Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC
29 Apr 2020, 11:37pm
Synthya WylderFrom E:D Lore section: Question re: E:D canon Lore
Maybe this can be of some help?
It's the E:D timeline according to the Elite:Dangerous Wiki
29 Apr 2020, 11:57pm
Amata LireinSynthya WylderFrom E:D Lore section: Question re: E:D canon Lore
Maybe this can be of some help?
It's the E:D timeline according to the Elite:Dangerous Wiki
Thank you. I'll explore & study the pertinent info.
As a token, I hope you enjoy: Cover of David Bowie's "Space Oddity" performed in Space
30 Apr 2020, 1:36am
I'll wait for any others to add their thoughts, before continuing with Synthya's RP story in the Medical facilities, & trying to remain plausibly consistent with what I've seen others post in various RP sections. I don't wish to conflict or be jarring with whatever's established in RP canon.
Last edit: 01 May 2020, 11:57pm
30 Apr 2020, 7:35am
The synthesis ability of any ship means star trek style replicators are not to far away, so you pretty safe with most sifi tropes others than teleporters.
30 Apr 2020, 9:45am
Lambast MercyYou can buy synthetic pets and humanoid robots are advertised outside most large stations. AI problems and advantages are a sifi must have, so that's a safe bet.
The synthesis ability of any ship means star trek style replicators are not to far away, so you pretty safe with most sifi tropes others than teleporters.
Oh, replicators kind of exist in E:D in form of 3D Food Printers (also called 'chefs') and their 'ammunition', the Food Cartridge commodity. Which I also assume is what a pilot uses most of the time while in space.
30 Apr 2020, 10:10am
30 Apr 2020, 11:30am
30 Apr 2020, 2:35pm
Dreadnaught CNV-301 Salvation
30 Apr 2020, 3:48pm
Sen ZaurakFor those of you that have been following the story that kicked off in RP here. Season 2 is now officially under way. Thanks to all of you out there that have been pushing and encouraging me to keep the story going. I give you Season two.
I like your renders. May I ask what tool you use?
01 May 2020, 10:21pm
01 May 2020, 11:14pm
Nerys NymeiBest compliments to Synthya for her perfect usage of Trigedasleng language! Os slengswichen, Heda!
Thank you, that means a lot! It wasn't & hasn't been easy, as the only translation engine I could find is quite poor & very limited, so I've had to spend lots of time & effort, flipping back & forth between different resource sites, & cross-referencing, then going back & seeing if it works. That was especially true with that passage in Synthya's Bio. A shame there isn't a more comprehensive resource, & using the info from several other sites (like, dictionary in 1 place, & language tutor in another, for example).
As to E:D Lore & Canon, so far, I couldn't find much for localized/detailed specifics, so I was purposely non-specific & went on what very little I'd already found, & added some from what I knew in RL.
Again, Nerys, considering your considerable & very enjoyable RP contributions, your comment means lots to me.
Last edit: 01 May 2020, 11:19pm
02 May 2020, 7:35pm
Is it normal around here to take control of another's person character and fast forward the RP to a significant degree? That's what just happened in Citi Gateway, and I'm a little perplexed.
Last edit: 02 May 2020, 8:22pm
02 May 2020, 8:07pm
Have you considered a private RP server?
It happened to me once. I dont think it's that common.
Although, to be fair, in this instance it seems to have been handled, efficiently.