Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

02 May 2020, 9:35pm
Oh, glass steins are actually just cheap immitations. The real ones look like this:

And they are made out of stoneware... much harder then glass and break far less easily.
02 May 2020, 9:37pm
It's gonna hurt. Glass or not.
02 May 2020, 9:39pm
"Medic! Medic! Man down, station bar!"

Last edit: 02 May 2020, 9:45pm
04 May 2020, 4:23am
Isaiah, Inhabitant, I had an idea, since I saw in your ongoing current RP, 1 of you mentioned, (I think) running a flight school?

I'm unsure of the interior layout of passenger cabins aboard ships able to equip them, as in, are they locked closed, or are they able to get out & about in the interior of the ship?

But, if you saw potential for it, an RP involving the pilot becoming unconscious/dying en route, & your having to talk a volunteer passenger through completing the end of the voyage & landing the ship? AFAIK, there's no way to transfer another pilot onboard in space... & even autodock needs some kind of manual input.

It's just an idea for a potential RP scenario...

Last edit: 07 May 2020, 4:04am
04 May 2020, 6:09am
Synthya WylderIsaiah, Inhabitant, I had an idea, since I saw in your ongoing current RP, 1 of you mentioned, (I think) running a flight school?

I'm unsure of the interior layout of passenger cabins aboard ships able to equip them, as in, are they locked closed, or are they able to get out & about in the interior of the ship?

But, if you saw potential for it, an RP involving the pilot becoming unconscious/dying en route, & your having to talk a volunteer passenger through completing the end of the voyage & landing the ship? AFAIK, there's no way to transfer another pilot onboard in space... & even autodock needs some kind of manual input.

It's just an idea for a potential RP scenario...

That might be an adventure for JM to tackle in a logbook, if he so chooses. Right now we're more or less "retiring" our characters - for now anyway. There's a story in the process of being written by M. Lehman that will explain a bit about what's led to this point, but I don't know when it'll come out.

If you're curious though, check out his other works. Alpha and Omega and Into the Black are important for context.
04 May 2020, 6:32am
Thanks, will do. Bravo for a creative 'retirement' then!
04 May 2020, 9:04am
It won't be that far out, as I've just hit 88,500 words on the document and have begun the meat and potatoes of the climax section. We of Loren's Reapers have taken it upon ourselves to further what we have reason to belief would have been Salome's mission had she survived the events of Premonition, and the "big reveal"of the Club's activities. Interestingly, my own two books— Into the Black and the unfinished Shadows of the Past— have unwittingly mirrored the structure of Drew Wagar's books, Reclaimation and Premonition. The first in both cases is a general introduction to the characters with a fairly conventional arc. The sequels both expand the narrative to include events far larger in scope and consequence.

The order in which they should be read are: Reclamation, Premonition, Into the Black, and then Shadows of the Past. The last two are based on real in-game events but shouldn't be regarded as canon. I hope you enjoy Drews books and mine!
04 May 2020, 10:01am
The InhabitantQuestion for the group.

Is it normal around here to take control of another's person character and fast forward the RP to a significant degree?  That's what just happened in Citi Gateway, and I'm a little perplexed.

I know I'm joining this late, but just wanted to give my own thoughts and input.

Let me start with that although I so far only have a limited showing here on the Inara forums, I have extensive experience with real-time RP in other games for many years previously. A changing real life situation limit my available time to be able to commit time and focus for more dedicated writing and immersing myself in RP as I have in the past.

On these forums I've not seen many major transgressions where control is taken from someone. However, I frequently see minor transgressions from certain individuals. Now, there are situations where I have and would do so myself;

a) Arrangements have been made between me and my interactor previously.

b) It's someone I personally know very well, both their character and the individual. I therefore already know that they would accept the minor transgressions, which if I assume they will accept will make the RP progress more smoothly.

Example of b) would be "give him a quick embrace and slap on the back before pulling back to arms distance, holding his shoulders and exclaim: it's good to see you old man!"

For both a) and b) I would, If the interaction is in a public setting such as these forums, make clear in the post that arrangements have been made between us, so as to not make either of us appear to break generally accepted RP conduit. In private obviously no such statements need to be made.

In my eyes, there's only one more situation where directly affecting another character is acceptable:

c) Where your actions can't reasonable be prevented or avoided due to the situation you're in.

Example of c) "instead of giving a friendly shake of the mans hand, he grasp it in a grip of iron and jank him forward..."

In no other situation do I find it acceptable to in any way affect someones character directly. In all other situation should you only -attempt- to do something. For example, even in the example for c) the rest of my sentence would be "... Jank him forward and -attempt- to pull him of balance...". If you jank him forward and write him of balance, you have taken control of his character. You may very well expect him to be, but outside of situation a) and b) should you ever assume such.


"holds out his hand, ready to be shaken" instead of initiating with "shakes his hand" - though "shakes his hand" would in most situations be an appropriate response, but the better would be to say "reach for the mans hand, attempting to shake it..." In case the first person may want to do a "Too slow!".

"Looks at his eyes" instead of "looks into his eyes" - the latter force the other character to return your gaze, something they may not chose to do. Now if they're already looking at your eyes, they aren't reasonable able to look away before you can "look into their eyes".

This is why it's a lot slower or less immersive to roleplay with someone you're not very familiar with, as you need to have significantly more back-and-forth for a given interaction. You can speed it up by going less detailed, which is often preferred in a real-time RP situation -its hard to stay immersed if you have to wait 10 min between each interaction-.

Even if you in some situations can legitimately take control of some of the others physical character, you should never take control of their will and desire. You can force someone to the floor if they put themselves in the wrong situation, but you can't force them to believe or want certain things. The latter is usually very rare to see, where physical transgressions is not uncommon among from certain individuals. This can be a sign that it's someone new in RP, but it's never a sign of good RP, which is why I would always clearly state if permissions for minor control have been given.

TL:DR - Only ever attempt unless mutually agreed otherwise.
04 May 2020, 9:29pm
Speaking of bad and good roleplaying... Ladies and gentlemen, I reward with an Honorable Mention Creamy Goodness for this great piece of narrative.

Nerys (character) is too naive and sucker to appreciate it (in fact she hasn't understood anything about what's going on) but Nerys (player) loves this delicate exposition of feelings. Bravo, bravo, bravo.
04 May 2020, 9:45pm
Nerys NymeiSpeaking of bad and good roleplaying... Ladies and gentlemen, I reward with an Honorable Mention Creamy Goodness for this great piece of narrative.

Nerys (character) is too naive and sucker to appreciate it (in fact she hasn't understood anything about what's going on) but Nerys (player) loves this delicate exposition of feelings. Bravo, bravo, bravo.

Seconded. I could feel what I perceived as the heartache, profound disappointment, & unrequited (would I be safe to call it 'love'?)

I found myself thinking to myself, "Awww... the poor guy, & he couldn't bring himself to make all that known to her for various reasons."

You both deserve mention for a great RP interaction!
05 May 2020, 2:07am
Amata Lirein
Sen ZaurakFor those of you that have been following the story that kicked off in RP here.  Season 2 is now officially under way.   Thanks to all of you out there that have been pushing and encouraging me to keep the story going.  I give you Season two.

I like your renders. May I ask what tool you use?

Thanks I appreciate that. I am trying to get a new Episode out each week. As for the renders its a combination of elements but I hope mid season there may be some animation put into each. If things stay on track. And an open spot where others can write in personal storylines as well.
05 May 2020, 3:49am
Thirded. That was really great! Bravo indeed.
05 May 2020, 9:40am
Nerys NymeiSpeaking of bad and good roleplaying... Ladies and gentlemen, I reward with an Honorable Mention Creamy Goodness for this great piece of narrative.

Nerys (character) is too naive and sucker to appreciate it (in fact she hasn't understood anything about what's going on) but Nerys (player) loves this delicate exposition of feelings. Bravo, bravo, bravo.

That's the kind of posts that I find forum RP is far more suited for. Long elaborate posts describing emotions and thoughts going on inside a character. Things that an observer would never fully -see- or know.

On the flip side, such (in my eyes) is not really suitable for a real time exchange, because you can't see the thoughts of the one you're chatting with, same as you can't in real life. In a real time chat, I want to be immersed in -my- character. Reading on a forum, I want to be immersed with -that- character.

Same reason I also find more action packed exchanges not as interesting on the forums - it go to slow to stay immersed in your character, and it's too simple and short time fragments to make a very interesting read individually. I would almost recommend that any action involving multiple characters is ideally carried out in real time on like discord (easy to transcribe from there) and then written as a single elaborate post on third person view.
06 May 2020, 9:58pm
Okay question...

How the hell do you people kill writer's block? Especially you, Matt.

I've been dealing with it for months now and it's actually driving me crazy. I have ideas but I can't seem to get them down.
06 May 2020, 11:02pm
LordPsymonOkay question...

How the hell do you people kill writer's block?

Ah, terrible question for me. I have writer's block from YEARS now and I am totally unable to shake it off.

Thing is, I know I am a good writer. I have won a couple of literary awards, even arrived to the finals of "Premio Italia" for "best nonprofessional sci-fi novel" here in Italy. I am surely a bit rusty, but I could do good. I am sure of it.

But... I have lost my muse. There was a friend of mine, a very good friend. Even more than a friend, and also a writer like me. We said anything to each other, and we exchanged ideas, plots, stories, characters, everything.

Then, a day, we had a bad argument. Very bad. The reasons are unimportant, but we haven't seen or heard each other since that day. And now I have no one who can listen to my ramblings, trash my bad ideas and push up the good ones.

So my advice would be: find a muse. Someone who can tell you "This idea sucks, throw it away" and immediately after "On second thought, let's change it a bit". Move your mind. Open a window in your brain. Look at your stories from a different perspective.

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