Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

09 Jan 2021, 12:02am
Amata Lirein@Cephy: It's your turn in "Off station"

09 Jan 2021, 12:19am
Amata Lirein@Cephy: It's your turn in "Off station"

"Fires Apology Torpedo and small gift basket at target when he realises he can't finish his dinner."
13 Jan 2021, 6:06pm
Hey, Effie, I been loving your RP story!

I had a recollection that in RL, the astronauts would boost the O2 content & lower their suit pressure to a fraction of Earth normal surface pressure to allow more flexibility & reduce strain on the suits...

Might be a tactic to try re: your damaged ship canopy...?

If I found myself in such a situation in my RP, it'd be something I'd consider doing. Just a thought.

Last edit: 13 Jan 2021, 6:20pm
13 Jan 2021, 6:31pm
Synthya WylderHey, Effie, I been loving your RP story!

I had a recollection that in RL, the astronauts would boost the O2 content & lower their suit pressure to a fraction of Earth normal surface pressure to allow more flexibility & reduce strain on the suits...

Might be a tactic to try re: your damaged ship canopy...?

If I found myself in such a situation in my RP, it'd be something I'd consider doing. Just a thought.

Hi Synthia.

Thanks for your encouragement and technical advice. When Kate and Jim return, I’ll pass along your suggestion! We’d never have thought of that and I’m sure the duct tape won’t hold for long!  :D

Edit: has anyone had success TIG welding a piece of bulkhead over the canopy glass aperture? I know we’d have to fly blind, or does the canopy function as a part of the sensor hud, meaning we’d be really blind!

Last edit: 13 Jan 2021, 6:36pm
13 Jan 2021, 7:57pm
The canopy functions as part of the sensor display HUD.

Never had it happen to me "YET" but I've seen, players be able to maneuver their ship back to safety via the 'pie-plate' display & line of sight alone.
13 Jan 2021, 8:35pm
Display, yes, but sensor?
I believe the sensors still work without canopy. So they should work with a covered canopy too, if you don't damage a part of them with the welding.

On the other hand, I don't believe the sensors are enough to blindly find your way through a mailslot: hope you have automatic docking installed if you try that!
13 Jan 2021, 8:47pm
As someone who’s been forced against his will to fly with a busted canopy on multiple occasions. Just kinda stretch your neck to either side of the gaping hole in the canopy. Otherwise, you’re just gonna be looking at pretty stars through the hole and have no idea where the hell you’re going.  :D
13 Jan 2021, 10:15pm
AkiyaDisplay, yes, but sensor?
I believe the sensors still work without canopy. So they should work with a covered canopy too, if you don't damage a part of them with the welding.

On the other hand, I don't believe the sensors are enough to blindly find your way through a mailslot: hope you have automatic docking installed if you try that!

"...sensor display HUD..."

Sensors should still work, yes.

As for the display HUD, I'm thinking, akin to a few of the more modern & upscale vehicles of today, & specifically, various (especially, fighter) aircraft.

One could no more display a HUD against a sheet of, say, metal, & being opaque, that would rather defeat the purpose anyway, yes?

The canopy is some form of transparent 'gorilla glass' or some other advanced material, reflective & smooth enough to reflect the HUD info. I'm not a Lore-Meister, & my opinion is merely based on a projection into the future, of modern materials & techniques, based on current sciences of which I'm aware.

I can only imagine, it would be possible to maneuver one's ship through a mailslot by the seat of their pants, given some luck &/ experience. I can manually launch & land a ship through a mailslot; the arrival & landing can be completed by merely referencing the target reticule & the Mk I Eyeball. I wouldn't want to try that in the heat of the moment with my air supply time ticking down in a large-frame ship though... it wouldn't be pretty.

As for being able to punch up a jump destination, my experience has been, the jump initiation is held suspended until the ship is aligned, & with a bit of trial & error, one would likely find that & arrive without needing to see it.

As for supercruise, the assist (if so equipped) would automate the majority of that; otherwise, I think a bit of guesstimation might suffice in a similar fashion.

Perhaps, others with the experience of getting to safety with a blown canopy might care to chime in?
13 Jan 2021, 10:47pm
Yes, HUD indication must be projected on glass, either directly the canopy or another sheet of glass in front of it (pilot side). For 20th/21st century tech, there's the hologram of a point far ahead imprinted on the glass to show, with a moving laser source, the drawings as if they were really far ahead in space. So, no special glass, no HUD. I'd guess that was a good solution, because in the 34th century, we seem to still use that.
(another solution is to have the glass on the helmet, or a laser on the helmet drawing the symbols directly on the retina, but I don't think that's what's on our ships)

But I was under the impression that Effie was thinking about trying to cover her damaged canopy with metal on the outside. That was the meaning of my comments: it shouldn't  make the HUD stop working (except for the strange feeling of seeing the far ahead symbols THROUGH the metal), provided she doesn't damage the sensors during the installation. But I don't think the HUD provides enough indications to aim correctly for the mailslot manually.

At least, it would work well for supercruise and jumps, provided one makes sure to stay away from the stars they cannot see. Maybe use explosive bolts to remove the cover just before docking?

Last edit: 13 Jan 2021, 11:01pm
13 Jan 2021, 10:58pm
I was once traveling around the bubble and found myself pretty far from my home system. After such a long trip, I decided I'd use a neutron star to help get me back a little quicker. As I was trying to supercharge my FSD an npc interdicted me and we were both pulled out into the jets of the star. I was terrified because it was the first time I'd ever been caught in the jet like this.

My ship was spinning out of control and it was taking damage like crazy. At some point my canopy busted. Obviously, I began freaking out. After a calming myself down a bit, I decided to target a nearby system (out of desperation) to see if I could stabilize my ship enough to get me out of the mess I was in.

I fought with the stick for what seemed like forever to see if I could find the target system on the unbroken parts of my canopy. It took a while but I finally caught a glimpse and thus knew where to, at the very least, try to point the big open hole that was now on the front of my ship. While I began charging my FSD, I at this point I realized I was also beginning to run out of O2. Luckily I had the mats to synthesize more.

Long story short, I somehow made it out of that blue hell, leaving the npc to his demise, and made my way to the nearest system with a station to get my ship patched up.

Always carry Iron and Nickel...you never know when it will save you.

...also be careful around neutron stars. I don't think I'd be so lucky as to escape a second time.
14 Jan 2021, 2:24am
Thanks for all the suggestions folks. I'll put these ideas and thoughts to Jim and Kate when they return to the ship. Hopefully they'll be able to figure something out to get us home.

14 Jan 2021, 2:30am
Just a thought... ice of sufficient thickness might do in a pinch as a reinforcement.

It's very cold in space...
14 Jan 2021, 2:32am
Synthya WylderJust a thought... ice of sufficient thickness might do in a pinch as a reinforcement.

It's very cold in space...

Try not to fuel scoop though, eh?
14 Jan 2021, 3:14am
Maul Montresor
Synthya WylderJust a thought... ice of sufficient thickness might do in a pinch as a reinforcement.

It's very cold in space...

Try not to fuel scoop though, eh?

I melt ice! Apparently!
14 Jan 2021, 4:38am
Ah, so you're putting out too much heat? Crank up the AC or simply shed some clothes to become cooler!

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