me, I'm trying to sort through a lot of the salt, here.)
Guy comes in with a strange chimera character. We say, "hm, that's a bit weird," and poke a little fun at him in passing. He asks us to form a wing coalition, which we decline because we're a bit iffy on introducing new races into lore.
That's it. Full stop. We never said he had to leave Inara - and while I said that he would be more than welcome to review some character things and get back to us, he obviously chose not to go that route. And that's perfectly fine with us - it just means we won't be RPing with him.
The thing you seem to be missing is that we've never purported ourselves to be the arbiter of "good lore" in the Elite universe, just that we have some opinions about how it should be. Some people agree with us - great! Some other people disagree - That's okay too!
The name simply comes from the fact that there's a group of us who enjoy writing logbooks here on the site - you may be drawing a more official connotation from that than you should be. And, honestly, we're only 6 people. We amount to nothing when it comes to what other people decide.
Post edited/moved by: Artie, 22 Jun 2016, 7:26pm
22 Jun 2016, 6:58pm
You claim to have left him alone, but the first time I saw you you were saying 'penguin is salty today.' So, that kinda makes you look like you're not leaving him alone. And haughtily insinuating that you speak for a group who opposes him, while calling him names in the previous breath?
Those are the tactics of a bully, and to be frank about it, you owe him an apology.
Post edited/moved by: Artie, 22 Jun 2016, 7:26pm
22 Jun 2016, 7:00pm
Krazy Scott
There. Now the guild never saw our witch, and L can live in peace without being called a penguin by a Hitler...
Godwin's law sucessfully applied, hmm? ^^

Sry, Artie, I just had to.
Post edited/moved by: Artie, 22 Jun 2016, 7:26pm
22 Jun 2016, 7:04pm
Krazy ScottI'm responding to the fact that you're passing judgement on his work in the name of the guild, and actually began by calling him names...one is morally lacking and the other is downright pedantic.
You claim to have left him alone, but the first time I saw you you were saying 'penguin is salty today.' So, that kinda makes you look like you're not leaving him alone. And haughtily insinuating that you speak for a group who opposes him, while calling him names in the previous breath?
Those are the tactics of a bully, and to be frank about it, you owe him an apology.
We read his work, didn't really like it, and decided not to RP with him. That's within our rights to do.
I will, however, offer an apology because I think you're correct on that point - for whatever he is, he certainly does not deserve our continued derision.
So, Luscinia, I apologize for my and our group's making fun of your character concept. As much as we may disagree with it, it is not our place to judge it.
Post edited/moved by: Artie, 22 Jun 2016, 7:25pm
22 Jun 2016, 7:10pm
XeknosKrazy ScottI'm responding to the fact that you're passing judgement on his work in the name of the guild, and actually began by calling him names...one is morally lacking and the other is downright pedantic.
You claim to have left him alone, but the first time I saw you you were saying 'penguin is salty today.' So, that kinda makes you look like you're not leaving him alone. And haughtily insinuating that you speak for a group who opposes him, while calling him names in the previous breath?
Those are the tactics of a bully, and to be frank about it, you owe him an apology.
We read his work, didn't really like it, and decided not to RP with him. That's within our rights to do.
I will, however, offer an apology because I think you're correct on that point - for whatever he is, he certainly does not deserve our continued derision.
Thank you, Commander. In gratitude, I promise my D&D party will never show up at your bar. *tips hat*
Post edited/moved by: Artie, 22 Jun 2016, 7:25pm
22 Jun 2016, 7:13pm
Krazy ScottXeknosKrazy ScottI'm responding to the fact that you're passing judgement on his work in the name of the guild, and actually began by calling him names...one is morally lacking and the other is downright pedantic.
You claim to have left him alone, but the first time I saw you you were saying 'penguin is salty today.' So, that kinda makes you look like you're not leaving him alone. And haughtily insinuating that you speak for a group who opposes him, while calling him names in the previous breath?
Those are the tactics of a bully, and to be frank about it, you owe him an apology.
We read his work, didn't really like it, and decided not to RP with him. That's within our rights to do.
I will, however, offer an apology because I think you're correct on that point - for whatever he is, he certainly does not deserve our continued derision.
Thank you, Commander. In gratitude, I promise my D&D party will never show up at your bar. *tips hat*
I just really want to drive home the fact that a group deciding not to RP with someone over a character concept isn't the end of the world. Just because we have chosen not to does not mean that he should be forced to leave or change a character. Inara should be large enough for us all to coexist peacefully together.
Of course, I'd appreciate an apology for you implying that I was Hitler, as long as we're handing those out.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 22 Jun 2016, 7:25pm
22 Jun 2016, 7:13pm
Rebecca HailKrazy Scott
There. Now the guild never saw our witch, and L can live in peace without being called a penguin by a Hitler...
Godwin's law sucessfully applied, hmm? ^^
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Sry, Artie, I just had to.
Nothing so simple-minded as that...the reference pertains to the act of censorship of that which you do not like, of which Hitler was a great fan. Hillary Clinton also comes to mind, but who likes talking about her?
Post edited/moved by: Artie, 22 Jun 2016, 7:25pm
22 Jun 2016, 7:20pm
Krazy Scott
Nothing so simple-minded as that...the reference pertains to the act of censorship of that which you do not like, of which Hitler was a great fan. Hillary Clinton also comes to mind, but who likes talking about her?
What I don't like is people calling other people Hitler because they don't agree with them.

I'm neither a fan nor a supporter of Clinton. I'm not even an US citizen.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 22 Jun 2016, 7:25pm
22 Jun 2016, 7:20pm
Post edited/moved by: Artie, 22 Jun 2016, 7:25pm
22 Jun 2016, 7:22pm
XeknosKrazy ScottXeknosKrazy ScottI'm responding to the fact that you're passing judgement on his work in the name of the guild, and actually began by calling him names...one is morally lacking and the other is downright pedantic.
You claim to have left him alone, but the first time I saw you you were saying 'penguin is salty today.' So, that kinda makes you look like you're not leaving him alone. And haughtily insinuating that you speak for a group who opposes him, while calling him names in the previous breath?
Those are the tactics of a bully, and to be frank about it, you owe him an apology.
We read his work, didn't really like it, and decided not to RP with him. That's within our rights to do.
I will, however, offer an apology because I think you're correct on that point - for whatever he is, he certainly does not deserve our continued derision.
Thank you, Commander. In gratitude, I promise my D&D party will never show up at your bar. *tips hat*
I just really want to drive home the fact that a group deciding not to RP with someone over a character concept isn't the end of the world. Just because we have chosen not to does not mean that he should be forced to leave or change a character. Inara should be large enough for us all to coexist peacefully together.
Of course, I'd appreciate an apology for you implying that I was Hitler, as long as we're handing those out.
Indeed sir, my apologies...This is, in fact, the most polite and peaceful 'debate' I've ever had online about a science-fictional thing. Were we on a Star Trek site, nerds would be drawing lines in the sand and putting new AA's in their phasers...*laughs*
Not a bad crowd, not a bad crowd at all...Good day, Commanders!
Post edited/moved by: Artie, 22 Jun 2016, 7:25pm
22 Jun 2016, 8:05pm
Xeknos [...] whatever he is, he certainly does not deserve our continued derision.
Er ... now. Let's not go off all half-cocked here! It's the very basis of my RP shtick to deride *everyone's* character concepts!
Why you gotta go and crap all over my RP?

(Also, how come nobody has brought Trump/Merkel/Cameron into this Hitler/Clinton love-fest? We gotta be equal opportunity offenders here! It's just not an Internet argument unless somebody cries!)