Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

05 Feb 2021, 11:31pm
Amata LireinI also think that (at least most) pilots who spent most of their time alone on their ship are rarely the type who are interested in a long-term relationship, at least while they are still "out there", so they are most likely looking for short-term on-and-off-affairs or the even more cliché FWB - "Friends With Befits". But that's just my take on the kind of person who'd be crazy enough to become an independent pilot, YMMV.

I don't know... I know few RL pilots personally, seamen too. Most of them do look for long term relationships. It's the other way around, actually. People who spent days and months in isolation will eventually start longing for meaningful relationships/human contacts.

Also, soldiers. Similar situation, I think.

IMO there's one mayor difference though: The group of people you mentioned usually have a homebase they return to when not being deployed. Pilots in ED on the other hand usually live on their ships.
06 Feb 2021, 12:16am
Traditionally, the falling in love and living happily-ever-after part comes at the end of a story arc... it's not surprising if people aren't ready to retire their character to domesticity. A bit of slap-and-tickle between consenting adults who all have some form of low-level PTSD makes sense to me, which is just my opinion.
06 Feb 2021, 2:08am
JB ThreepwoodA bit of slap-and-tickle .


Insert image of a shocked faced Effie!

06 Feb 2021, 6:43am
Romance, love, sex... all things I've considered writing for Jubei. We was married with kids in his younger days, perhaps I'll touch on that soon.

I have introduced a character based off of my partner in one of my logbooks. Maybe she'll make a return.
07 Feb 2021, 8:55pm
Is it just me over-reading, or are things getting hot around here recently?
07 Feb 2021, 11:22pm
AkiyaIs it just me over-reading, or are things getting hot around here recently?

go home Akiya ur drunk
08 Feb 2021, 2:57am
This is nothing. I've read M. Lehman's Things.
09 Feb 2021, 10:46am
If I'm being honest, the character bio is the most fun part of making a character, apart from perhaps designing them in your editor of choice.
09 Feb 2021, 3:34pm
What's your editor of choice by the way? Are there things usable by someone with no artistic bent at all out there?
09 Feb 2021, 3:42pm
AkiyaWhat's your editor of choice by the way? Are there things usable by someone with no artistic bent at all out there?

When I was inserting graphics into my logbooks, the Imgur tools sufficed for 95% of my needs, basic as they are.
10 Feb 2021, 4:34am
AkiyaWhat's your editor of choice by the way? Are there things usable by someone with no artistic bent at all out there?

I used Eve Online a lot for a while to make faces for characters, since it lets you pose them and set lighting, plus they're a lot more expressive than HoloMe. Then I'd cut them out and paste them over an appropriate background in Photoshop and colour-correct as needed.

But if you feel as though you're not very artistically inclined and don't want to get Photoshop, you could just screenshot an Eve person, then crop them or any do minor edits in Paint.net since it is free (or GIMP, but I hate GIMP so I have trouble recommending it).

Edit: Although lately I've been drawing them in Clip Studio Paint, because that program's brush engine is superior to Photoshop and I like presenting them in a comic-esque style.

Last edit: 11 Feb 2021, 5:20am
21 Feb 2021, 5:29pm
I think that Chretien Oudemans, refers to the dutch astronomer, not the french astronaut...
21 Feb 2021, 5:33pm
MarkibI think that Chretien Oudemans, refers to the dutch astronomer, not the french astronaut...

Yes, I will fix that. Thanks!
04 Mar 2021, 3:40pm
Hmmm... So exactly what happens if the person you've been role-playing with goes dark? Do I just stand-by and wait? Or do I do something? I mean I'm sitting in open space. I haven't had writers block and I'm ready to role-play
04 Mar 2021, 3:44pm
Ran into the same problem just now. Write the other player a PM, then give him/her a reasonable time to respond (lets say a week), afterwards either just abandon the arc or, if other players are involved as well try to figure out how to continue either way without godmodding.

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