Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

02 Apr 2021, 6:34pm
Knightwolf 1785[quote=M. Lehman][quote=Knightwolf 1785]

I'm done with talking about it then with you guys. Clearly even sharing what ideas I had form lore reasons doesn't matter either. I don't know why I thought asking would be a good idea with this damnable wall that's put up. It's not stopping me from getting a large list of ideas together and sending it along to FDev. Something might come of it.

You floated an idea, people responded with their opinions or ways that it would fit within lore. You asked before and got the same results. Now you're going to ask Fdev if they can put big boobied space cartoons into the game.... you can't point fingers at the community for being the stubborn ones here.
02 Apr 2021, 6:38pm
JB Threepwoodbig boobied space cartoons into the game...

Yup, there would be problems with suit adjusting, hard maneuvering and high-G worlds.
02 Apr 2021, 6:43pm
JB Threepwoodbig boobied space cartoons into the game...

Yup, there would be problems with suit adjusting, hard maneuvering and high-G worlds.

Exactly... it would only make sense that all sexy space animals were of an average boob size.
02 Apr 2021, 6:43pm
JB Threepwoodbig boobied space cartoons into the game...

Yup, there would be problems with suit adjusting, hard maneuvering and high-G worlds.

On the plus side... built in air bags for when the Gs do get away from you
02 Apr 2021, 6:44pm
Aren't the EDRPG source books not really considered canon? I heard they were loosely accepted at best.
02 Apr 2021, 6:47pm
I'm done even trying to talk about it. Just drop it and forget I even tried.
02 Apr 2021, 6:54pm
Knightwolf 1785Has anyone even read the bio for my character?

I just did. If you have a story for that character in mind, by all means write it down! It might be entertaining.

The problem you'll be facing however is that few, if any, people will want to engage in roleplay with you. Super special looks and abilities are not what makes characters interesting to others. A human being wearing a furry costume is actually more interesting to interact with than an actual alien "Kitsune" that no one has ever seen before. Because the human being in a furry costume may have a history of experiences that others can relate to. One of the things that makes the Elite universe so appealing is that no one is a superhero, no one is above or otherwise outside the crowd. Everyone has their quirks of course, but they are human quirks. So you want to break with that tradition, and you want others to go along with it, but why would they? How would it benefit them in developing their own characters? An alien Kitsune would turn them all into background extras for your super special character and story. That is not exactly appealing.

There's a reason why RPGs have rules and a game master. Our GM is FDev. They have the authority to introduce new species to the world they created, they've done so very sparingly for good reason, and there is no playable alien race in the game, period. No thargoid will ever walk into a bar, count on it. If everyone created their own lore extensions like you do, it would be total chaos, and there would be no common ground for roleplay any more.

So again, as a standalone story, your idea might totally work. It will be non-canon, but so are parodies and cross-overs, and all of these can be fun to read. So don't let anyone stop you from writing it down. However, if you want to roleplay with humans, you'd better become human, too.
02 Apr 2021, 6:57pm
I said I'm done with it all here. Not even going to try anymore. So forget about even a story. I'm just done.
02 Apr 2021, 6:57pm
Knightwolf 1785I'm done even trying to talk about it. Just drop it and forget I even tried.

Don't give up coz the Lore Enforcers don't like imagination.
With Xihe Biomorphic Companions and Professor D Luffy brain programming research, something like you is well within reach, and that's from in-game lore.

It doesn't take much of a stretch to think of what else they would have made behind closed doors away from the ethics committee's eyes. There could be all sorts of odd AIs with human imprinted minds about; and thanks to Xihe Biomorphic Companions, they can be any shape or cross breed.
02 Apr 2021, 6:58pm
Sakashiroif you want to roleplay with humans, you'd better become human, too.

I guess internet is full of stories about humans becoming furries. But the reverse one... "The Furry Redemption"... Worth a shot!
02 Apr 2021, 6:59pm
Nope. Done. Just forget I'm even here, and please read the bio. -.-;
02 Apr 2021, 7:05pm
Anywhere i can find info on what the Galnet is like lore wise? Like is there VR, what's it work like? Etc
02 Apr 2021, 7:39pm
There is not a great amount of detail in lore about what it looks like. There is this brief description in Drew Wagar's Premonition:

"The Galnet feed burbled to itself as it had done for years, the holofac transmitter doing its job..."

The official novels generally make use of holograms in communications, though this hasn't quite made its way into the game yet.
02 Apr 2021, 7:49pm
Yolanta Bonita Riveiros PurpuraThere is not a great amount of detail in lore about what it looks like. There is this brief description in Drew Wagar's Premonition:

"The Galnet feed burbled to itself as it had done for years, the holofac transmitter doing its job..."

The official novels generally make use of holograms in communications, though this hasn't quite made its way into the game yet.

Ok, because i remember the bits in the Dark Wheel novel about hologram communication, specifically that bit with his dad's old friend and the spitting. I wondered if it had been expounded on elsewhere. I have not read Mr. Wagar's works yet, but i intend to very soon. I'm working on something
02 Apr 2021, 7:59pm
You can some of the Elite books on Audible still. You could enjoy listening to the books while flying around in Elite.

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