Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

28 Aug 2020, 8:16pm
Oh, that doesn't need saying. As I said in my last post, when someone takes the time to read what I typed and then points out they had a hard time reading the dark blue bit, that's a tick in the positive column and a problem I should fix.

The issue I have is with people calling a complaint criticism. Real criticism takes as much creativity as making a story and it requires reasoning to back it up.

Saying "I don't like that bit" doesn't take intelligence, its a feeling. A matter of taste and personal to that person.
Telling people why that bit is out of place or could be made to fit in the narrative, requires knowledge and the ability to use the structure laid out by the creator and work within it. That to me is valued criticism.

The internet is full of people that *Don't like that bit* and love to tell everyone about it. As I type a lot, I open my self up to plenty of opportunities to miss even the adequate mark. If I can't take people pointing that out, then I shouldn't post. Fortunately, I know I'm no Charles Dickens. I write because I enjoy it and (I hope) I like seeing the improvement in my offerings.

The problem is the disparity between negative comments to constructive criticism. For me, the good point well made is as rare as a compliment.

Saying "No offense meant, but your f-in ugly" is offensive. The "No offense" prefix won't change that.
It's the same with most people online defining their opinion with "Its constructive criticism"
What they say mostly brakes down to "That's crappy and now you must be grateful I told you it is crap, and improve"
I gladly ignore them. A good point well made gets my full attention.

Hehe Maybe I could make a living criticising the value of critics' reviews.
28 Aug 2020, 8:16pm
ArtieThe problem of the workaround described is that it actually adds content (non-breakable space) for pure formatting. It's a very messy way how to do that and it will fire back in a case such formatting is added to the paragraphs via CSS later (it will unintentionally increase the indent).

You can't add indentation simply by changing the CSS. You also need the paragraph markers in the text itself. Since these can't be submitted along with the text, your server has no way of knowing where the paragraphs are. All it can do is replace the line breaks with <br> tags. So the   method is safe.

Block paragraphs (i.e. those separated by vertical space) became popular on the web out of necessity, not because they look good. In fiction writing, dialogue produces a log of single-line paragraphs, and pulling these apart with vertical space disrupts the reading experience. Just because text is now on a screen instead of paper doesn't mean the rules established over the past few centuries no longer apply.

Web typography is a very interesting topic. Some more about it here: https://vimeo.com/156203722
28 Aug 2020, 8:45pm
You can't add indentation simply by changing the CSS. You also need the paragraph markers in the text itself. Since these can't be submitted along with the text, your server has no way of knowing where the paragraphs are. All it can do is replace the line breaks with <br> tags. So the   method is safe.

Of course, you need some supporting tags for that like <p>, but generally you can do that quite simply (well, with some tricks you can do that even after <br>, but it's not a very nice way). Placing nbsps in front of the text for indentation is simply wrong habit. It's like placing spaces at the start of the paragraph in Word - it works until you need to change the indentation size, then it sucks hard. It's an old simple rule: "Don't use spaces for formatting, every DTP operator will kill you for that".

But as I said, do as you wish, I have no problem with that. If I will need to change something, I will simply re-parse the text and strip everything I will deem fit.

Last edit: 28 Aug 2020, 8:50pm
29 Aug 2020, 3:36am
As a marker to separate paragraphs, nb-spaces are no better or worse than double line breaks. They are part of the Unicode standard and widely supported, even in phone apps such as Google Keep or Docs. Unlike CSS indents, they even carry over if you copy the text from the browser window and paste it into a "dumb" plain text editor such as Notepad. And as you correctly pointed out, they're easy to replace with <p> tags if required.

I'll submit content with <p> tags pre-applied if that becomes an option, but until then, nb-spaces get the job done just fine.
30 Aug 2020, 11:05am
I'll tell you hwat. If I come across source code that is not properly indented, there will be rude words coming out of my mouth.
30 Aug 2020, 6:30pm
LordPsymonI'll tell you hwat. If I come across source code that is not properly indented, there will be rude words coming out of my mouth.

Are we talking rude by Kiwi standards?

Because this community isn't ready for that.
30 Aug 2020, 9:11pm
Butbutbut, I love Kiwi fruit!

As much as I love pineapple...

Hey, that gives me an idea... canadian bacon & hot pepper Kiwi chutney on pizza...
30 Aug 2020, 9:12pm
*jazz music stops*
31 Aug 2020, 3:25am
Canadian bacon is good on everything.
31 Aug 2020, 6:17am
Definitely rude by kiwi standards. That's how I roll, when I'm not using Powershell commands to tell crashed applications to fuck off.

True story.
08 Sep 2020, 3:16am
There. 'Sappho' model is on its way.
08 Sep 2020, 5:07pm
re: 'affordable Sappho models', I've no idea how much the Achilles model cost, or if it is even available as anything other than parts or materials needed for its construction.

But, considering that the Achilles model has already been available for some time & ubiquitously known across (most of?) the galaxy, it seems to have already established itself as a familiar & known standard.

I'd expect that the Sappho model would be priced accordingly, not a bargain introductory item, considering that the Achilles model has no need to be 'promoted', but building on that already solid line, & now taking advantage of the "New & Novel" factor.

I'd also expect that different factory programming options would add to the price, not to mention, an 'open programming key'.

Rather like custom-ordering a 2021-model year high-end luxury sports car with all optional variables available to the owner... 1nce the 'new & novel' effect wears off, the price should come down, especially after the usual 'economy of production numbers' & process streamlining takes effect.

BTW, the '~10 weeks' mentioned was for storyline purposes, not RL time.
09 Sep 2020, 3:24pm
Hello all o/ Are there any discord rp groups or any groups that get together to rp within the game?
14 Sep 2020, 5:27pm
Sian BreaconHello all o/ Are there any discord rp groups or any groups that get together to rp within the game?

Hello, and welcome!

I'm not aware of any Discord groups dedicated to Elite RP, but that doesn't mean they don't exist or that we can't start one. Most of the RP I've done in Elite has been here on the forums or in private messages.

I'd love to see more RP happening in real time, either on Discord or in the game, but I haven't run into it yet!

EDIT: If someone like myself did start a Discord server for RP, we'd need some experienced mods...

Last edit: 14 Sep 2020, 8:52pm
14 Sep 2020, 10:08pm
Yo, that sounds sick. I'd totally join an rp discord server.

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