Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

10 Mar 2020, 1:40pm
I think first person is harder to do well by the writer. You need to make the reader want to be the person in the story (or the story had to be written like a memoir), otherwise there's a disconnect and you won't feel engaged. If the writer can't make you want to be the person in the story, reading what "I am..." doing in the story just feels wrong.

As such, I only feel that first person is suitable for memoir-style stories/segments or long stories where the background is detailed enough for the reader to impersonate with the character and feel invested in what happen. In my eyes this make it unsuitable for shorter stories "updating" on recent events for a character, as you can't assume that the reader have read everything prior and have enough investment into the character.
10 Mar 2020, 2:15pm
A C EnderI think first person is harder to do well by the writer. You need to make the reader want to be the person in the story (or the story had to be written like a memoir), otherwise there's a disconnect and you won't feel engaged. If the writer can't make you want to be the person in the story, reading what "I am..." doing in the story just feels wrong.

As such, I only feel that first person is suitable for memoir-style stories/segments or long stories where the background is detailed enough for the reader to impersonate with the character and feel invested in what happen. In my eyes this make it unsuitable for shorter stories "updating" on recent events for a character, as you can't assume that the reader have read everything prior and have enough investment into the character.

Agreed on that point; for instance, I could have written Synthya's Bio in 1-st-person, but that part which occurred in the past was plainly not current.

That aside, getting the reader to put them self into that erotic scene, for instance, enough to feel like they were actually there, to feel the passion, the arousal, all that a 3-way lovers' tryst would entail, certainly would be possible, & I'm certainly able to do it, BUT it would take lots more writing space than I thought was reasonable for a Bio, & going into that much detail wasn't my point.

Besides, I didn't see any age restrictions anywhere & without that, I wouldn't want to post anything inappropriate for minors to read.

A couple of online games ago, there was a game that was age-restricted & I ERPd extensively for several years. Being a Bi female in RL does have certain experiential advantages.
10 Mar 2020, 2:35pm
Yeah, about those more mature aspects of RP: How much of that is actually allowed in here? After all, licensed pilots are adults, and certain "needs" will not just go away by wearing a Remlok suit. On the contrary, I assume that a pilot who was out in the black void of space for a while, either by going exploring in deep space or doing touch-and-go landings and lift-offs for days to grind those reputations will crave company once they decided to actually power those engines down in a station's hangar and head for the nearest bar or other social establishment. Just asking because a certain portrait of a certain Imperial princess in the gallery makes me wonder what will be tolerated and what will not.

My personal opinion on ERP btw: It is just as much a part of "regular RP" as your sexlife is part of your regular life. Those people who claim they never did ERP before are either lying, play very boring characters and/or keep forgetting that flirting in a bar then retreating with your partner to somewhere more private just to "fade to black" already counts as it acknowledges that yes, your character has a sexlife.
10 Mar 2020, 2:50pm
Artie has got some guidelines on the header of the RP pages.

I try to keep the foul language down and don't get too descriptive about death. As for sexy times, I allude to what's going to happen and let the reader fill in the blanks.

I'm writing a story (170 pages now) about Lamb's past and it's heavy in murders and very bad men that don't use language my mother would approve of.

When it's finished, I'll cut it up into slices, censor it and publish it here as logs. It's not that bad by movie standards, but a little too spicy for a site that has no age restriction.
10 Mar 2020, 2:51pm
On the topic of pilots and solitude, keep in mind that ships can be outfitted with passenger cabins, and also crew can be hired on some ships. Since hiring crew doesn't take up any utility slots, the crew quarters on relevant ships must be big enough to accommodate all the crew. By extension this mean that being out in the black doesn't necessitate being alone. On the ships who can have crews, a partner could accompany you. On other ships, passenger cabins could be installed to bring partner or even family.

Should such interest the pilot in question, I'm sure some crew arrangements are not strictly professional. Some individuals may even be hired explicitly for social or mature reasons.

Whatever the case, just because we typically fly alone, as I highlighted in the above paragraphs, if our characters are solitary on the ship this is strictly self imposed, whether for economic, professional, or personal reasons.
10 Mar 2020, 3:26pm
Lambast MercyArtie has got some guidelines on the header of the RP pages.

Yeah, I read the "General Roleplay Etiquettes", "Inara RP etiquette" and "Other Notes", but they are not mentioning the topic at hand I'm afraid
10 Mar 2020, 3:42pm
Yes, I just looked over them again my self and don't see anything in the guidelines, but I do remember reading a code of conduct somewhere.

I think it boiled down to: Keep it in context and try to keep it PG.
10 Mar 2020, 3:53pm
10 Mar 2020, 4:08pm
Amata LireinFair enough. Though the question remains if a pic like this (https://inara.cz/gallery/0/91693/) is actually fine or not?

1) I don't know.

2) I consider that very tame, and I am nowhere near offended by that.

3) Personally, I probably wouldn't post it, or I would do so carefully and with warnings.  Some people browse the forums from work, and some of those people could get in trouble/fired for having something this tame on their monitor, even unintentionally.  In other forums, I have seen requests that posters put spoiler tags on pictures that are legitimate art, not even close to porn, for exactly that reason.
10 Mar 2020, 4:12pm
Yeah, I myself would consider a picture like that okay to post myself, but like you said: opinions and/or locations differ greatly. That's why I'm asking after all
10 Mar 2020, 4:22pm
Amata LireinFair enough. Though the question remains if a pic like this (https://inara.cz/gallery/0/91693/) is actually fine or not?

After very close & detailed inspection, I'd say, technically, Yes. By the standards of which I'm familiar in these rather prudish United States, there's no "naughty bits" actually exposed. I'd classify that as "PG".

I work in my local school district, with children ages 5 through 17. I've developed a constant self-monitoring, so am at all times cognizant of what is & is not acceptable, within those standards; not to say, I'm at all inclined to apply or impose those on others, but merely hold myself to that as a default unless I'm informed otherwise.

Ofc, in an age-restricted place, all bets are off & I can come out to 'play'. Others consenting, ofc.
10 Mar 2020, 4:24pm
An excellent point, though, re: NSFW.

TskTskTsk.... "politically correct"... pfffftt!

Last edit: 10 Mar 2020, 4:36pm
10 Mar 2020, 4:33pm
Synthya WylderAfter very close & detailed inspection, I'd say, technically, Yes.

Mhm... A close inspection. Of Princess Aisling Duval. In lingerie. Only to see if her outfit complies with a PG-rating. Suuuuure... (Don't worry, I'm pretty sure you weren't the first one who wants to see her up close and personal )
10 Mar 2020, 4:34pm
As with anything online, it's best to err on the side of caution. Scantily clad people are best avoided. Especially when it's such a poor cut and paste job

Even in context, I tend to get close to too violent or too much swearing, so I pull it back.

We all know its easy to offend people or give them a reason to go off on a righteous crusade about some little disagreement so I knock it down a few levels and just try to progress the story leaving tempting hooks for the people that write with me.

I'd very much like to post Lamb's "5 years ago" story, but the events I enjoy typing up do need to chill out for the less bloodthirsty reader.

If this was a strictly mature site I wouldn't hold back at all and I'd revel in the freedom to be as dirty or violent as the story demanded, but it's not, so I don't.
10 Mar 2020, 4:43pm
Amata Lirein Well, I've always had a 'thing' for brunettes, but then again, if my interests would begin to heat, my focus is on the person/character(s) & less so on their physical assets.

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