Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

22 Jun 2020, 1:44pm
RenraikuThe Helmet of the suit basically uses Handwavium.

Write what you like, just don't expect it to be considered canon or plausible in any way in the current context of E:D. If they are viable we will see them soon as options for purchase with ARX. If not well then you have your answer.

Yes, "SpaceLegs" - err, the Odyssey expansion should be telling.

On a related note, how is romance & sexuality/sexual activity expressed or portrayed in the game?

& extending from that, children?
22 Jun 2020, 1:45pm

This is why there is Lore, so that the universe is held to a certain level of 'normalcy' to avoid the absurd.

Uh, just like normal, get on a surface with some gravity and go nuts.
22 Jun 2020, 1:50pm
About the "who would wear a suit like that" part: By lore Imperials are a rather vain people who like to flaunt their wealth (That's why Gutamaya ships do "function follows form", not "form follows function" ), so I could totally see an Imperial wearing a suit like that if it's technically possible. Which brings me back to the question: What is Elite's nanotech capable of in the 3300s?
22 Jun 2020, 1:52pm
It appears like you are trying to justify your style by bending the rules, rather than realising that it really isn't practical and likely doesn't exist.
22 Jun 2020, 1:55pm
Imperials are vain, but they are careful.about the image they present to one another. Imperial fashion is gaudy and exuberant, not necessarily revealing or suggestive. Clothing choice is as much a form of communication as it is expression in the Empire. Anyone wearing that... well, they're gonna get a variety of looks but no one is going to think very highly of them.
22 Jun 2020, 2:01pm
Oof a lot of "drama" here, i had a story completely out of context my self, after a while i decided to change it to fit it more into ED lore or at least not as blown off as before, i mean it's not an issue, to me people can RP in whatever floats their boat.

However i think Frontier when it comes down to minor factions and squadrons it is pretty strict on what you wish to do, when you want that your squadron becomes a minor faction in game.

My personal RP is probably pretty cringe and makes no sense at some points but i'm fine with that, players keep telling me that they like my stories and my character so i continue towards this direction, however it is always within ED's lore now, nothing exagerrated or from another universe.
It does help my "frustration" from apparent senseless grind to think of it as a new adventure to write down and share with others, even if it's just me blowing up some sub surface deposits i always find a way to make that scene more entertaining and novelized.
Me and my friends keep laughing on reading my own log books and listening to my weird/creative ideas.

I'm not trying to tell anything now, i'm just sharing my personal experience.
22 Jun 2020, 2:01pm
Synthya WylderAnd to add from 1 of my previous comments, it's my opinion that unless something is expressly forbidden in E:D Lore, it's therefore implied that it's permitted, although it's my own personal style to be prepared to back it up with a plausible explanation.

So Vex teleporters and traveling between timelines is permissible because the lore doesnt outright forbid it?

Oh man, wait until Zavala and Ikora hear this.

Well, Yeah, actually... but as I said, be prepared to support it with plausible explanations. That last part is key, IMO.
22 Jun 2020, 2:03pm

This is why there is Lore, so that the universe is held to a certain level of 'normalcy' to avoid the absurd.

Uh, just like normal, get on a surface with some gravity and go nuts.

Synthya might be able to demonstrate Zero-Gee eroticism & sexuality to you then.

Reference: Her Bio
22 Jun 2020, 2:11pm
...and once again I get attacked for answering a question that was asked by pointing out the respective lore even though I explicitly pointed out earlier that I just wanted a discussion if it was in theory possible with the current tech present in E:D.

Is that suit practical? In comparission to a 'stock' Remlok suit it most certainly is not. I never denied it. But neither are the Gutamaya ships, including the Majestic-class Interdictor with its massive rotation ring and luxurious interior (again: stated in lore) considering that they are the Empire's main battleships.

Do I like how the suit looks? Yes, I do. But so far I not even ONCE stated that my character is wearing it (she might pick one up or not depending if I myself consider this question answered with a more satisfying answer either way that is not 'just because'), I just wanted to ask if it is a possibility. And since I want a serious discussion about it I'm pointing out those pieces of lore (Imperial vanity, existance of nanotech) that could support its existance so people have a serious discussion about it and do not just dismiss it because 'impractical'.

So can we PLEASE return to the question of what exactly the nanotech of E:D is capable of?
22 Jun 2020, 2:45pm
We still use fluorescent lights i highly doubt we have nanotech clothes
22 Jun 2020, 2:50pm
Amata LireinBut then there are Mineral Extractors which use 'grey goo', which is in some cases used as an alternative term for nanotech.

It is also agreed upon that robotics can include nanotech.

Quoting this rather than your later posts as I think it's more important.

I think you're starting with the wrong question. We need to start with establishing "What -is- nanotechnology"

By the general public, the term nanotech is not well understood in the first place, and there are a lot of false assumptions on what "nanotech" is.

What you describe as grey goo is not the definition of nanotech. Grey goo is a theoretical concept where renegade nano-sized machines dismantle any- and everything, and use it to replicate until there is only the machines left. This is a theoretical and completely unrealistic scenario. You can't use any material to disassemble any material, and you can't use any material to build a machine. "Nano" doesn't change this.

Nano technology is technology which make use of components in the nanometre size. For reference, one nanometre is about 10 atoms wide (heavy atoms have typically larger bonding distance and as such fewer would make up the same size) or 1/850000th of a 105gsm paper. What makes nano technology interesting and special (other than the obvious that it is small) is that your material properties can change when you go very small. This is because you get a significantly larger portion of atoms which are on the surface of the particle, instead of in the bulk (away from the surface). This changes the properties of the material, as the surface atoms are unable to bond to as many other atoms as they want. For example, pure carbon form bonds to 4 other carbon atoms. If you had a carbon particle with only 5 atoms, only 1 of those could bind with 4 other carbon atoms. We already today use this effect by using thin coatings to alter the properties of larger objects. All of us also use nanotech -right now- as modern transistors (that's what the processor use in your phone/computer use for each operation) is in the order of tens of nanometre in size.

Nanotechnology isn't magic, though it may be indistinguishable from it. All the materials used by a machine of any size must be present at the site of construction, and I think we can argue that even though we've discovered hyperspace and shield technology, that still hold true. To use nanometre sized machines to create a sheet, you need all the materials in place. You essentially have two options: either all the material consist of the machines which self assemble like some sort of Lego blocks into a predetermined shape, or you use some machines which process a raw material to create a sheet - a bit like a spider spin a web behind it.
The drawback of the first one, is how do you make sure that all the machines can deploy and form a sealed sheet of a specific size and thickness while weightless, possibly under high g-force, and probably while the atmosphere is rushing away around them. This is machines that are at the very most 1/10th the size of a clay particle (that's with each of them being 100 nm - a typical clay particle is about 1000 nm aka 1 micron).
The problem of the second one is more so to do with speed. I could see how it would be theoretically possible to pass a liquid through a string of nano machines and harden it into a thin sheet of a certain size, but to cover a distance of 20 cm you would need to pass 2000000 times more atoms through a 100 nm sized machine than it got atoms itself in just a few seconds. It doesn't seem realistic to have so few atoms process that many more atoms in that short time.

That said, I think the pilot suit in question is technically possible, but don't go handwaveium-nanotech on it. It sounds more realistic to have the rim shoot out dragging a folded polymer sheet behind it. The rims connect and lock, and then the sheets are tightened and/or the suit inflated. You could probably include this with the technology which already exists in airbags and inflatable bike helmets to deploy and make it an insulating cover for your body rather than a single sheet.

Last edit: 22 Jun 2020, 2:58pm
22 Jun 2020, 3:03pm
Amata Lirein
But so far I not even ONCE stated that my character is wearing it

Nerys would totally wear it.
Then she would dig a deep hole and throw herself in for the shame, but these are little details.

Amata Lirein
So can we PLEASE return to the question of what exactly the nanotech of E:D is capable of?

I have provided a medical example that I hope is believable and lore-compliant enough, but as usual I open to criticism and suggestions.
22 Jun 2020, 3:11pm
Synthya WylderAnd to add from 1 of my previous comments, it's my opinion that unless something is expressly forbidden in E:D Lore, it's therefore implied that it's permitted, although it's my own personal style to be prepared to back it up with a plausible explanation.

Are you talking about behaviour or technology? I would say that for the former you can go wild with whatever you can come up with: if you can think of it now, with the billions upon billions living in ED someone is probably doing it. I wouldn't agree that any technology that's not forbidden is implicitly allowed however.
22 Jun 2020, 3:13pm
07 commanders

I find myself actively seeking a squadron via ps4

serious / roleplay preferred

Promotions and tasks?

I am based in the UK

22 Jun 2020, 3:16pm
Nerys Nymei
I have provided a medical example that I hope is believable and lore-compliant enough, but as usual I open to criticism and suggestions.

For the record I found your medical use believable and I don't think we're far of that with current technology. Though the machines in question may not be actually nm size, most people would probably call them nano machines. You just need to be at a small enough size to navigate and perform what repairs or alterations you need in the body. Going even smaller may not be desirable or even negatively impact the ability to perform the desired function.

Edit: Quick Google tell me that a human cell is 5 microns or larger. There go 1000 nanometre on a micron so your medical machines are probably on the micron size range.

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