Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

08 May 2021, 2:44pm
I am sorry to disappoint, but there is no "lore police" and there also is no "thought police". There are just people that care about maintaining the lore of the universe the roleplay is in. Using the mentioned terms is not even pointless, but may be taken on the same level as "carebears" and similar terms. As some kind of taunting insults. In any case, there is no point to discuss it, because the matter is completely different.

I will summarize this discussion simply:
- The so-called furries weren't allowed in RP here for years. Nothing changed on that.
- The sentient AI and derived things (androids, etc.) are currently considered as against the lore and thus isn't allowed in RP here either. That's the only recent change/adjustment of the RP conditions here.
- EVERYTHING ELSE REMAINS THE SAME as there weren't any major problems with that. On top of that, there was added a thread where you can ignore both rules above.

So, really, what's the REAL problem? Do you comply with the rules? Great, please continue as usually. Do you not comply with the rules? Alright, please consider adjusting your character or move into the new thread. Problem solved.
08 May 2021, 2:50pm
08 May 2021, 2:51pm
Kara waldeNAnd fit into a flight suit.

To be perfectly honest with you, the flight suit had me concerned from the moment I saw the drawing. And I mean not because of the boobs. I'm sure Remlok has solutions for women blessed with larger racks than myself. Probably has a lot of fun designing and testing them, too, but I digress. What concerned me was the tail. Even in the drawing you could see that it wasn't sealed inside the suit. Now if you have a hole in your space suit to stick out your furry tail, what happens if your canopy breaks? Even if your helmet manages to close without hitting your canine nose and squeezing your fluffy ears, you'll now have a literal vacuum on your ass. I don't want to go into too much detail about what that might entail (haha, see what I did there?), but depending on the type of dogfood you had for breakfast the day before, the consequences could be rather unpleasant.

By the way, I thought the Writers' Guild was about people roleplaying writers...?

I have that covered. Here let me share that information with you by means of a story I'm returning to. It's just a small bit.

"Her four tails floated as the auto zippers opened the suit around her tails to show more cyan fur with grey tips, and rolled the suit up to her belt to keep it out of the way."
08 May 2021, 2:52pm
<< Devil's advocate mode engaged. - overdrive at 120% >>

There also does not seem to be a simple synopsis of what all those "canons" add up to. I have to go on a major research expedition to figure out what may or may not be canon? read a few novels? and still its all as clear as MUD!!!

This is an example of a horse created by committee is a camel.

Artie..there is no "lore police" and there also is no "thought police".

No they are just disguised as "Karens" and bullies.

ArtieSo, really, what's the REAL problem? Do you comply with the rules? Great, please continue as usually. Do you not comply with the rules? Alright, please consider adjusting your character or move into the new thread. Problem solved.

Problem is solved alright.. I gave up "role-playing" to address CYBER BULLYING!

The REAL problem is that you can say "stay within canon" but WHAT IS CANON and what is BREAKING canon, does not seem well defined at ALL!!! There is no concise source to go to for a bullet form of these "standards." And not much room for "work arounds" either.

Why are "furries" unwelcome? Hmmm? You dont explain that other than to say "- The so-called furries weren't allowed in RP here for years. Nothing changed on that."

umm.. Well I challenge this. There is no logical reason to exclude "furries" or exotic space people.. Star trek and star wars both made EXTENSIVE use of various interesting species. The CANTINA SCENE (from star wars 1978) for an example of EPICness! So even any kind of alien or even creative earth hybrids are off the table? who says? why? sounds exclusive to me!! Please explain why FURRIES are not allowed? or are you just BIAS! Hmmm?

Your honour, as you are Judge, jury and executioner of this site I implore you to re-visit this decision of an exclusionary nature based on no reasonable explanation (given thus far.)

I rest my case.

< Devils advocate mode off >

Last edit: 08 May 2021, 3:25pm
08 May 2021, 2:54pm
M. LehmanThe general hierarchy for lore canon is:

1) Primary canon. Anything in the game itself, including all galnet and lore beacon information. Also, all official novels released at the time of or after Elite: Dangerous's launch.

3) Secondary canon. Basically the EDRPG books, which can be considered canon unless contradicted by a primary canon source.

3) Tertiary canon. Pre-ED novels, novellas, and content from previous games. Much of this has been retconned or relegated to myth and rumor.

Most people only have ED and the wikis. If these aren't enough, it's because the lore police isn't spending enough time on wiki maintenance.

This is why you should listen to the Lore buffs, they know their stuff, ask questions, find out.
08 May 2021, 2:59pm
One extra thing I would like to add about the (lack of) canon/lore comprehensive source(s) - my offer to have the "ultimate" canon/lore source on Inara still stands. When the data for the lore/canon wiki will be objective as much as possible, comprehensive and exhaustive, I will gladly put it online here as a point of reference. You can either complain about this and that or pick up the gauntlet and do something about it. Once again - this problem can be solved, but that depends entirely on you.
08 May 2021, 3:03pm
Stillgar777There also does not seem to be a simple synopsis of what all those "canons" add up to. I have to go on a major research expedition to figure out what may or may not be canon? read a few novels? and still its all as clear as MUD!!!

This is an example of a horse created by committee is a camel.

Artie..there is no "lore police" and there also is no "thought police".

No they are just disguised as "Karens"

There are a whole bunch of people in Elite that discuss Lore often in Discord servers and other places, some of those are on this very site and have access to the information required.

That is a terribly inaccurate analogy.

You have been here a very short time and you throw around accusations like you have been here for ages and have discussed lore here in infinitum, yet you are self proclaimed new to the site.
Perhaps listen to those who know the Lore and are willing to share it and they can assist in negotiating the difficult sections.
08 May 2021, 3:05pm
Stillgar, if you were honestly looking for answers to your questions, I'd be happy to answer them. But I'm pretty sure you're just looking for a reason not to get them in order to justify whatever belief you have about us.

Long and short of it is this: is it possible fox people exist? Sure. But the ramifications of the discovery of a race of fox people would have the same level of impact as the announcement of the Guardian ruins, or the return of the Thargoids. It would be impossible for them to casually show up one day at a bar and not be immediately scrutinized and/or captured, or worse, because they would be something humanity had not encountered before. This isn't a lore issue. First contact with another alien species will never happen at a bar.

What is a lore issue is that, to date, humanity has had contact with at least two alien species that I'm aware of - the sentient beings on Achenar 6d that were subsequently exterminated by Henson Duval, and the Thargoids. We know of one other intelligent alien race - the Guardians - but have never had direct contact with them. 

Yes, the galaxy is vast enough and entire sectors of space clear on the other side of it have been permit locked for unknown reasons. It is entirely possible and indeed probable that other alien species exist. However, as of this moment in time, humanity has knowledge of only three - two of which are extinct.

Re: AI - see the below image, as it comes from a canon source.

I'd address your sentiments towards those of us asking for consistency with established lore, but you're new here, so I'll let it slide.
08 May 2021, 3:12pm
I’ve been on here for a while but I don’t post often. I too didn’t understand initially why everyone on here was so protective of “Elite Lore”. “Surely AI/other species/aliens” existed and could be written about within the role play section here. The longer I’ve been here I have begun to understand why the “Lore” is important...it is what you can expect to find when you log into the game. Nothing more. It’s not about “what could be”...it’s about “what is”...

As far as the other character paths some have chosen to write from...I have enjoyed their creativity and respect their ability to convey a good story. I feel there still needs to be a place where they are embraced here as well. Just not within the “Lore “ based role play section.

And the negative comments...particularly those of an attacking/belittling type...I don’t personally know why someone would chose to say those things to anyone...but many do. For the most part I ignore anyone that posts that type of negativity...but I understand that many just can’t. The internet is still a place where people post things with a feeling of impunity...thankfully Artie keeps most of those types of folks at bay.
08 May 2021, 3:14pm
One other thing:

"Michael Brookes said in the Elite: Dangerous Fiction Diary #1: "Alien life in the galaxy is very plentiful. However, sentient life is very rare. So the various races and types of indigenous that was reported in the original elite are considered a dominant species of their planets, but they aren’t sentient species. As far as humans are concerned they’ve only encountered a small number of sentient species. There was a sentient race on Achenar which the people who later became the Imperials wiped out. There’s the alien artifact that was discovered in the solar system. That’s a mystery although we hope to reveal a little bit more about where that came from in the future. And, of course there’s the Thargoids"

08 May 2021, 3:21pm
M. Lehman
SapphoIndeed she is. I never considered that relevant.

So, by your definition, anything found on the E:D Fandom sites, at least lore-wise, is invalid? I think that needs to be determined.

Well, it's rather curious for you to dramatically quit this board as Synthia but still frequent it as your Sappho. Just... Why?

And I'd treat the fan sites (like EliteWiki) the same way that I treat Wikipedia. If the information is basically a rehash of official canon and readily backed by official sources, then it's fine. If not, it's fair game to be questioned.

As to why, to make a point. It also gave me an opportunity to make a statement as Sappho that would be much more difficult if not impossible as Synthya.

Which I've already made elsewhere.

Essentially, my question remains unanswered.

The link Stillgar777 posted basically confirms my sentiments (I've watched it before) - but none of that, even what was included as commentary by Drew Wagar - means nothing. Absolutely nothing. It's mere commentary & opinion since THE ONLY THING that matters is that which is officially recognized as lore, thin, narrow & shallow as it is.

RP in Inara is to be limited to merely & only that which is dictated by the sources which you've listed & Artie's consideration of others' creativity is to be commended, yet even that is derided & ridiculed by some members.

The sources which include officially recognized novels you mentioned is, IMO, reasonable, but I'll also point out, yours don't seem to be included - on Drew's site, yours are listed as unofficial. Please correct me if I'm in error. All kudos to you for having the inspiration, time & energy to write them.

In summary, with the exclusion of Artie's 'Alternative Reality' section, writing RP in Inara is to be limited to only that which is recognized as 'official' lore. That's OK. It's Artie's site.

There are opportunities elsewhere to write with imagination & creativity which exceeds the limited bounds of E:D lore.

& that is not a very high bar.
08 May 2021, 3:22pm
I've read over all 50+ post going on over this and I'm just seeing one thing here. A wall of seeing only one thing. Artie, Renraiku, and Isaiah I'd like you to go back to page 370... Well I see a few post have been removed. Regardless I'd like you three to just read over the post, forgetting that you either own the site or know the lore, and read it like someone just coming in. I think you might see it differently. That's all I am asking of you is to see it from another way is all. Nothing else. I've had my say and will leave it at that. Good day.
08 May 2021, 3:28pm
That is a terribly inaccurate analogy.

You have been here a very short time and you throw around accusations like you have been here for ages and have discussed lore here in infinitum, yet you are self proclaimed new to the site.
Perhaps listen to those who know the Lore and are willing to share it and they can assist in negotiating the difficult sections.

YUP i'm a NEWBIE and as such these are my FIRST impressions of your little club.. and so far i'm not that impressed.

I actually have no problem staying within canon.. its just the need to READ so much material apparently. its COMPLICATED. Many of us want to chat a little and play a lot and READ VERY LITTLE!!! So throwing pages of Canon material at me is kinda mind numbing. And I doubt I will ever pick up a NOVEL about ED.

Just Write a simple point form list so new people KNOW what the boundaries are ACTUALLY. (and why!)

I would not have jumped in to RP had I known It would be so rigid and controversial. I just wanted to have fun and meet new people and now I'm drawn into some kind of anti-bulling campagn. This all became too serious all of a sudden. My character was supposed to provide some (obviously much needed) comic relief! But, apparently I needed a course in ED mythos before I could start to "creatively write."

Last edit: 08 May 2021, 3:42pm
08 May 2021, 3:32pm
In summary, with the exclusion of Artie's 'Alternative Reality' section, writing RP in Inara is to be limited to only that which is recognized as 'official' lore. That's OK. It's Artie's site.

That was always the case. Just not explicitly stated, because it was never before necessary to explicitly state it.

It's not the first time this discussion had to be had, but it's the first time that people are so entitled to their lore breaking that you have to explicitly say that it's not alright.
08 May 2021, 3:33pm
Knightwolf 1785I've read over all 50+ post going on over this and I'm just seeing one thing here. A wall of seeing only one thing. Artie, Renraiku, and Isaiah I'd like you to go back to page 370... Well I see a few post have been removed. Regardless I'd like you three to just read over the post, forgetting that you either own the site or know the lore, and read it like someone just coming in. I think you might see it differently. That's all I am asking of you is to see it from another way is all. Nothing else. I've had my say and will leave it at that. Good day.

You need to go back further than that for context. Or your finger pointing is pointless.

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