Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

19 Mar 2021, 9:11pm
It's not that much about "justifying furries"... With them being so popular in 21st, I guess, 13 centuries of doing gene science would be enough to replace all the humankind with furries. Demands on this kind of procedure probably was soaring in 23-25th or so. But somehow it was stopped and research records was thoroughly deleted from the pages of history, so we're still humans.

(kinda alternative history with a bit of conspiracy theory)
19 Mar 2021, 9:14pm
SakashiroImps love body sculpting, but they don't have fetishes, except for blue hair.

That may be true, but the Empire sees the human body as sacred. So whatever body sculpting they are doing will always look human.
19 Mar 2021, 10:34pm
SakashiroImps love body sculpting, but they don't have fetishes, except for blue hair.

Clearly you have never been invited to one of Torvals famous Gilf parties.

Well, to tell the truth neither have I but I read about them in the Federal Tabloids. OMG. You wouldn't believe what Gilf stands for!

Gave me the shivers, trust me a Blue rinse is pretty tame.

Also Tail girl, have you considered the Experience Jelly of Motrona? It can conjure up all sorts of hallucinatory episodes and psychotic delusions. One time I thought I was a sausage and another I felt like I fell into an endless dream where I wasnt rich and had to go to work every day just to survive and there was no space ships just internal combustion engines and a plague. It was awful.

So I reckon some anthropomorphic delusions would be perfectly acceptable.

Although I wouldnt tell everyone about it in the Bar. They probably wouldn't be interested and might think you were a nut or something.

Its a tough crowd.

Also, pro tip, when you ask for a drink always tell the Bartender to leave the bottle. Its the little things you know?

What even is a Kitsune anyway?

The only Furries I know of can be found in Vanayequi. Ceratomorpha is just one of those words I like having in my mouth, anyone else have a word with a favourite mouth feel?

Like Origami or Moulin Rouge?
19 Mar 2021, 11:00pm
As others have said, Elite is hard sci-fi. Furries and various "creative" attempts to insert or rationalize them are simply a non-starter.
19 Mar 2021, 11:02pm
Kara waldeNOMG. You wouldn't believe what Gilf stands for!

Is it "Goid's I'd like to...feel"!?

Oh oh! "Geriatric Italian's Like Fries"!??
19 Mar 2021, 11:10pm
As to genetic modification, in Synthya's Bio, there's mention of it, in an attempt at expanding the flexibility of humans to survive in a wider variety of alien environments.

But, all those occurred during the hundreds of years ago & many generations aboard her generational ship (all this was way back before any kind of extra-light speed drives as per E:D Lore).

The details & extent of those modifications haven't been revealed in detail yet, but those involved in doing so would have used something like CRISPR which is something that exists today, & discovered after the E:D game & lore came about.

I've no idea how or even if E:D Lore will ever accommodate more recent advances in science & technology, but meanwhile, all I can suggest is that if you wish to deviate from established lore, then do the research & be prepared to back it up with plausibility.

I seem to have gotten away with things like this in Synthya's Bio due to her, her ship & crew existing long before the existing universe of E:D as we currently know it came to be.

Like with several other things in Synthya's Bio, I researched lots for the sake of plausibility yet making every effort to remain at least tolerable to E:D Lore.

If, for instance, you want to come up with a 'furry', then at least, create a plausible backstory as to how & why. The community will let you know if it flies.

Last edit: 19 Mar 2021, 11:15pm
19 Mar 2021, 11:33pm
You're wearing an ape suit...
19 Mar 2021, 11:35pm
Tsk! It's for the squadron, you mechanical moron, & not part of any RP! Pfffttt...
19 Mar 2021, 11:55pm

Well, this right here is Amata's made-to-measure Remlok..

Thanks again to Aleksander Majjam for that awesome photoshop, apparently it was a pita due to the original picture using rather dark colors.
20 Mar 2021, 1:46am
20 Mar 2021, 3:12am
Heels is the last thing you want to use with a spacefaring protective suit...
20 Mar 2021, 3:36am
Amata Lireinooc:

Well, this right here is Amata's made-to-measure Remlok..


Thanks again to Aleksander Majjam for that awesome photoshop, apparently it was a pita due to the original picture using rather dark colors.

Don't you mean, "Made-to-Pleasure"?
20 Mar 2021, 4:12am
SapphoDon't you mean, "Made-to-Pleasure"?

01101110 01101001 01100011 01100101
20 Mar 2021, 10:04am
MeowersHeels is the last thing you want to use with a spacefaring protective suit...

Eh, as long as the soles are magnetic (see 'mag(netic)-boots'): why not?

SapphoDon't you mean, "Made-to-Pleasure"?

Like I said earlier: Looking your best is kind of a civic duty for us Imperials. Why should that rule not apply to a Remlok suit?

Maul MontresorShwing

Maul Montresor01101110 01101001 01100011 01100101

Thanks, I guess?
20 Mar 2021, 10:29am
You're welcome, I think.

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