Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

07 May 2021, 4:34pm
Isaiah EvansonNo one was contradicting you in the first place.

Ok, Mr. Confontational... Did I accuse anyone of anything?
07 May 2021, 4:46pm
As a matter of fact, yes. You've called me and others the thought police.
07 May 2021, 9:37pm
Stillgar777INTERESTING.. this corroborates my back story of a liberated slave, genetically enhanced to be a better slave..

"Body-sculpted" slaves are part of the lore. Not sure though if the modifications are genetic or just some sort of advanced plastic surgery. I guess the difference only matters if there's offspring, as genetic modifications would likely be passed on. But then again, Imps also do cloning, so nothing is really off limits there...
07 May 2021, 10:00pm
I understand the frustration if an already fleshed-out character needs to be changed to fit the lore. On the other hand, lines need to be drawn somewhere, or else the roleplay here will end up in chaos. In no time we'll have Klingons, Jedi knights, Marvel superheroes, Mario & Luigi, Tom & Jerry etc. occupying the place, and any chance of immersion will be out the window. Every game has a set of rules, and keeping things consistent is not oppression. Besides, human characters without superhuman abilities may be more challenging to write, but more interesting to read and interact with. Give it a try!
07 May 2021, 10:33pm
We already had a Khajit in the early days.
08 May 2021, 1:17am
I'm always privileged when I get to witness a Fox murder. They are works of art.

If you're unimaginative enough to not be able to write "good" stories without a crutch, then you need more writing practice. It is okay to not be special, and frankly I blame our media for pushing this bunk idea that everyone is.
08 May 2021, 1:53am
I haven't seen a Genetic purity drive this severe since Trasken Duvall the second tried to cleanse New California. To be fair some of those mutations were getting out of hand. You won't find it written down anywhere but I might know something about it.

Word is there was a lot of hair, fur almost. And tails. Lots of tails.

Joke, that wouldn't happen. That's crazy talk. No offence.

Personally I'm more of a Trasken Duvall the third kind of human. Evidence suggests I'm the last surviving example of his Genetic super soldier programme. Seems the rest vanished without a trace but they kept hold of me on account of my uniqueness. Which is kind of funny when you think about the whole purposes of Cloning.

The Emperors Genetic Space Marine Legion is only referenced one time and the details are simply "bred specialist infantry units". Which could mean super strong, genius level intellect, wise cracking, serial killers just like me or could it mean something more animalistic? With social skills. And giant tits for, err, distracting the Feds?

Although, you would still have to explain what you were doing for the last two hundred years and also be able to operate in Civilisation without being lynched. And fit into a flight suit. So clearly its unlikely. Especially as the only thing that distracts Feds these days is an unsecured comm line.

Anyway, my point being that there are plenty of question marks around how you could interpret stuff if you do your research. The dilemma you have is much like the one old TD the 3rd faced. You can create anything you want, but when people find out about your hobby, how will they react?

Legions of vat grown space marines made people really nervous and he had to liquidate the whole project but the occasional Cloned Imperial successor is fine. Literally nobody cares.

So in retrospect its all about balance.

Which means break the rules but have a good alibi.

And a knife.
08 May 2021, 4:22am
I agree with all the stuff about Lore and whatnot. I also don't think it's worth getting all worked up about. When people post something that's lorebreaking or just over the top extra I simply don't acknowledge it. Had a guy walk into ingaba with fucking Jackie chan's suit from tuxedo once, lol. Or guys walking around showing off AI stolen from federal bases or whatever.

I'm not gonna waste my energy trying to engage with someone who lacks even basic RP etiquette. I don't think said people mean any harm in it. I was the same way when I first started doing DnD, they just don't realise how clumsy they are at times.

Person A: Hey, look at this cool AI I stole from a federal base!

Person B: Cool... you're under arrest.

Person A: What?! Why?

Person B: You... you just confused to being in the possession of stolen technology in the presence of a Federal Navy officer....
08 May 2021, 6:03am
Also, while we're on the subject of manners and stuff what's Inara Writer's Guilds opinion on Desert Foxes comment?

Is that the standard of writing your Guild produces?

What an ironic group name.

Artie, how do you feel about the Inara Writers Guild using your marvelous RP website name to spread such intolerance and anger?
08 May 2021, 9:04am
Kara waldeNAlso, while we're on the subject of manners and stuff what's Inara Writer's Guilds opinion on Desert Foxes comment?

Is that the standard of writing your Guild produces?

What an ironic group name.

Artie, how do you feel about the Inara Writers Guild using your marvelous RP website name to spread such intolerance and anger?

A fair question. May I draw your attention to this post?

ArtieWell, I understand that, because exactly same situation is regularly happening over the years again and again and it may become irritating.

So, based (also) on the recent discussion (and thanks to everybody for voicing their opinions), I will conclude that with the following:
  • People pointing out that some RP doesn't fit in the the existing game universe/lore are not some kind of lore-nazis, but people who care about the RP here. They are providing a feedback to the RP made, not to cop anybody.
  • Isaiah and many others here are having really good understanding and knowledge of the lore and Elite universe and their feedback shouldn't be taken lightly.
  • Sentinent androids, "furries", etc. currently doesn't belong to the existing Elite timeline. Period.

Please adjust any RP, including any future RP accordingly. Thank you.

If you examine the calibre of discourse offered by the person named by the site owner, you could say that type of behaviour is endorsed and encouraged for the favoured few.
Anyone else will have their posts removed.

An Alternet Reality page is a good offer, but it seems to me that the people that have studied the lore diligently and want to keep the RP pure would benafit more fom their own page.

Rename it Lore Only RP so the casual writer starting out dosent cause so much upset because they don't understand how disruptive they are being. Nartally, I'm not endorsing lore braking writers, but that will give them a chance to be educated as to what is exspected from RP on INARA instead of being bullied off the site by the vocal few.
08 May 2021, 9:15am
Lambast Mercy
If you examine the calibre of discourse offered by the person named by the site owner, you could say that type of behaviour is endorsed and encouraged for the favoured few.
Anyone else will have their posts removed.

What a load of rubbish you just spouted. Don't put words in peoples mouths. I personally find it offensive that you twisted Arties words in an attempt to slander him and others.

I think you forget the number of posts from the "favoured few" as you say, that have been deleted in the past and as recently as yesterday.

Your suggestion is poor as the main reason and theme for this site is inherently of Elite: Dangerous and it's Lore.

Every one is free to and encouraged to learn the lore and ask questions. The setting is immediately apparent.

Last edit: 08 May 2021, 9:23am
08 May 2021, 9:22am
Kara waldeNAnd fit into a flight suit.

To be perfectly honest with you, the flight suit had me concerned from the moment I saw the drawing. And I mean not because of the boobs. I'm sure Remlok has solutions for women blessed with larger racks than myself. Probably has a lot of fun designing and testing them, too, but I digress. What concerned me was the tail. Even in the drawing you could see that it wasn't sealed inside the suit. Now if you have a hole in your space suit to stick out your furry tail, what happens if your canopy breaks? Even if your helmet manages to close without hitting your canine nose and squeezing your fluffy ears, you'll now have a literal vacuum on your ass. I don't want to go into too much detail about what that might entail (haha, see what I did there?), but depending on the type of dogfood you had for breakfast the day before, the consequences could be rather unpleasant.

By the way, I thought the Writers' Guild was about people roleplaying writers...?
08 May 2021, 9:28am
I twisted noting and added no words to somone elses statment.

The word 'could' is very important in my obsevation.
After, I offer an alternet and politely worded solution with no venom. I welcome alternet points of view, because thats how discorse works. What I don't respond to is the sort of high handed bulling Kara is also supried to find here.
08 May 2021, 9:28am
So your saying the longer you have been a member the more acceptable it is to just straight up tell someone to fuck off?

Or are we saying bullying online is acceptable as long as its done in an RP sensitive fashion?

Or are we saying The Inara Writer's Guilds should distance itself from cyber bullying and call out whose ever Alt that is to apologise?

Which is it?

I'm easily confused so a straight answer would be appreciated.
08 May 2021, 9:32am
Lambast MercyI twisted noting and added no words to somone elses statment.

The word 'could' is very important in my obsevation.
After, I offer an alternet and politely worded solution with no venom. I welcome alternet points of view, because thats how discorse works. What I don't respond to is the sort of high handed bulling Kara is also supried to find here.

Right, "could" doesn't change the inflection of your tone and insinuation, but rather attempts to cover your ass and fails.

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