Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

06 May 2021, 9:42pm
Synthya Wylder& you sound like someone that got added to my Ignored list.

Why block me, did I insult you?
Did I bring the truth too close to home?
Have you moved from a universe you love (Star Trek) because you are disillusioned by the changing lore that you need to try to recreate your favourite parts of it in someone else's backyard (Elite: Dangerous)?

Please take the challenge set before you and create something great within the bounds given. It is ok to decline but you show your true colours by backing down from it.

On the contrary, I think it likely due to your snarkiness.
06 May 2021, 9:46pm
Roleplay is nice, but nothing beats OOC drama.
06 May 2021, 9:47pm
Synthya Wylder& you sound like someone that got added to my Ignored list.

Why block me, did I insult you?
Did I bring the truth too close to home?
Have you moved from a universe you love (Star Trek) because you are disillusioned by the changing lore that you need to try to recreate your favourite parts of it in someone else's backyard (Elite: Dangerous)?

Please take the challenge set before you and create something great within the bounds given. It is ok to decline but you show your true colours by backing down from it.

On the contrary, I think it likely due to your snarkiness.

No, Synthya can't deal with dissent. Granted, people may point out her faults in, uh, unpleasant ways, but the fact that her first response is to add folks to the ignore list shows her inability ti properly deal with opposing opinions.

But that's what echo chambers train us to do.

More on topic, back when I was making John Mathurin Things, I gave him an AI assistant uncreatively named Verity. It was essentially the COVAS, and even had a few lines about him trying to interact with her and getting either no response or a "I don't understand" because Verity didn't have free will, she was only the assistant.

Things like that seem okay to me, because we essentially have them in game. The moment you start getting into AI with free will is where you start running afoul of lore.
06 May 2021, 9:49pm
Isaiah EvansonDepends. Does it possess free will?

Sappho was special-ordered from Achilles Corp. including the standard programming package, along with a number of optional programs in order to carry out the assignments.

In the most basic aspects, the Sappho model is hardly more than an updated & upgraded Achilles PA912 model, in a more aesthetically pleasing form.

Focusing more on the Personal Assistant function & less on the Administrative, the Sappho model is Achilles Corp. newest venture in personal robotics.
06 May 2021, 9:50pm
That doesn't tell me anything.
06 May 2021, 10:00pm

Why block me, did I insult you?
Did I bring the truth too close to home?
Have you moved from a universe you love (Star Trek) because you are disillusioned by the changing lore that you need to try to recreate your favourite parts of it in someone else's backyard (Elite: Dangerous)?

Please take the challenge set before you and create something great within the bounds given. It is ok to decline but you show your true colours by backing down from it.

On the contrary, I think it likely due to your snarkiness.

No, Synthya can't deal with dissent. Granted, people may point out her faults in, uh, unpleasant ways, but the fact that her first response is to add folks to the ignore list shows her inability ti properly deal with opposing opinions.

But that's what echo chambers train us to do.

Actually, if you scroll back, Synthya made a long & concerted effort at reasoning & making her point, with as many relevant references as she thought necessary.

But, she IS human, with all the limitations & frailties that come with old age. I rather doubt that she needed the extra stress, & from speaking with her privately, her 'Ignore' list numbers a mere handful, comprised only of notable jerks & jackasses. Her relatively limited time is best not wasted on them.

There are a number of Inara members with whom she disagrees, & yet she hasn't 'Ignored' them.

She merely unsubscribed from the RP sections until the situation is resolved.
06 May 2021, 10:04pm
Isaiah EvansonThat doesn't tell me anything.

It should tell you enough if you consider whether the PA912 has free will also.
06 May 2021, 10:10pm
It tells me that it's a robot and is confined to its programming. If that's the case, fine. I'm sure sexbots exist in the future and they can be very convincing.
06 May 2021, 10:21pm
<approximates a swoon gazing into the PA912's eyes shown in the advertisement>
06 May 2021, 11:02pm
Well since Artie made it clear . Guess I'm done here RPing for even fun. You win Isaiah. Enjoy your victory. Goodbye you bunch of fun people I did RP with.
06 May 2021, 11:28pm
There is no winner and there is no loser. It was not a competition which opinion is right. It was about clarifying what is still within the Elite universe setting and what is not - so also what can be acceptable in RP and what may be outside the boundaries set in the RP rules (which I have quoted earlier). I am sorry that somebody may feel that it's ruining his entertainment. As a hyperbole - when somebody will start adding Smurfs into the RP, he/she will be also told that's outside the Elite's universe and nobody will be doing that for some sadistic pleasure, but because that's simply necessary. It's certainly unfortunate to limit the fantasy, but some boundaries should be kept and not being constantly pushed and getting wider and wider, because that's a way we may end far beyond the scope of Elite.
06 May 2021, 11:34pm
Oh shut it. I'm giving up even my fanfiction as well. It's trash like my RP fun. Done. Gone. Now leave it and let me just be forgotten.

There will be now more responses after this. It hurts to much to even visit this site.
06 May 2021, 11:36pm
Don't abandon your ideas. There are other places to write.
06 May 2021, 11:55pm
One last post then. I'm done on even this story that I wanted to post on fanfiction.net but I see it'll just be treated the same as RPs are here. Enjoy the only chapter guys. It's the last thing I'm ever writing.

Elite Trek

Chapter 1
Lost and Found

The alarm was blaring loudly in the cockpit as the diamond shaped ship drifted along in the dark of space. The ships hull was burnt all over removing the paint fully with a few deep cuts in the armor as it spun slowly fore over aft, and red lights flashed as the pilot slowly came to. With a groan the being pawed at the holo-screen to their right to restart the ship, and get the damage report.

It was also to stop the spinning as to not throw up in their helmet as the lights turned on, and ship leveled off. The list of damage came up showing the need to repair the hull as it was at seventy five percent, structural integrity was at ninety nine percent, and most systems were at a hundred. Weapons and shields were, surprisingly, still at a hundred as well as the shield powered up. The Krait MKII called the Void Falcon was good to fly again, but the pilot wasn’t.

Pulling the helmet off raven black hair with a white strip down the middle falls over her shoulders. Cyan fur covered ears laid flat as green eyes looked out the canopy’s glass. Her four tails floated as the auto zippers opened the suit around her tails to show more cyan fur with grey tips, and rolled the suit up to her belt to keep it out of the way. Humanoid in build the female rubbed her face with a groan looking between her fingers. Rain Starwind was a very sick feeling Kitsune after a super nova went off near her flight path in hyper space.

Slowly the humanoid vixen stood up from the pilot seat as her magnetic boots held her to the floor. “Oh god that was not fun.” Rain muttered slowly walking to a small frig on the bridge, and getting a bottle of water. “Verity, send out a repair limpet to restore the hull please. Also get a route back to Sol and tell me what happened to us.”

“Scanner records show a wave of super heated plasma, and unknown energy hit us while in hyper space.” Verity, the ship’s computer AI, said as the repair limpet launched. “At the moment I am not able to get us a route to Sol, or send word about the energy wave. It most likely came from a super nova.”
Rain sighed feeling a little better thanks to the water. “Great. Well, I’m going to check the inside of the Falcon to see what got thrown where. Call me if something changes.”

“Yes commander.” Verity said working the repair limpet over the hull. Rain just hoped that was the least of her own worries.


“I want answers people.” Christopher Pike said as the acting captain of the U.S.S. Discovery flies at wrap toward a new energy spike. Since it didn’t match the red signals, but had a very clear surge of unknown energy. It needed to be looked into. “Is it another sphere, or we dealing with something else from the red angel?”

The bridge crew was a buzz of activity trying to get an answer. After the close call on Commander Saru ‘s home world of Kaminar with the Ba’ul, and the near miss with the time rift left by the red angel. Everyone was on edge just a little with another unknown popping up, but at least it is still giving out a signal. So they had something to pull on at the very least for now.

“It’s a good thing we picked it up while in wrap.” Saru said working the scanners. “I have the size of the object. It seems to be a ship, roughly diamond shaped, and has power. It looks to be seventy three point three meters long, seventy two wide, and I believe nearly 14 meters tall. I’m not sure if we’re coming in above or below it.”

“Anything else you can tell from the scanners?” Pike asked with a smirk.

“Nothing else beyond the hull seems to be very well armored. It’s making it hard for the scanners to pickup what is powering the ship.” Sylvia Tilly said with a huff. “We might get a better look once we drop out of wrap. Which should be any second now, sir.”

On cue Discovery exited wrap with the smaller ship in visual ranger. “It looks like someone burnt it.” Keyla Detmer said with a frown. “Is that a spoiler on the back end?”

“No accounting for taste.” Ronald A. Bryce chuckled. “I’m picking up a transmission from the ship, but it’s… Sir it’s in English.” He said surprised.
Pike raised an eyebrow. “What’s it saying?” He asked as the bridge went quiet.

“Something about a star going supernova and the energy wave effecting… hyperspace?” Bryce said rereading the text and listening to the message. “It’s saying hyperspace alright. The rest of the message is general warning to other ships in the area, and for them to relay the warning.”

“Open hailing frequency and let’s see whose home.” Pike said with a half grin before turning serious. “I also want a full sensor swipe as far out as we can get. Find out if there is a supernova out there and we’re in range of getting hit. It’s been a long day already.” He sighed.

Ash Tyler stepped out of the lift looking at the main screen. “Whoa. I see why we’re not back in orbit to search the shuttle for that probe yet.”

“I’d like to let that area of space wait for a bit longer myself before we go back.” Joann Owosekun said looking over her shoulder. “I don’t want to see time doubles again anytime soon.”


Rain growled pulling the burnt cables out of the busted wall, and sighed looking at her fridge. “Damn it. There goes the ice cream and most of my other food stores.” She muttered as the comm. system beeped at her. “Yes?” She asked checking the rest of her kitchen.

“This is Captain Christopher Pike of the USS Discovery. Do you require any help?” Pike’s voice came over the speakers.

This made the vixen frown as she wasn’t sure if someone pulling a prank. “I’m sorry who and what? If this is a joke it is not funny.” Rain said as Verity showed the Discovery on the wall screen. “Okay. Somebody is putting in some effort, or I took a blow to the head after all.”


Back on Discovery Pike wasn’t sure if he should laugh or be worried. “I can assure you this is not a joke. If you like we can send over a few people to help?” He said so it sounded like a question while looking to Gen Rhys.

Rhys shook his head still not getting a good scan on the other ship. Tilly sent a text message that it might be the ships shields and armor that showed some kind of modifications to them. It was not going to be easy to know who they were dealing with. It helped even less with audio only communications either, but it seemed to be on their end.

“Would be nice if I wasn’t sure I was just seeing or hearing things.”Came a female voice. “Verity, is that really the ship out there?”

“Yes, Commander Starwind. You are seeing the ship near our own, and they seem to be very real. Also you never took a hit to the head. As the ship computer I’m even having trouble believing what I’m seeing.” Another voice said making the bridge crew look at each other in surprise.

“Fine, and I told you to call me Rain.” Rain said with a sigh. “Alright, but I hope you guys have magboots. Where I’m from we don’t have gravity for our ships like you’ve got. Still can’t believe it I’m talking to Captain Pike.”

“Okay. You’ll have to drop your shields before we send over anyone.” Pike said giving the “Oh this is going to be weird” look to Saru and then Tilly. “So if you don’t mind lowering your shields.”

“Right, right. Verity, drop the shields, please.” Rain said as the screen finally showed the woman, and the eyebrows of the crew went up all at once. “What? You never see a Kitsune before? Just wait for a bit I’ve got to make sure of a clear area for you guys.”


After the shock wore off Pike picked Nhan, and Tracy Pollard to go over with him to the other ship. Rain told them the bridge area would be the best spot. Of course they offered for her to beam of to Discovery, but she made it clear she didn’t want to. Clear she didn’t want to ever use a transporter, and Pike respected that. Some days he kind of hated beaming around as well.

“Bridge is clear over here. I still can’t believe this is going to happen.” Rain said over the comms. “Just hurry it up some. I’ve just about got myself thinking this is all a dream.”

“That makes two of us.” Pike said stepping onto the transporter pads with the others. “Energize.”
07 May 2021, 12:07am
I don't think there is a reason for anybody to resign on RP here just because there are some limits set. It's not about abandoning the ship, just slightly altering its course. So it's also not about abandoning the characters and stories created, just about adjusting them a little bit. There certainly wasn't told something like: "Your RP sucks, it's utterly pointless and you should break all your pens and ritually burn them on a pile of Hemingway's books", but just: "Hey dude! That thing you wrote may not fit Elite entirely, don't you think?"

Honestly, I am quite surprised by all this drama just because there was told that Elite doesn't currently have sentient androids and thus they should be avoided in the RP (and so any androids adjusted to non-sentient form where necessary, for example). But... tomorrow is another day.

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