Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

13 Sep 2016, 10:51am
Probably more suited to his personal log book actually.
13 Sep 2016, 10:55am
Hm, yes, more personal logbook Things.
16 Sep 2016, 7:44pm
Hey folks, liking the roleplay rooms. What's that all about?
16 Sep 2016, 7:46pm
It's about having a variety of "stages" for our impromptu interactions!
16 Sep 2016, 7:55pm
Though it seems that it has gotten a little quiet recently.
16 Sep 2016, 7:56pm
It'll pick up again.
16 Sep 2016, 8:13pm
Yeah. We had an incident recently that would have been a bit more conducive to extra spaces. They'll get used soon enough I'm sure.
16 Sep 2016, 8:39pm
Gee I wonder who's fault that was.

Why is everyone looking at me?
16 Sep 2016, 8:40pm
Oh, so that's why those things have nothing in them. Weird, as a newbie I assumed they were all put in at around the same time and was curious why they were empty.
16 Sep 2016, 9:02pm
They are new additions as of a few days ago.

Last edit: 16 Sep 2016, 9:50pm
16 Sep 2016, 9:09pm
Well, looks like I arrived at a nice time. Funny, that.
16 Sep 2016, 10:05pm
Sometimes, we explode into a flurry of RP. Other times, we sit around and stare at a wall. Just the way these things so sometimes, to be honest.

OliviaVesperaHey folks, liking the roleplay rooms. What's that all about?

Wait a minute. Didn't you help START the roleplay rooms? I believe you wrote the descriptions for them a long time ago.
16 Sep 2016, 10:13pm
Well i'm just sitting at the bar awaiting something happening for mes to react to. Iron Maiden is curently blaring away on the jukebox though =D
16 Sep 2016, 10:19pm
Iron Maiden? In the 34th Century?

Well, at least the future has respect for the classics...
16 Sep 2016, 10:25pm
Lol, we can take a few liberties. I decided that some of the older stuff has been preserved and is freely available to those who search for it :-D

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