Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

27 May 2020, 10:30am
Maul Montresor
Ah yes "The Space Bear", my personal favorite episode of The Galaxies Greatest Jewel Thief. Ya know, for weeks the fan club forums were full of theories on why you'd space a Polar bear. It's now a banned topic over there. Caused way too much arguing in the end.

There are more episodes in the can, we just had some production differences with our corporate sponsors regarding unpaid invoices for animal husbandry.

That and an unfortunate extra that turned up for work dead. So unprofessional.

Perhaps I should see if the lawyers have made any progress.
27 May 2020, 7:53pm
Ah man, the fan forums are gonna FREAK.

Kara waldeNThat and an unfortunate extra that turned up for work dead. So unprofessional.

Oh I remember reading an article about that! And here I was thinking that it was just some sort of rumor or publicity stunt.

Yikes... well I'm sure there's a PA somewhere to blame for that.
28 May 2020, 8:40am
Greatly enjoyed that post Synthya. I only wish you would post more often!
28 May 2020, 3:17pm
A C EnderGreatly enjoyed that post Synthya. I only wish you would post more often!

Thank you! I do too. Actually, especially lately, I've been spending more time doing research digging in E:D Lore, than I have, playing the game.

I gather enough info in my mind, toss it into the Cosmic Cogitator, & the basics of a chapter in Synthya's story appears; I just add some hew-mon details to bring the characters to life as if I was there.

But, I often need inspiration & motivation to write. I take a break, explore other things, watch some movies or videos, listen to some Pink Floyd, play E:D, etc. I don't feel "burnt-out" so much as feeling a bit overwhelmed with the emotional impacts of this Wuhan Flu fiasco.

For me at least, it takes a good bit of energy to focus & write, as it does actually RPing (although here I'm writing the whole thing myself so far & not benefitting from the interactive creativity of others), either in real-time or as a number of others here who have done an excellent display of creative interactive story-weaving. Between trying to get myself progressed enough in the game itself to leave the Newb Zone, & all the other things RL-related...

I try hard not to spew literary garbage, so I do lots of thinking, & this whole recent situation has affected me negatively. I'll see if I can focus more on my writing quality & frequency.

Although I remain open to others joining in, I also recognize there hasn't been that much opportunity to do so. That will change shortly, as with several more developments, Synthya will be exploring on her own & attempting to socialize/acclimatize to her new environment. Without telegraphing the direction of the story, some additional elements of intrigue will be introduced shortly.

Thank you again; your & others appreciation is perhaps the single most energizing factor.
29 May 2020, 3:39pm
so ive seen some recurring names pop up and damn you guys are good at this, any tips to writing something like you guys?
29 May 2020, 3:43pm
Hazzstig05so ive seen some recurring names pop up and damn you guys are good at this, any tips to writing something like you guys?

Well, first of all your character needs a personal background that forms his/her personality. You need to make sure though that this biography does not contradict E:D's lore, so make sure to doublecheck everything you came up with.

If you have any questions about these subjects just feel free to ask either in here or in the lore discussion thread.
29 May 2020, 3:47pm
Amata Lirein
Well, first of all your character needs a personal background that forms his/her personality. You need to make sure though that this biography does not contradict E:D's lore, so make sure to doublecheck everything you came up with.

If you have any questions about these subjects just feel free to ask either in here or in the lore discussion thread.

cool thanks!
29 May 2020, 4:12pm
Hazzstig05so ive seen some recurring names pop up and damn you guys are good at this, any tips to writing something like you guys?

I made an effort to get Creamy going for weeks, possibly months. Other than some short interactions (mostly miss labeling every Imperial as a slaver) nothing come of it. Then Nerys started typing.

As I said to her, I firmly believe everything good about Creamy is a reflection of Nerys' work.

Know the person your going to write about very very well and stick to it. When you are typing with some one, react and then act. Don't try, don't aim to steal the headline, just let your dude or dudett react to the scene as it unfolds.
29 May 2020, 4:20pm
Creamy Goodness III

I made an effort to get Creamy going for weeks, possibly months. Other than some short interactions (mostly miss labeling every Imperial as a slaver) nothing come of it. Then Nerys started typing.

As I said to her, I firmly believe everything good about Creamy is a reflection of Nerys' work.

Know the person your going to write about very very well and stick to it. When you are typing with some one, react and then act. Don't try, don't aim to steal the headline, just let your dude or dudett react to the scene as it unfolds.

thanks for the advice!!! i'll be sure to do that. o7.
29 May 2020, 4:34pm
As another tip, though this one falls under YMMV:

Start by writing personal logs which only include your character and NPCs before doing some actual RP with others. They can help you to get a feeling on your character's personality and how they react to their surroundings. They can also be a good starting point to get your character set up on how they ended up in the bar or docks here in public or maybe peek someone's interest who would like to get your character involved with their own personal RP via PMs.
29 May 2020, 4:41pm
Amata LireinAs another tip, though this one falls under YMMV:

Start by writing personal logs which only include your character and NPCs before doing some actual RP with others. They can help you to get a feeling on your character's personality and how they react to their surroundings. They can also be a good starting point to get your character set up on how they ended up in the bar or docks here in public or maybe peek someone's interest who would like to get your character involved with their own personal RP via PMs.

good idea, ill get my first start on that later as its unreasonable o'clock over here in Australia.

Thank you all for the support and help!
29 May 2020, 7:57pm
Hazzstig05so ive seen some recurring names pop up and damn you guys are good at this, any tips to writing something like you guys?

I can only speak for myself. I wrote Synthya's Bio & "designed" her with many of my own personality traits - an extension of my RL self, & so ofc, know those quite well. I suppose I could write out of pure fantasy & speculation & RP as a completely different character, even going to the extent of creating an "alt" with whom I could RP as a sort of "alter-ego". So far, for each "alt" that would, for me at least, multiply my creative demands accordingly. For the time being, I'll continue as I have, esp since Synthya continues to need my focus & development.

I would find within my own self, particular story-worthy aspects, & combine them with experiences in-game, & as needed, do lots of research into the particulars of E:D Lore, in order to make whatever story you find, plausible.

I also imagine whatever the situation is, to draw upon your own experiences in RL... the subtleties, little things which bring a sense of reality, of connection, which draw the reader in, & add a sense of actually being there, of identifying with one or another of the characters, & of immersion.

Aside from the bare facts, how are they feeling? The Admin's back ached & his ass hurt from too much sitting at his job. The Void Extract coffee, it's a rare commodity, but how does it smell? Engage the senses & feelings of the characters, & if they become real enough, they come alive for the reader. The reader feels as if they are there & part of the story.

But, that's me. Best advice I can offer. There are lots here with no doubt, more experience than I, esp in the world of E:D. I look forward to reading your RPs!
29 May 2020, 8:17pm
A question re: Synthya's "native" language, since until the point where she learns 'Standard' or whatever's considered as the common/universal spoken language in E:D, should I (as the writer):

1. Continue with her using Trigedesleng, as she has been doing so far? (The issue there is, very few if any actually knows/understands what she's saying, LOL)

2. Offer 'translations' in English under/with her spoken Trigedesleng in some manner?

3. Use something like italics, colors, or some special punctuation marks to denote her speaking in Trigedesleng while I write in English, without my going to the extent of actually working up passages/responses in Trigedesleng?

I'm open to your thoughts & suggestions. It's about to become key.
29 May 2020, 10:23pm
Synthya Wylder
A question re: Synthya's "native" language, since until the point where she learns 'Standard' or whatever's considered as the common/universal spoken language in E:D, should I (as the writer):

1. Continue with her using Trigedesleng, as she has been doing so far?

Kigon skrab daun trigedasleng, Heda!

Synthya Wylder
(The issue there is, very few if any actually knows/understands what she's saying, LOL)

Ai mema klin!

...but maybe for all the aulana a translation should be provided... and the actual language used only for short passages: otherwise it becomes hard to read and harder to write!
29 May 2020, 10:50pm
I'd do it something like this.

Creamy sat beside Nerys regarding the so-called Medical Supplies traders with distrust. They were too good to be true.

"Parlez-vous monsieur, français?" asked Creamy with a polite smile to the man oppasit Nerys. He smiled like a crocodile at the woman beside him "Et vous madame?"

The quizzical look he received from the man and polite incomprehension on the face of his delightful raven-haired assistant answered Creamys' inquiry. He nudged Nerys and continued speaking French.

<I don't trust them Nerys. If I was going to con a Doctor out of a lot of money, I'd behave like him. Tell them my English is not very good and be cautious ok? >

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