Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

21 May 2020, 6:36pm
Easier on the wallet: Yes. To handle? No.

edit: I have managed to find some third party sites though that have stuff for DAZ as well, I will browse those during the weekend though.

Last edit: 21 May 2020, 6:47pm
22 May 2020, 3:29pm
@Maggie Oz:

Have I mentioned yet that I really enjoy your story logs lately?
23 May 2020, 12:07pm
Thanks^^ Maybe I'll take you up on that offer
25 May 2020, 5:52pm
So in life imitating art, Jason posted a log about burnout, and I'm dealing with feelings of burnout in general, as well as in-game with Elite Dangerous, and most things. Isn't bipolar depression grand?
25 May 2020, 6:33pm
A lot of people are getting down because of the change in daily life Jason.

I usually go to the gym after walking the dog and then I'm off to work. I do that 6 days a week.  

Now I haven't been to the gym or work for about a month, so I've got all the time I want to do whatever I like. Consequently, I have zero motivation to do anything. It seems I needed a full day to make me value my free time and eager to use it.

I'm trying to get the steam up to do something, but it's not as easy as it should be.

Add some structure to ya day, it helps. I walk the dog very early in the morning and very late at night to avoid people as we're still in Lockdown rules. We also go out for a long walk/run early evening so we both get some exercise.  I make some rules for my self like No using the phone unless I do some housework or 20 pushups, anything to add some limitations to the avalanche of free time I have to use.
26 May 2020, 6:07am
The low-boil stress of the pandemic is absolutely real. I'm fortunate enough to live in an area with plenty of fantastic hiking, and I take advantage!
26 May 2020, 9:46am
With creamy on his hands and knees, how did he know that the gun wasn't aimed on him and the knuckleduster was stuck?

I usually enjoy your writing, but sometimes (right now your last couple posts) it just seem that the antagonists are a bit too incompetent and Creamy a bit too fantastic, especially considering they've had him escape miraculously twice already. Reasonably, they would have stunned Creamy right away, cuff him, then deal with Nerys.

I know it's not my story and I'll probably get flak for this, it just doesn't sound very believable to me. The bad guys seem too stupid and Creamy got a way out of every situation.
26 May 2020, 2:54pm
A C Ender

I know it's not my story and I'll probably get flak for this, it just doesn't sound very believable to me. The bad guys seem too stupid and Creamy got a way out of every situation.

As an NPC myself Im often placed in situations where there isnt a believable way out of the situation. My writer has been trying to kill me off for some time but each time I manage to escape. Which makes me think about the least believable escapes in all these logs.

Ill go first.

I once disabled and killed a ten man Black Ops Federal death squad with an EMP jury rigged from a Shield Cell bank and a home made bow and arrow.

Seemed perfectly reasonable at the time but looking back its definitely worse than the time I dropped a Hospital on some folks.
26 May 2020, 4:02pm
Kara waldeN[quote=A C Ender]Seemed perfectly reasonable at the time but looking back its definitely worse than the time I dropped a Hospital on some folks.

You monster!
26 May 2020, 4:23pm
Aleksander Majjam
Kara waldeN
A C EnderSeemed perfectly reasonable at the time but looking back its definitely worse than the time I dropped a Hospital on some folks.

You monster!

They were all bad people.

Until the Imperial Purge ended and then they weren't.

Funny how politics works. One day you're the People, the next day, the enemy of the People.

I never got round to explaining why I spaced a Polar Bear either.

You know, when you start looking into it, believability isnt a currency of any value round here.
26 May 2020, 4:49pm
To be fair to Creamy, he has hinted that he's a very good fighter. A lil quote from his first unaided escape follows.

“Listen Charlie, you were hitting on a girl and her boyfriend got in your face about it. You took a swing at him, and he gave you three back putting you on the floor. .”

“You mean I lost a fight?” Interrupted Creamy “Now now, I really doubt that. Only way that could happen is ..“

Vodan spoke at the same time as Creamy mimicking his accent.

“If I was very very drunk”
“If I was very very drunk”

“Yeah, you told us you don’t lose a fight like that unless you are very very drunk like a hundred times” said Vodan flatly”

The other escapes were helped. Nerys shot a dude the first time, and this time around, a kind stranger caused a distraction. Also, he's not escaped yet, he's given the girl a chance to get away. He's still up s***  creek once they start fighting back.  It reads like Jackie Chan's style of silly fighting, I don't think it supposed to be taken seriously.

In almost every other respect, Creamy has acted like a moron.
26 May 2020, 5:23pm
It's also good to remember that the devs pointed out multiple times in the past that the Empire is a society of honor, with honor being defined as being similar to Roman 'dignitas' and Japanese 'bushido'. Both of these concepts favour/demand the mastery of at least one form of martial art (For Rome see this entry on Wikipedia as source) so they could be called to arms in the time of need to defend the (Roman/Japanese/Achenar) Empire against its enemies.

So yeah, it stands to reason that any Imperial citizen knows how to defend him-/herself against some thugs.
26 May 2020, 5:37pm
Kara waldeNI never got round to explaining why I spaced a Polar Bear either.

Ah yes "The Space Bear", my personal favorite episode of The Galaxies Greatest Jewel Thief. Ya know, for weeks the fan club forums were full of theories on why you'd space a Polar bear. It's now a banned topic over there. Caused way too much arguing in the end.
26 May 2020, 7:16pm
I know Lambast Mercy and Amanta. I've read those too. I didn't have a problem with the first two events. But given the last two existing escapes, it stand to reason that an organised kidnap attempt of a known target, a target who have eluded them once already (Nerys), and in the presence of another target who have escaped twice (Creamy), the latter whom you are very well aware of his close combat prowess, you don't take chances. This last occurrence doesn't sound believable to me, and fall into the category of stupid antagonists and heroes with endless pockets, with a tool/way out of any situation.

Look, if you were two lawfull bounty hunters who spotted two wanted targets boarding their ship, when you board it, what would you do? If they're wanted alive, and especially if you know they are good fighters, you would act like a "swat" team, clearing through the ship with stun gun on the ready (and that doesn't mean walking gun first around a corner like a cartoon). When you spot the target, you fire right away to incapacitate them. Then you cuff them.

Even with the distraction, I don't find the current situation believable. To me it seems more like an anime/cartoon than the pseudo-realistic setting I think of with Elite.

Like I said previously; overall I like Creamy's writing a lot. He write very well and engaging. I just find the way the plot developed unrealistic.
26 May 2020, 7:37pm
Well, aside from the "armchair quarterbacking" effect, not all thugs, even bounty hunters (& who knows of their expertise or level of intelligence here) make perfect decisions.

I think that the pursuer(s) will tend to be somewhat lulled by their confidence, despite what they've come to know of either Creamy or Nerys. I think that their prey (that being Creamy & Nerys in this instance), despite being caught by surprise, are both likely to be well-fueled with adrenaline, which can unlock otherwise quasi-superhuman abilities & actions. Lightning thought & motions are to be expected, & the element of surprise would turn to both Creamy & Nery's advantage.

The intervention by a brave & kind samaritan only enhances their advantage (brief as it may be; I for one, enjoy immensely the story!).

Creamy may come across as a testosterone-laden chivalrous dolt at times, but behind that, he does bring with him the typical Imperial taste & style, & I think that includes his fighting abilities which he needs, as those Imperial traits often lead him into situations where they're needed.

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