Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

08 Mar 2020, 5:27pm
Amata LireinOkay, I finished my first draft, would be thankful for feedback.

Please excuse me while I retrieve my jaw from the floor. Definitely a good start! Detailed but not long winded, very respectful of the lore, and there are lots of hooks for good RP stories. Can't wait to interact with you!
08 Mar 2020, 5:31pm
Nerys Nymei
Amata LireinOkay, I finished my first draft, would be thankful for feedback.

Please excuse me while I retrieve my jaw from the floor. Definitely a good start! Detailed but not long winded, very respectful of the lore, and there are lots of hooks for good RP stories. Can't wait to interact with you!

Wow, that good? Was sure that an error or two might have sneaked in somehow. Thank you.
09 Mar 2020, 1:11am
An open question, when writing your Bio, from which viewpoint do you prefer, first-person or third-person?

I updated mine, but it's still a work in progress as I learn more about the game lore.

Perhaps I won't be lighting any fires here...
09 Mar 2020, 1:13am
Amata LireinOkay, I finished my first draft, would be thankful for feedback.

Oh, and I hope Jason here doesn't mind that I copied his layout... it just looks so nice

Yours looks well done, concise. How did you enter the additional headings (Bold Orange)?
09 Mar 2020, 1:17am
I like third person, personally.

First person is cool too though. It can feel a lot more personal, kinda like reading someones personal journal or something lol
09 Mar 2020, 1:21am
I have 8 characters in Star Trek Online, & wrote all of their Bios (each different, of course) in 'First-Person'.

I think I might try to convert Synthya's Bio to first-person. Seems more alive, & personal that way, like she is actually speaking to the reader, in my opinion.
09 Mar 2020, 1:36am
Oh I don't blame ya there.

If you've already wrote 8 characters Bio's from a first-person perspective, then doing Synthya's from that perspective seems like the best route to take. You've already got all that experience, might as well use it.
09 Mar 2020, 1:45am
Well, I'm thinking... since Synthya's is unusual, in 2 parts, or should I say, 2 different periods of time; 1 which she remembers, & 1 which she doesn't, but there for the narrative background/foundation for the reader.

I think I'll try writing the 1st part in 3rd person, since it isn't actually her in the present, but a distanced, almost, 'former' life.

The 2nd part, I'll write in 1st-person, because that's her, in the present. Kind of like a diary.
09 Mar 2020, 1:49am
But, after reading Amata Lirein's Bio, Synthya's does run a wee bit long.... perhaps I should consider breaking it up into something like logs...

Last edit: 09 Mar 2020, 2:33am
09 Mar 2020, 7:56am
Synthya Wylder
Amata LireinOkay, I finished my first draft, would be thankful for feedback.

Oh, and I hope Jason here doesn't mind that I copied his layout... it just looks so nice

Yours looks well done, concise. How did you enter the additional headings (Bold Orange)?

I used these brackets:

[.color=#db640a][.b]Occupation:[./b][./color] Freelancer
[.color=#db640a][.b]Marital Status:[./b][./color] Single
[.color=#db640a][.b]Political Affiliation:[./b][./color] Empire
[.color=#db640a][.b]Known Relatives:[./b][./color] Parents, two brothers

Just don't forget to remove the dots I placed in each one so the chat does not apply them right now


Oh, and thank you as well^^

I'm playing STO as well, and I agree: giving your character a biography most certainly helps to immerse yourself into said character. As to the question if 1st or 3rd person: I guess that depends on what style you want to use for your biography: If you want it to be more informal (aka "Hey, who allowed you to read my diary?!?") you should go with 1st person, if you want it to look more like a dossier (aka your personnel file with the Pilots' Federation) you should use 3rd person.

edit 2:

OMG, I'm laughing so hard... Someone who awakes from a coma and considers the recordings of an old sci-fi series that for whatever reason are stored inside that escape pod for real? That can lead to so many hi-jinks

Oh, and don't you worry about Star Trek not existing in the universe of E:D... it does have Leonard Nimoy Station after all... alongside a lot of stations named after Gene Roddenberry

Last edit: 09 Mar 2020, 8:25am
09 Mar 2020, 8:37am
Synthya WylderAn open question, when writing your Bio, from which viewpoint do you prefer, first-person or third-person?

I typically use third-person for my bios because it allows me to include info that is not known to the character.
09 Mar 2020, 9:56am
Amata, congratulations, you picked up on that hidden joke! BTW, you can find me in STO with the handle @cestovatelka

I mean, some Bios I've read, & I really do enjoy those who've taken the time to write more than a line or two, that some who do write them, I get the feeling that I'm reading something like a application for employment, as in, rather dry.

Synthya's going to be constantly looking over her shoulder for cloaked Romulans...

Live Long & Prosper! \V/

Last edit: 09 Mar 2020, 10:06am
09 Mar 2020, 12:34pm
For which perspective you want to write in, I think it depends highly on how you want to convey it. Is it to an observer, are you speaking to someone, as in an interview? Then third person is best. Is it memoirs, then first person, which can also easier include though processes and emotions.

When I write stories, I typically write from the perspective of an observer, as I have significantly more experience writing from that perspective. Most of my RP have been done interacting with other people, where you should always write third persons, as the reader is an observer, and it throw of the immersion to read something written about someone else in first person.

I think overall most books are also written from third person, so I am more familiar with how to make those stories interesting. I've yet to sit down and put my background on paper However; I find it's sometimes more interesting to have a rough outline for your character and let the gaps fill in as you experience more things during your encounters with others.
09 Mar 2020, 8:54pm
Say, where on this site can I edit my Commander's role and Allegiance in her page's header?

edit: Nevermind, found the former. Would like to change the Allegiance though. Or is that linked to Powerplay?

Last edit: 09 Mar 2020, 9:00pm
09 Mar 2020, 9:01pm
Amata LireinSay, where on this site can I edit my Commander's role and Allegiance in her page's header?

That's a toughy, I know I've done it before.

I'll go see if I can remember how.

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