Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

16 Jun 2020, 9:06am
Looks like you and everyone else is delivering Void.

I'm happy to see Citi Gateway come alive again. Its been a spartan of late.
16 Jun 2020, 9:18am
I would have joined sooner, but I only recent started actually using the E:D webtools.

The RP forum site i used to use in middle school is not what it used to be, so i saw this
section in here and figured id give it a go. I got a little thread cookin on the RP forums
on the E:D website, too.
16 Jun 2020, 9:55am
Nothing wrong with getting involved void when you consider the size of the stations and the docking bays I'd hardly call it messing up At least you 'arrived' as such, Ao just appeared in the dockyards and ch raged into the fray, with Amata on standby, creamy down, Nerys providing first aid and Ao investigating I do believe next move is Jason's
16 Jun 2020, 10:43am
The girls can do more than just functions. Just as things were getting under control and security had turned up to try and restore order, a ship blows up.
I think they'll have something to say about that development.
16 Jun 2020, 10:59am
Im interested to see what Nerys and Amata are capable of, a Doctor's knowledge of human anatomy makes for a powerful weapon in and of itself, amata os still a complete mystery to me
16 Jun 2020, 11:13am
TsubasaLegend97Im interested to see what Nerys and Amata are capable of, a Doctor's knowledge of human anatomy makes for a powerful weapon in and of itself, amata os still a complete mystery to me

That's what biographies and logbooks are for
16 Jun 2020, 11:38am
Hahah, true but then that spoils the surprise when a character turns out to be a total badass ;P
16 Jun 2020, 12:22pm
On the subject of logbooks, I finally got around to publishing Ao's backstory and and brief character sheet, if you fancy taking a look here it is:
16 Jun 2020, 12:41pm
Hmm... I already see a point of conflict between Ao and Amata showing up...
16 Jun 2020, 12:57pm
Amata LireinHmm... I already see a point of conflict between Ao and Amata showing up...

Ooooo, me like some in group drama :3

Amata LireinHmm... I already see a point of conflict between Ao and Amata showing up...

Ooo blimey, yeah I can see that being a conflict point, this will be fuuuuuun

Last edit: 16 Jun 2020, 1:11pm
18 Jun 2020, 8:00pm
Well, dear docks-people: Who's turn is it now?
19 Jun 2020, 6:44am
Guys, reminder, Banter is for In Character banter...It's getting rather OOC again.
19 Jun 2020, 7:35am
Well, tbf: Posting pics of yourself in RL is rather off-topic, so he does have a point. But the other silliness about foot massages and talking toasters seem to have been in character imo.
19 Jun 2020, 7:54am
"Anything you want to banter about. In-character...

An important note: As mentioned, this banter is for IN-CHARACTER talk, in other words - roleplay. Any misuse or personal insults cloaked as RP will NOT be tolerated, same as in any other discussion there..."

If you're intending to use the banter board as an overflow from general/game talk or this particular thread, just have Artie remove the part about it being "in character." No need to be hostile about someone pointing out the obvious(ly ignored.)
19 Jun 2020, 11:49am
I really hope that this is Psymon himself showing off a strange sense of humor, otherwise someone is reeeeaaaally begging for Artie's banhammer

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