Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

11 Apr 2021, 7:52pm
Present day. There's plenty of real world examples to draw inspiration from as to what a society creates once it's been liberated from a dictatorship.
11 Apr 2021, 7:54pm
Isaiah EvansonPresent day. There's plenty of real world examples to draw inspiration from as to what a society creates once it's been liberated from a dictatorship.

Both in favor of the new reality and against it. And in between. I'm thinking about how we lift up Rome as an example of an ideal state, though it was also savagely brutal and stupid in many ways.
11 Apr 2021, 7:57pm
Amata Lirein

I've never heard of that story. Why would I have? Not unlike a character in Elite having no idea what a "Lenard Neemoi" is.

This is the point I've been trying to make. Do you understand now?

Oh, you most certainly have heard of the series of 1,001 Nights... it includes the stories of "Sindbad the Sailor" and "Aladdin"

I recognize those names. But that just further proves my point, which you clearly don't understand yet.

I'll try it another way.

You insist on the acceptability of characters in the Elite universe having a deep understanding of 20th century Earth culture because you can't think of anything better. But I think you can, if you give it a try.

Let's try an exercise. What would a reality TV show (or whatever might be analogous to a TV show in 3307 - maybe holovid?) look like? What would be interesting entertainment to a person, born on a planet dozens of light years from Earth with a thousand years of its own culture, language, and history?

Let's take Lave, for starters. What do they watch, read, and listen to on Lave?

You don't understand my point.

Just because a story is over 1,000 years old it doesn't mean its no longer getting told or shown. Hell, we can even go back to ancient mythologies. People still like to tell the exploits of the Greek/Roman, Egyptian or Norse mythologies. Or take the Odyssey (and I don't mean the upcoming expansion here). There are just stories that are/were so important and/or influential to humanity as a whole that they somehow manage to not be forgotten long after the civilizations which product they are seized to exist.
11 Apr 2021, 8:00pm
How many people have actually read the Odyssey or Beowulf outside of a formal setting?

You're also assuming a television franchise would be held to the same literary standard as the works you've just mentioned.

You might know of something, but know little to nothing of its content. The average person is concerned with the current moment, not the past, though they may have an interest in it.
11 Apr 2021, 8:04pm
If the human race was bombed back to the Stone Age and the entirety of them managed to forget literature and pop culture of the time, it's unlikely the few clever people left managed to get us into space that quick.

It took Elites humans over well over 2000 years of civilization to get where they destroy themselves. After an EVERYTHING IS GONE event and we all forgot everything, the clever few got us into space on Elites' scale in less than 1000 years? I think not.

Plenty of information must have survived from the time of WW3 in Elite, and the unfortunate truth of it is far more people can name the cast of the Simpsons than those that can name the cast of Macbeth.

It's fighting to think what will be considered literature over 1000 years from now. There are probably very highbrow societies that fight to preserve the purity of Harry fekin Potter in Elites’ time.
11 Apr 2021, 8:17pm
Creamy Goodness III... It's fighting to think what will be considered literature over 1000 years from now. There are probably very highbrow societies that fight to preserve the purity of Harry fekin Potter in Elites’ time.

Hey, was that the name of one of those damnable cannabis-smokin' apes...?

I think I've heard of that type... real party animals they were!
11 Apr 2021, 8:22pm
Creamy Goodness IIIHarry fekin Potter in Elites’ time.

Just another of my weirdo thoughts. What ship would Potter fly, if he was in Elite?..
11 Apr 2021, 8:28pm
There is a Harry Potter Pilot in Elites Lore, unfortunately. Worth lookin him up.

As for the boy from the books.. I'd say it would be a Viper racer as he was almost always on the fastest broom gold could buy.
11 Apr 2021, 8:31pm
Lambast MercyThere is a Harry Potter Pilot in Elites Lore, unfortunately. Worth lookin him up.

You mean the player. His name had to be changed to his original, "Besieger," because of copyright agreements when Drew wrote Premonition.
11 Apr 2021, 10:38pm
I'm going to throw my two cents in.

Even if shows like Star Trek manage to be preserved for 1300 years, which is plausable given archiving technology we have, it is going to be flooded with 1300 years worth of new shows, pop culture and other things so it is highly unlikely that someone is going to walk into a bar and be like "man, I just love [show fom the 20th/21st century]" and have everyone be like "yeah omg my favourite."

I hazard a guess that most people won't know of it, apart from historians and archive enthusiasts. I also imagine that the further you get from Sol, the less likely people are going to know of those things.

Remembering again, 1300 years of media and pop culture among fragmented populations with a total numbering in the trillions... that's a lot of media.

Not to mention that it just rips you out of the setting when someone just casually brings up that their favourite TV show is from today's time period, or that they love Guinness so much.

Last edit: 11 Apr 2021, 10:44pm
12 Apr 2021, 1:32am
Here's where I toss my boulder...

I think that it's infinitely better to describe the show in it's basic details, than to directly name it. It leaves it open to the possibly being the original, but also keeps it open for it to be a new iteration. Those that know will get it, and those that don't will think it's just a show.

I guess that my ask is to not directly mention current pop culture things, but allude to them. This can also work for items, and such as well. Usually works out for the better and makes for a much better read.
12 Apr 2021, 1:40am
I note how often referrals to current RL items are used or mentioned in RPs, like jeans, etc. Go down a list...

I can't help but think, in ~1300 years or so, wouldn't such things have evolved, as comfortable & ubiquitous as jeans, for example, are today?
12 Apr 2021, 4:40am
Synthya WylderI note how often referrals to current RL items are used or mentioned in RPs, like jeans, etc. Go down a list...

I can't help but think, in ~1300 years or so, wouldn't such things have evolved, as comfortable & ubiquitous as jeans, for example, are today?

I feel like making up an item of clothing and then being forced to go into exposition to describe what it is only for people to say "Oh, so it's basically jeans?", adds nothing to a story or piece of writing and it's just easier to say "jeans" to help people visualise a character in their mind's eye.

Referencing old TV shows from our time is a bit of a wasted opportunity in my humble opinion. You can guess at and and attempt to portray the kind of culture and media people are partaking in the 34th century. Constantly seeing people fill their stuff full of references is a bit disappointing, that's just my view though.
12 Apr 2021, 5:38am
Synthya WylderI note how often referrals to current RL items are used or mentioned in RPs, like jeans, etc. Go down a list...

I can't help but think, in ~1300 years or so, wouldn't such things have evolved, as comfortable & ubiquitous as jeans, for example, are today?

Jeans? What's that?

Ah, you mean blue denim pants? Why not just say so?
12 Apr 2021, 9:34am
M. Lehman
Elite itself already has a fairly decent Wiki, so I fear that anything we create here would be redundant. There are also a few meta issues with lore hierarchy, as some of the older books have been partially retconned, and that which is found in the EDRPG guides, though useful, are superceded by the game (which, with Odyssey approaching, I expect to see quite a bit). There is also the issue of who here should or even could he trusted with managing such a project, as I'm certain that there will be objections no matter who is appointed for the task.

Creamy Goodness III
Yes please. I've forgotten more sites to use than I still use.
I think that is one page that would require a gatekeeper. it would be s tough one to get right, but I'd like to see it here.

I see. Well, when somebody will be heavily involved in it and will provide all the data/texts/content I can incorporate it here. It should be a community activity, so also organized this way and frankly speaking without any community effort in that regard I won't do anything (as I mentioned, I have no time for that due a ton of other work on Inara). I can imagine it can be quite time consuming work to put everything together and it will require some dedication, so up to you.

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