Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

06 May 2021, 2:19am
AI did exist. There was a war with them. They were exterminated from human space and strict laws were placed on the books to prohibit the development of them. 

The question isn't whether or not it can or should it exist, it's that it did - and humanity wasn't having any of it when it rebelled. Pic related.

06 May 2021, 2:33am
AI does currently exist, as I mentioned prior in an E:D Fandom link, & included there was the mention of AI & machine sentience (self-aware AI) & the distinction between the two.
06 May 2021, 2:35am
True, but I must point out a short story from Elite: Tales from the Frontier titled "A Question of Intelligence" by Lisa Wolf. Not all AI went rouge, but most did leave for many reasons of their own. Still enough are out there to be worried about that are straight up murder monsters. Isaiah since you seem to have the EDRPG pfd files like I do. Have you read over all the AI enemies that are in it?
06 May 2021, 3:16am
Do you think the average person in the 34th century is going to be able to tell at a glance if an android is sentient or just artificially intelligent? 

Re: relic AI from EDRPG, it's akin to whatever took over the ship in the film Virus.
06 May 2021, 3:27am
With the fact that the face has now emotion? Nope. Just like with people, but that's not the point here is it? Also you're kind of right, but that thing from the movie was a huge mass of bio-energy. Let's just leave it at both are nightmare fuel.
06 May 2021, 3:28am
The point is that roleplaying as an android–whether or not you want to spit hairs between what is sentient and what is artificially intelligent–is pretty much DOA in terms of chatting up strangers at a space bar.
06 May 2021, 3:28am
Thank you! That is the point! So can we stop with this nitpicking? It's like when everyone jumped me with Rain.

Last edit: 06 May 2021, 3:40am
06 May 2021, 3:58am
Does the lore matter or nah?
06 May 2021, 4:08am
Want to have fun in the RP? Lore can be made for OCs as well that works in Elite, and even be used for OCs. There is more then just "By the facts" kind of RP you, honestly, push at everyone. At least that is what is seems like, and you do come down a little hard on others just wanting to have some fun RPing.
06 May 2021, 4:21am
Okay. So if Cayde-6 from Destiny manifests in the bar and proceeds to justify his arrival as the result of a Vex simulation, will people honestly take it seriously? Should they?

The reason we are the way we are about the lore is because they are the hard boundaries that define the universe we're RPing in. People can stretch and twist all they want, and some can overlook it. But there are those of us, many of whom have been around since Inara got started, that have gone to great lengths and painstakingly researched and discussed the implicit and explicit elements of Elite's universe.

The opportunities to RP for those of us who adhere to the lore are limited when others simply pick and choose what parts of it they want to accept. As a result, no one wins. This is why my other characters are collecting dust and not engaging anyone. I'm not going to twist my character around to make accommodations for something that is unlikely to exist or explicitly doesn't exist within the lore.
06 May 2021, 5:01am
They way I see it is keep the lore-breaking stuff to your logbooks where you can do whatever you want. The public RP should keep to established Elite: Dangerous lore.
06 May 2021, 7:40am
Right now we can’t get everyone in a small town with very little diversity in residence to agree on what would be a sensible way to deal with covid. The same people would not have a 100% consensus on anything from politics and religion to the correct price for 7 apples from the local farm shop.

We can all agree that killing people and taking their stuff is wrong; we even have laws and law enforcement to prevent and punish it, but it still happens.

In Elite humanity is spread out over hundreds of star systems and thousands of settlements. Many of them will have developed independently and formed their own views, traditions, and branches of ethical and social growth. That’s without mentioning the subcultures and criminal elements that subvert the recognisable structures by today’s standards.

To try and deny writers the ability to explore sci-fi concepts such as body modifications, independent androids, and AI on the strength of, because its illegal and everyone hates it, taken from the wafer-thin lore on offer to us is a weak argument. To outright tell people to stop creating along lines you personally don’t want to see on INARA is the very definition of hubris.
06 May 2021, 8:04am
Yeah, but what if Donald Duck walks into the galactic bar?
06 May 2021, 9:49am
Heheh fair point.
I'd try to walk out of that particular bar radiating strong 'don't squark at me weirdo' vibes. In seriousness, we tend to know when someone is deliberately being an arse like going for a full DD body transformation.

I see plenty of things that don't sit well in what I think of as lore-friendly writing or the tired tropes trotted out again, and I just don't read anything from that contributor anymore. I'll scan a post from them later to see if it's been tamed and brought in line with my rather elastic appreciation of Elites universe.

As for having to interact with someone's lore-braking thing in Citi, I'd try to find an in-lore way to explain why I'll not be engaging with it or if that didn't work, PM the person.
Personally, I prefer that approach to publicly laying down the lore in a "coz it says so" way.

Creating within a given framework is an interesting exercise. Stamping out other people's creativity because they colour outside the lines is just mean. For a lot of people, putting their work out there is hard enough without vultures descending on its body before it's cold.
Encourage guidelines, don't try to build hard barriers.
06 May 2021, 10:07am
Generally, about the lore-friendly and unfriendly stuff versus having fun - having fun is certainly important, but let's not forget that adding a non-lore friendly stuff into RP may be also ruining fun of other participants. A "cooperative" roleplay should always balance that properly, it's about creating fun for everybody participated within the boundaries and consensus set. For the solo experience, the logbooks are a better place. It's not about the strict policy where rules will think about every single case of what may or may not happen in the RP threads, but about using a common sense, based on the known lore. Any roleplay certainly should be lore-friendly, so the question isn't about sticking with the lore or having the fun, but sticking with the lore AND having the fun.

Last edit: 06 May 2021, 10:18am

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