Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

06 Sep 2019, 9:25pm
Guys, would you like to have some BBcode tag for that? How it should work then (different color, text in a box or something like that)?
06 Sep 2019, 11:03pm
That would be rather silly, because then all my text would be a funny colour.
07 Sep 2019, 8:44pm
Lambast Mercyout on the edge of the bubble, doing clandestine missions in clandestine secret ways where no other players are even close to being involved, I’ll be sticking to our house rules thanks very much.
If ya wanna get involved, just pop a message our way, or maybe an invitation will come along if we like your posts. My explorer's log got me invited to the party.

It might have been your explorers log that got you invited, but your fight scene on Vuia Survey is what got you a home.
19 Sep 2019, 12:53pm
Hello all

I have recently gotten interested to jump into the RP boards and give things a shot. I have never participated in a RP board before and find it a little daunting to be honest. I have read the rules on in the forums and have read through some of this forum board also. The knowledge base here and constructive criticisms/convos to better ones writing look on point. I'm mostly a casual player in game so my knowledge base of lore could use some improving. Right now I am trying to develop a character but wanted to ask in here where people would recommend to go for a read into the lore, or even a more summarized version. Basically I just wanted to introduce myself first before posting anything in the boards and apologize in advance if my writing is not quite at everyone else's level lol. Also would anyone reccommend or have thoughts on whether it would be better to start writing logs before entering RP? Seeing that both are differnt perspectives and build completely different I'm debating which may be the better option to start out.

19 Sep 2019, 5:16pm
I consider logs and RP threads to be pretty different, only because you don't really get interaction with other commanders in your personal logs. As such, I don't know that its important one way or the other which you start on.

I don't think there is a reason to feel that it's 'daunting' though. You can really start with a simple post if you want, just a simple action of 'walk into the bar, order a drink, say something interesting' whatever. From there, someone may interact with you, or you can keep an eye on the other things going on and gently insert yourself into the narrative that way.
19 Sep 2019, 7:16pm
If it's lore you need, there is a place for that in a Discord.

That and there are a lot of us here with a wealth of information. Just ask, bub.
10 Dec 2019, 12:42am
With PS4 how do I import holo image to board account?
10 Dec 2019, 6:56pm
GTOWarriorWith PS4 how do I import holo image to board account?

I haven't tried in a long time, but does PS4 not have a screenshot feature so that you can share an image?

If you can email your self the image, you can then import it to an imaging program to crop it down to the face.

All we do on PC is:   Screenshot > Photoshop-like-program > upload to Inara/Frontier Forums

...some of us edit it more to give smiles or frowns... or change the backgrounds.

Last edit: 10 Dec 2019, 7:35pm
11 Dec 2019, 8:40pm
GTOWarriorWith PS4 how do I import holo image to board account?

I use the PS4's screenshot feature, copy the image to a USB stick (or what have you), load it to my computer and open it in image editing program. Crop to the appropriate size and upload here.
20 Dec 2019, 4:28pm
Hi all,
anyone can tell me why, in some system, the faction with the major influence don't control the system itself?
An example is Duamta in which "the order of smiling moose" although with the major influence don't control the system...
20 Dec 2019, 6:54pm
AstroraffaHi all,
anyone can tell me why, in some system, the faction with the major influence don't control the system itself?
An example is Duamta in which "the order of smiling moose" although with the major influence don't control the system...

Hey Astroraffa,

First I'll just get this out of the way: This is the Roleplay board. Your question should be posted in General. But, no harm or worries. Just letting you know. Alright?

Now, as for your question: the faction with the most influence does not own a station, therefor they do not have a place to exert control and influence. You would have to get the target faction up/down to the same level of influence of the faction that controls the main station. Once that happens, they will probably get into a civil war. Win that civil war by enough, and the control goes to your target faction.

I'll further answer things in General, or you can join the Discord chat (link is to the right).
20 Dec 2019, 7:16pm
Jubei Himura
AstroraffaHi all,
anyone can tell me why, in some system, the faction with the major influence don't control the system itself?
An example is Duamta in which "the order of smiling moose" although with the major influence don't control the system...

Hey Astroraffa,

First I'll just get this out of the way: This is the Roleplay board. Your question should be posted in General. But, no harm or worries. Just letting you know. Alright?

Now, as for your question: the faction with the most influence does not own a station, therefor they do not have a place to exert control and influence. You would have to get the target faction up/down to the same level of influence of the faction that controls the main station. Once that happens, they will probably get into a civil war. Win that civil war by enough, and the control goes to your target faction.

I'll further answer things in General, or you can join the Discord chat (link is to the right).

Ok, tnks a lot Jubei Himora.
20 Dec 2019, 10:26pm
AstroraffaHi all,
anyone can tell me why, in some system, the faction with the major influence don't control the system itself?

Are you familiar with Scotland and the SNP?
21 Dec 2019, 6:21pm
No, Morgana, I'm not so informed about SNP... But, what is SNP?!
Scottish National Party?!
21 Dec 2019, 11:11pm
It is a faction with the major influence but don't control the system itself.

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