Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

11 Apr 2021, 7:20pm
Amata LireinHmm, lets see.... billions of copies of entire seasons of Star Trek series

Did I mention the global war was nuclear?

People in 2021 are watching reruns of Back to the Future 2, showing how the 1980s imagined 2015 to be...

Was Back to the Future released 1300 years ago?

Doesn't E:D lore & timeline clearly state that the USA was largely unaffected due to its defensive systems, & because of that, was the only remaining superpower capable of rallying many of the other countries around it, founding what's known as the Federation?

Seems perfectly plausible that records of many kinds would still exist, & re: what might or might not be regarded as entertainment in the current E:D timeline, we read & watch old, even ancient works even today in RL, do we not?
11 Apr 2021, 7:23pm
OK, let me get this straight:

You insist that even though we have several stations and outposts in Elite named after Gene Roddenberry, who's best know for the creation of the Star Trek franchise, making him de facto a canon person in the Elite universe, the very franchise he's known for cannot exist in Elite?!?

My brain hurts from trying to find any logic in that...
11 Apr 2021, 7:24pm
I'm less concerned with whether or not Star Trek or Star Wars or Battlestar Galactica is well known or not in the Elite universe. I think they'd be obscure at best because you're having to consider that 1300 years of stories and media would outdo all of what we consider the pinnacle of storytelling.

What I am concerned with is the flagrant disregard for Elite's setting.

Stay on point here.
11 Apr 2021, 7:26pm
Synthya Wylder Doesn't E:D lore & timeline clearly state that the USA was largely unaffected due to its defensive systems, & because of that, was the only remaining superpower capable of rallying many of the other countries around it, founding what's known as the Federation?

Seems perfectly plausible that records of many kinds would still exist, & re: what might or might not be regarded as entertainment in the current E:D timeline, we read & watch old, even ancient works even today in RL, do we not?

And yet posters here consistently return to the last half of the 20th century.

You know what's funny? Star Trek actively avoided that by having characters indulge in classics. That's why Picard was always listening to classical music and reading Shakespeare. Then you've got Riker, who was into jazz.

If we're going to insist on not imagining what cultural experiences might look like in the 34th century, maybe try a character with a deep interest in Bach.
11 Apr 2021, 7:27pm
Amata LireinOK, let me get this straight:

You insist that even though we have several stations and outposts in Elite named after Gene Roddenberry, who's best know for the creation of the Star Trek franchise, making him de facto a canon person in the Elite universe, the very franchise he's known for cannot exist in Elite?!?

My brain hurts from trying to find any logic in that...

I already explained. They're clearly easter eggs.

You don't see the significance of 1300 years vs. 30 years. I completely understand why your brain hurts.
11 Apr 2021, 7:30pm
Amata, there's certainly truth in the saying, you can lead a Thargoid to ammonia but you can't make them drink.

Not even if you could find a gimp suit to fit & get them to wear it...
11 Apr 2021, 7:32pm
Okay, you want a series of stories over 1,000 years old that have survived until today? Try "One Thousand and One Nights" which can in parts be traced back to the 570s.
11 Apr 2021, 7:32pm
Synthya WylderAmata, there's certainly truth in the saying, you can lead a Thargoid to ammonia but you can't make them drink.

I actively avoid Koolaid offered by strangers.

Look, here's the issue. You don't understand how creativity is driven by limitations. You demand a free for all and simply play at artistry.
11 Apr 2021, 7:36pm
Amata LireinOkay, you want a series of stories over 1,000 years old that have survived until today? Try "One Thousand and One Nights" which can in parts be traced back to the 570s.

I've never heard of that story. Why would I have? Not unlike a character in Elite having no idea what a "Lenard Neemoi" is.

This is the point I've been trying to make. Do you understand now?
11 Apr 2021, 7:37pm
Synthya WylderAmata, there's certainly truth in the saying, you can lead a Thargoid to ammonia but you can't make them drink.

I actively avoid Koolaid offered by strangers.

Look, here's the issue. You don't understand how creativity is driven by limitations. You demand a free for all and simply play at artistry.

Must be that language comprehension thang again. I said no such thing.
11 Apr 2021, 7:40pm
Synthya Wylder
Synthya WylderAmata, there's certainly truth in the saying, you can lead a Thargoid to ammonia but you can't make them drink.

I actively avoid Koolaid offered by strangers.

Look, here's the issue. You don't understand how creativity is driven by limitations. You demand a free for all and simply play at artistry.

Must be that language comprehension thang again. I said no such thing.

That's the thing with language comprehension. You didn't have to say it. I simply understand your viewpoint via the words you've written.

The fact you resort to such an angle, besides being Reddit Debating 101, I think just further proves who understands the subject matter here the best. It's me, just so there's no comprehension problem.
11 Apr 2021, 7:42pm
Amata LireinOkay, you want a series of stories over 1,000 years old that have survived until today? Try "One Thousand and One Nights" which can in parts be traced back to the 570s.

I've never heard of that story. Why would I have? Not unlike a character in Elite having no idea what a "Lenard Neemoi" is.

This is the point I've been trying to make. Do you understand now?

Oh, you most certainly have heard of the series of 1,001 Nights... it includes the stories of "Sindbad the Sailor" and "Aladdin"
11 Apr 2021, 7:46pm
Amata Lirein
Amata LireinOkay, you want a series of stories over 1,000 years old that have survived until today? Try "One Thousand and One Nights" which can in parts be traced back to the 570s.

I've never heard of that story. Why would I have? Not unlike a character in Elite having no idea what a "Lenard Neemoi" is.

This is the point I've been trying to make. Do you understand now?

Oh, you most certainly have heard of the series of 1,001 Nights... it includes the stories of "Sindbad the Sailor" and "Aladdin"

I recognize those names. But that just further proves my point, which you clearly don't understand yet.

I'll try it another way.

You insist on the acceptability of characters in the Elite universe having a deep understanding of 20th century Earth culture because you can't think of anything better. But I think you can, if you give it a try.

Let's try an exercise. What would a reality TV show (or whatever might be analogous to a TV show in 3307 - maybe holovid?) look like? What would be interesting entertainment to a person, born on a planet dozens of light years from Earth with a thousand years of its own culture, language, and history?

Let's take Lave, for starters. What do they watch, read, and listen to on Lave?
11 Apr 2021, 7:50pm
Before or after the events of the revolution that happened there?
11 Apr 2021, 7:52pm
Knightwolf 1785Before or after the events of the revolution that happened there?

Let's stick to 3307, since that's when our CMDRs are living.

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