Stillgar777RedivivusCrowdWow, first time I've ever made a donation out of spite. I've always advised new players to check out all the tools and info provided on INARA and will continue to do so. Your work and contributions to the Elite Dangerous community are incredibly valuable and appreciated by most Artie. o7
Thanks for weighing in. For the record. Artie has done a fantastic job.. I poke at him just to get him to adjust his thinking a little. as for NEW PLAYERs.. ummmm Ya.. another bone to pick.. this is a game for ADVANCED PLAYERS before they even begin the game.. not welcoming AT ALL IN THE LEAST for 'New Players.'
As for this site specifically.. i would say its the very cliquish 'community' here that has a problem that they cannot even see...
Thanks for making new comers so 'welcome.' (He said sarcastically.)
Everyone's definition of a 'new' or 'advanced' player is different. From my perspective anyone who doesn't have a founder's world permit is a noob. But at the same time there are players who would consider me a scrub for using gimballed weapons. Everyone is a 'new player' to someone.
As for INARA being full of "cliques". Artie runs the site and we are all guests who he allows to use it's resources FOR FREE. If you or anyone else doesn't like it, vote with your feet and go elsewhere. That's what the rest of us did with the Alternative Reality channel.