Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

19 Jan 2016, 8:37pm
AreZeeIs anyone volunteering to roleplay our barkeeper at the INGABA?

Right. I think we may have a 'Samuel" guy doing the bar keeping. Actually it may be convenient if we could use a couple of Characters 'on demand', characters which all actual members may be kindly permitted to use;
as to fine trim the edges of our verse.

It might be too demanding to assign the barkeeper role to a particular Inara member as this person may need to leave the forum for a couple of days, while, the thread has to keep running. Too many vacant volunteer jobs these days but little free time, right?
So, If anyone likes to create some character 'on demand', Samuel, Lucy, Sarah as well since ladies are scarcer, please do so, as long as we project easy-going characters who don't necessarily interfere much with the story involving actual characters.
Samuel could prove to be undergoing a personality disorder at the end, so, don't hesitate putting words in his mouth everyone!
Anyone who'd like to barkeep is still absolutely welcome.

Those drink catalogues look 'Elite'  ;)

Last edit: 19 Jan 2016, 8:52pm
19 Jan 2016, 10:11pm

I guess, you got some points there. I agree with you, having one or more members dedicated to do the job might be to much of a volunteer job in the long run. Let's keep it simple and everyone can use an easy-going barkeeper for interaction that doesn't interfere much.

I'll try to elite-fy the drinks into small images to use in logbooks or at the INGABA. I like the idea of that

P.S. I like your eye patch? is this the "smartwatch" you keep mentioning or am I confused...
19 Jan 2016, 11:38pm

I guess, you got some points there. ...

ahhhaahhaa, yes, smartwatch; implant. iEye 6.2 deep retina infusion, the coolest gadget currently around Aldebaran.
Shows weather in more than 1000 systems; also baseball games and stock markets in thousands of planets. Plus advanced NFC payments by a mere head shake. It's a 'must have'
19 Jan 2016, 11:39pm
Hannibal0216what kind of formatting do you guys use in the RP sections for conversations? the grey 'table'-looking thing

easiest way to tell all the formatting is by pressing the "quote" button and see the code. Although you don't have to use the formatting it is nice for the talking parts at least imho.

Basically it's a table:

Actor Name: (flavor text) "talking text"

Thanks for the tips
20 Jan 2016, 12:03am

I guess, you got some points there. ...

ahhhaahhaa, yes, smartwatch; implant. iEye 6.2 deep retina infusion, the coolest gadget currently around Aldebaran.
Shows weather in more than 1000 systems; also baseball games and stock markets in thousands of planets. Plus advanced NFC payments by a mere head shake. It's a 'must have'

Its one way to keep your eye on the time.
20 Jan 2016, 2:06am
Nova Cassidy
M. LehmanI think I'm going to have to ask Nova what exactly goes into her character's signature drink, the Supernova!

If I told you that, I'd have to kill you.



And, Nova, by golly, your pink-n-blue photo fx .. they really work.
20 Jan 2016, 2:17am
Surely Samuel isn't the ONLY bar-tender -- this place isn't THAT small, is it??

I like the autonomous, independently momile, Servo-Droids..

.. but I'm sure we can "afford" to include perhaps at least one, maybe two, other humanoid bar-staff.
20 Jan 2016, 2:35am
Hannibal0216what kind of formatting do you guys use in the RP sections for conversations? the grey 'table'-looking thing

For me, I tend to pick a colour, like dark cyan, to set off the "spoken" text from the descriptives.
I use the same cyan for "thoughts", except -- as often typical with publilshed fiction -- thoughts are not in quotes, and set in Italics.

Actually, I'm not aware of any pre-determined or regulated formatting "required" for the RP side of things..

The way I look at it -- and nothing against RZ's preferred format -- Elite: Dangerous came out with the tag line
Play Your Way
... so, in the same vein -- and directly in support of RZ's preferred format -- format speech however you see fit, whatever makes sense, looks good, makes YOU feel good about its presentation.

When I read fiction, I like the way it "looks" as I read it.
For me, "tables" work great for websites, science journals, economics/banking reports, etc.
Quotes and tabbed-in "speech paragraphs" can work... Whatever and However YOU like.

Make YOUR Impression. Pay it your way.
20 Jan 2016, 10:10am
Acen ONYX ...

Make YOUR Impression. Pay it your way.

Well said, Acen ONYX. Pretty much sums up my point of view as well. Some people like formatted text to read on the monitor and others like it plain and simple. Nothing wrong with that.

Here is my newest iteration of cocktails preview. I think this might be considered the "release candidate". Let me know what you think about it and I will make more.

Last edit: 20 Jan 2016, 12:02pm
21 Jan 2016, 12:40am
I'd appreciate some advice on how to insert the table for the dialogue the way CMDR AreZee does. Thanks.
21 Jan 2016, 7:45am
SmaotønkI'd appreciate some advice on how to insert the table for the dialogue the way CMDR AreZee does. Thanks.

example (press the quote button to see the raw code and replace "PersonX", "text" and "flavor text" )

Person2"text" (flavor text) "text"
26 Jan 2016, 3:54pm
I only wanted to post this because it might be often forgotten when we link things or write stories where we might take excerpts from other sources to bring more depth into our own writing. Since it's sometimes way too tedious and more often outright impossible to contact the persons in question to ask for allowance to use a certain picture or text, i'd like to link here what should be used by everyone to prevent legal cases to arise. I am not living in the US, so I am somewhat safer then others in that regard, but who knows...

Last edit: 26 Jan 2016, 4:04pm
28 Jan 2016, 11:12pm
Let me just type that up so people can "copy  & paste" it easily.

.. and since it's very much like a "footnote" and "disclaimer", here it is in tiny text.  :P
((.. and it seems to me that it needs some "clarifying" modifications, which I've taken the liberty to do..))
  • Copyright Disclaimer: Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976 [USA]; "Allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair Use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational, or personal use tips the balance in favour of Fair Use."
  • This work may contain copyrighted and non-copyrighted images from the public domain & the web for non-commercial & non-profit educational purposes.  Inclusion of any copyrighted images is made under fair use guidelines.
  • This work may contain original commentary and/or critical analysis.
  • The author has neither monetised this work nor sought any profit from its distribution.  This work is distributed free of charge.
  • Any included quotations have - to the best ability of the author - been attributed to the original authors and/or sources.

Alternatively, many of the various ("derivative works") videos related to Elite: Dangerous (etc) have had something like this in it:


This video was created using assets and imagery from Elite: Dangerous, with the permission of Frontier Developments plc, for non-commercial purposes. It is not endorsed by nor reflects the views or opinions of Frontier Developments and no employee of Frontier Developments was involved in the making of it.

So, a slight modification for use here in Inara could be:


This work of fiction was created using assets and/or imagery from Elite: Dangerous (and/or Horizons), without the express permission of Frontier Developments plc, but under Fair Use, being for non-commercial purposes. It is not endorsed by nor reflects the views or opinions of Frontier Developments and no employee of Frontier Developments was involved in the making of it.

There you go, friends.  ;)

Last edit: 28 Jan 2016, 11:18pm
28 Jan 2016, 11:23pm
OliviaVesperaThere's another fansite that revolves around a bar. I forgot what it's called but they have come up with several drinks in the elite universe. I think it's something and the fer-de-lance.

edit: found it The Thargoid and Fer-De-Lance plenty of items to riff off of from here.

RZ - I've not looked at this source, but it seems Olivia found this one way back... Leave it to you to check it out..?
29 Jan 2016, 1:17am
RZ - re drinks/cocktails, the latest iteration looks good! Orange is "more calm" than the earlier version; I like it.

Don't forget, most watering holes manage a healthy profit margin from their beverages, so no need for any fractional prices!

If Artie might work with you to establish baseline prices, if not all prices..? (Since it's pretty much "his bar"?)

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