Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

21 Jun 2020, 6:14pm
Jason FrimantleAn example of disrespect: Inhabitant telling someone to delete their account, and stating they don't care about the consequences of their actions.

What's wrong with that? At least it's clear where I stand on the issue. Would you prefer Synthya's thinly veiled belligerence? "With all due respect" is just polite speak for, "kiss my ass" isn't it?

In any case, if Artie decides to delete my account that's his business. That particular consequence is of so little weight to me not caring seems like the only appropriate response. Especially since it feels like more of the same I was getting from Synthya.

But hey, if that's the kind of attitude you feel like respecting I won't stop you.
21 Jun 2020, 6:54pm
Jason Frimantle
DJ Voidwho's turn is it on Docks rn?

My guess would be Amata, since Jason just pinged her through the Comm.

Creamy or Ao could chime in as well, since I think all of the characters are now on the move.

21 Jun 2020, 9:03pm
Inhabitant at least owns his words, unlike the coward individual who decided to mock Psymon by making a parody account.

Bottom line is this, there's some assholes about this place who smile and deliver their condescension through flowery language and polite contempt, and some that give it to you straight without batting an eye. This place has gradually become more toxic as time has gone on and frankly it's only slightly better than the Frontier forums. Maybe it's worse because people dont have the balls to say what they mean and mean what they say.

If you speak up about something that is obviously against the rules, you get it thrown back in your face and accused of gatekeeping.

If you have the nerve to call someone out on their glaring disregard for fundamental ignorance of the established lore, you get mocked by edgy shitlords who use tired memes and cheap insults to shut down the discussion.

Instead of sharpening each other by giving and accepting criticism and feedback, we have a gigantic circlejerk where if you even dare to point out a glaring inconsistency, you are derided and dismissed.

If that's the way it's gonna be from now on, so be it. But don't expect me to play nice when someone can't accept the constructive approach and comes at me sideways, because I'll tell you exactly what I think and I don't need to hide it. If that's grounds for getting deleted on this site now, then Artie, get the fucking hammer.

Last edit: 21 Jun 2020, 9:18pm
21 Jun 2020, 9:17pm
Seriously, guys? Artie already dealt with that issue and handed out 'yellow cards' where needed. Please leave it at that and calm down...

...or in the words of legendary John Bercow:

21 Jun 2020, 9:28pm
I could be a wrong, and it isn't my place to put my oar in someone else's water. The notion was to encourage some better choices in behavior. People can take it or leave it.

I think Bowling For Soup put it better and more directly, even if I object to the use of the word 'chivalry':

NSFW language in the song, just FYI.

Last edit: 21 Jun 2020, 9:35pm
21 Jun 2020, 9:41pm
Jason FrimantleI could be a wrong, and it isn't my place to put my oar in someone else's water. The notion was to encourage some better choices in behavior. People can take it or leave it.

You specifically called me out and now wonder why I confronted it directly?

This place is weird. You listen to the song.
21 Jun 2020, 9:47pm
Isaiah Evanson
If that's the way it's gonna be from now on, so be it. But don't expect me to play nice when someone can't accept the constructive approach and comes at me sideways, because I'll tell you exactly what I think and I don't need to hide it. If that's grounds for getting deleted on this site now, then Artie, get the fucking hammer.

There is no problem with different opinions. No problem at all. Even the different or unpopular opinions can be expressed constructively, politely and with a respect to opposite view. That's something I value and I think it's also something that can make a good discussions, if everybody is acting like that. There is however a problem when somebody is (generally speaking now) insulting other commanders, being rude, behaving generally toxic and so on and so on. It's not something I tolerate and that's when the hammer goes out. I see no reason why to remove your post.

But as Amata said, let's consider it as over and honestly, this whole thing raised just from a very little reason. I was quite surprised how massive reactions it caused. If anybody have a problem with some individuals, please solve it via PM and if that's not a way, the ignore function is still working properly.
21 Jun 2020, 10:02pm
Now then, back to some more regular topics: I wanted to ask people on their opinion about something that might be a bit controversial.

I assume that a lot of the fans of this genre also know about the "X"-series by German developer Egosoft. In parts 2 and 3 there is an NPC companion character named Saya Kho who is wearing, in her own words: "[...] a standard pilot uniform [...]". What I would like to ask now: Do you guys think that there could be a Remlock suit like it in E:D? *takes cover behind the nearest couch, just in case of rotten tomatoes flying my way*

21 Jun 2020, 10:11pm
Oh, that brings back some memories. No, not like that, I mean playing X2 for so many hours. I keep dipping into x4 as its already got space leg. I hope Elite implements them better.

As for the "Flight suit" .. . .theres not a lot of space for the person in it let alone all the important things a flight suit needs to do. A young teenage me didn't mind it at all and hay, its the future.
21 Jun 2020, 10:13pm
Last I looked space isn't very kind to exposed midriff and clevage.

Joking aside, I think the Remlok was specifically designed as a second skin to survive the harsh environment pilots may find themselves in. So... something like that would not be feasible.

It's also not very appealing for women to be put in outfits like that simply because they are women. This is a better example:

21 Jun 2020, 10:33pm
Amata LireinNow then, back to some more regular topics: I wanted to ask people on their opinion about something that might be a bit controversial.

I assume that a lot of the fans of this genre also know about the "X"-series by German developer Egosoft. In parts 2 and 3 there is an NPC companion character named Saya Kho who is wearing, in her own words: "[...] a standard pilot uniform [...]". What I would like to ask now: Do you guys think that there could be a Remlock suit like it in E:D? *takes cover behind the nearest couch, just in case of rotten tomatoes flying my way*



HaHem! <clears throat> I love the style... practical? plausible? no, unfortunately, unless something like what automatically covers the face & head in the standard RemLok function, were to also cover her tantalizing exposed body parts.

Perhaps, there's an opportunity for the "Amata Version" to be developed for the market?

It would certainly prove a distraction to any foes encountering it.
21 Jun 2020, 11:49pm
I don't know... it's hard for me to take that seriously considering how hard boiled the Elite lore is. Unless you were going for a naive character that watched too many holovid dramas, I'm not sure how it would work.

If she was going after pirates, there's no plausible situation where that ends well.
22 Jun 2020, 12:37am
Yeah. Bikini armor/spacesuits in provocative poses are the stuff of cringe.
22 Jun 2020, 1:52am
Thank goodness for dreams. Anything is possible.

Outstanding creativity, IMO, Alek, in RP: Banter. I'm cogitating on the possibilities.

Last edit: 22 Jun 2020, 1:58am
22 Jun 2020, 11:24am
Synthya WylderThank goodness for dreams. Anything is possible.

Except taking that suit seriously. But, do what you want.

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