Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

16 Feb 2020, 1:31pm
ArtieUhm? That was not my point at all. What I wanted to say, for example, that WWII still can be considered as a valid historical topic the characters in Elite may discuss, similarly as are Punic wars for us today, but more local stuff (let's say somebody got elected to mayor in some city) is so historically insignificant that it's completely forgotten over time. Similarly, it may be related to other stuff (like Shakespeare vs TV soap operas, etc.)...

I think that was directed at me before he saw your final ruling.

We ain't arguing with the boss
16 Feb 2020, 1:36pm
It was directed at Lambast.
16 Feb 2020, 2:26pm
Lambast Mercy
I don't hold South Park and Shakespeare on the same level at all. I was highlighting that William Shakespeare got as much flack for being foolish and flippant from his critics as South Park dose today.

Pretty certain he was lauded by the highest ranks of society to be fair. The packed nature of the theatres would also suggest he was supported by the lowest.

To my recollection his plays were performed several times in front of the monarch and her appreciation of his characters was the reason Falstaff appears in so many. In fact I'm almost 100% certain that the universal acclaim he experienced for his writing from punters and peers is the reason his work is still relevant today.

To say his work is flippant is wrong.
16 Feb 2020, 2:40pm
He had his fan and haters just like any form of entertainment. I'm not the one that bad egged his comedies

Let's not forget that now he is held up as a hero of the arts and rightly so, but in his day he was just putting on a show to entertain and hopefully get paid.

He must have been good coz not many playwrites got their own theatre, but comedies got a lot of what would be called negative press now.  Just hold Hamlet up to Midsummers and maybe you can see why.

All the same, I'm not criticizing the Great Bard, I'm a fan. I'm saying we can't really say what is going to survive from our entertainment in a thousand years time. I don't think South Park would, but really whos to say.

I was flippant when I chose something as highly regarded as Shakespeare to what could become of a TV show like South Park.
16 Feb 2020, 2:44pm
On behalf of luvvies through the ages, I accept your apology.
16 Feb 2020, 2:50pm
Dude, I'm an amateur actor and I've been lucky enough to get paid to play Prospero for a 2-month run.

No way I'd put down Shakespeare.
16 Feb 2020, 5:00pm
ArtieI will summarize and end this topic with a conclusion: "In Elite RP, any reference to the current real-world events and reality has point only if such stuff was significant enough so it survived one thousand years in people's mind and records". So let's use it with this on mind.

How likely do you think that in 3300 people of that time will recall what we consider today, “the Golden age” of music? Such as like, the time of Michael Jackson or something, I dunno - just as a light example.

Wonder if people would remember Mozart..?
16 Feb 2020, 9:39pm
They remember Johann Strauss every time they activate their docking computers so I imagine Mozart will still be kicking around.
17 Feb 2020, 1:43am
hahaha, never knew that music played during a docking computer animation. I've sworn against such delicacies of life..
17 Feb 2020, 7:16am
I actually like the DC when I'm in my T9. It makes it feel like a really big ship sometimes in the busy ports you can be waiting ages for a slot though so it's better to just switch it off and hit boost. They get out of your way.

I would like the option to change the music on the DC. There are many other classical pieces which would work. Obvs Blue Danube has a cultural reference which we aren't allowed to discuss without upsetting the RP police (who never post I might add! :devil

I once wrote but never finished a story about the Docking Computer war. The fans of different Classical composers were determined that their chosen piece was going to be used as the DC background music and started eliminating the fans of the other composers. I kind of wanted to fit links in the story too so you could listen as Federals who supported Provofiev "Dance of the Knights" battled with hard line Imperials that wanted Wagners "Ride ofthe Valkyrie" to be used.  Vivaldis "Storm" tackled "Thus spoke Zarathustra" and "Bolero" got station ganked.

Sadly it worked better in my head than on screen.

Last edit: 17 Feb 2020, 7:29am
18 Feb 2020, 6:55pm
The music chosen for the docking computer is a nod to the film 2001: A Space Odyssey passenger shuttle docking scene that was accompanied by The Blue Danube waltz.

Players of the first Elite tend to like hearing it because the beeps that did a good job of sounding like The Blue Danube meant you had a docking computer and you weren't going to die for one tiny little mistake at your destination.

Docking in 80s Elite would destroy your Cobra MkIII if one pixel of it touched a pixel of the station's slot. Even someone good at docking in 80s Elite would get 1 in 10 wrong and explode losing all the bounties they earned and cargo scooped from the last trip between stations.

I don't remember if you could even save your progress at all in the really early versions of the game. I have a feeling you rated how well you'd done by the amount of credits you had when you died.

I was too young to play any game well in the 80s. I got into Elite Plus on the Amiga in the 80s-90s but The Blue Danube was always a sweet sound, even the poor 8-bit rendition. It meant safety.
18 Feb 2020, 10:42pm
Oofers, sounds like all the oldies have it good nowadays. Pixel perfect landings sounds like trying to speed run the og Mario game or something ~
24 Feb 2020, 11:15am
I have been stuck for some days in a narrative exchange that, unfortunately, is not going anywhere. I've decided to reset it so now I am free to interact with everyone else. If someone wants to talk with Nerys, she's currently wandering in the docks.
24 Feb 2020, 11:50am
Aw, too bad, Cam was about to interrogate her further, couldn't make it earlier caus of vacation and rl, should have written you another pm.

Still interested in general?
24 Feb 2020, 12:41pm
Ellen SoloeAw, too bad, Cam was about to interrogate her further, couldn't make it earlier caus of vacation and rl, should have written you another pm.

Still interested in general?

Oh, too bad, I didn't mean to overtake him, he didn't tell me he was away and I thought he was no longer interested. Of course I am!

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