Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

27 Jul 2021, 7:05pm
SakashiroI wonder if furry aliens are a thing in Star Citizen lore...

Well, Wing Commander had the Kilrathi... which were pretty damn close.
27 Jul 2021, 7:49pm
Desert Fox CXVIIYou really really need attention don't you stillgar?

Aww.. I miss you too buddy. (big hug) Sorry I just popped in for a quick visit.. back up my girl Rain.. but hey at some point I have to say, she keeps coming back for more punishment so I think she likes the abuse. <shrug> or else Idk. But in any case.. i've moved on. I can take a hint. I know where Im not wanted. Have fun with your broken game.
27 Jul 2021, 8:37pm
You obviously haven't moved on, but ok
29 Jul 2021, 2:09am
Desert Fox CXVIIYou obviously haven't moved on, but ok

I did say I would pop in from time to time but no really I have moved on. I haven't logged in to ED for weeks.
01 Aug 2021, 7:43am
Psst, Michael (in Citi Gateway): You accidently posted with the wrong character
01 Aug 2021, 9:01am
Amata LireinPsst, Michael (in Citi Gateway): You accidently posted with the wrong character

We were just checking you were paying attention!
01 Aug 2021, 10:10am
Ha! Thanks for the heads up!
09 Aug 2021, 2:12pm
The problem is that a lot of people don't take such roleplayers seriously and shall go to the point of mocking them while someone might have cool idea for the roleplay, even if it is a bit far-fetched. This is why I guess Tigger's post might have struck such a nerve. At least Elite: Dangerous over here isn't as elitist, toxic and exclusive as a certain place I have been to... or at least I damn hope so.

That one place had an in-lore advanced genetic engineering, so literally I think four furry roleplayers who took their characters very seriously at some point became lashed out. What's worse, it happened with approval of admins who ignored hostility, toxicity slurs and insults (one even went as far as mocking being handicapped). In the end the same admins pushed a new rule: full ban on anthro characters. It mostly hit one of over-decade veterans who had been developing his characters for years while supporting the forum from its very beginning. Let's just ignore the people who asked why such a decision even happened were either permanently removed from the community - or silenced due to such threat of being so.

Elite: Dangerous has the advantage of universe being just unthinkably big and such roleplay can be easily squeezed into the pockets without any harm to anyone else, seeing as there is an entire Squadron of furries doing their own thing bothering absolutely nobody. I guess Frontier was fully aware while approving it absolutely no one would officially say these guys are "canon" lore existence, pretty likely made a small wink towards them by doing so nonetheless.

Artie wanted to give such people a nice place by creating Roleplay: Alternative reality... which I never used knowing that in 100% what would happen - and it did happen. It's not like these guys can move anywhere else, because furry fandom aren't multiple billion company capable to do something even remotely close to Elite: Dangerous. And baiting furries then ridiculing them for reaction is just as equally bad as IRL provoking groups in society then portraying them in negative way thanks to how they reacted - be it LGBT, religious people or certain nationality/ethnicity. Just keep that shit out of INARA.

In the end, everyone should mind their own business and be nice to each other.
09 Aug 2021, 2:19pm
Rho TefnutetAnd baiting furries then ridiculing them for reaction is just as equally bad as IRL provoking groups in society then portraying them in negative way thanks to how they reacted - be it LGBT, religious people or certain nationality/ethnicity.

I know he blocked me, phah, but...
Can't say about the religions, but having issues with roleplaying a furry stands nowhere near troubles that sexism, racism or homophobia may bring to people. And they can't stop being who they are. Withstanding problems even with finding a safe space.

So it's quite an immature and unskilled demagogic approach.

Last edit: 09 Aug 2021, 2:25pm
09 Aug 2021, 2:25pm
Oh no, I guess someone didn't read the sentence right, so I will repeat it in big letters:

And baiting [so provoking] furries then ridiculing them for reaction is just as equally bad as IRL provoking groups in society then portraying them in negative way thanks to how they reacted - be it LGBT, religious people or certain nationality/ethnicity.

If anything, diminishing one group just because it's not like other the other group is not just immature but a very dangerous and ignorant approach. You may like to consult history books on how that ended up every single time the majority ignored oppression on "less important people" which often started with simple rejection.

...Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me

Last edit: 09 Aug 2021, 2:49pm
09 Aug 2021, 3:05pm

We're doing this again, aren't we?
09 Aug 2021, 3:10pm
No one is baiting furries. They aren't lore friendly, and one person in particular was particularly stubborn in terms of not accepting the reasons given as to why his character wasn't appropriate for the setting. Then that same person claimed further victimhood when it turned out that no one wanted to roleplay in the alternative reality channel.

Furthermore, equating a requirement that characters uphold a certain standard of lore friendliness to people who have suffered real life harm and discrimination is incredibly disingenuous. It isn't oppression. It isn't even run-of-the-mill unfairness. It's a perfectly reasonable stipulation that prevents shoddy roleplay and setting-breaking interactions.

And seriously, quoting a poem about the Holocaust at the end to make your "point" was exceptionally poor taste.
09 Aug 2021, 3:14pm
Rho TefnutetIf anything, diminishing one group just because it's not like other the other group is not just immature but a very dangerous and ignorant approach. You may like to consult history books on how that ended up every single time the majority ignored oppression on "less important people" which often started with simple rejection.
Just don't say you was born a furry and suffered through the major part of your life because of it.
09 Aug 2021, 3:26pm
MeowersJust don't say you was born a furry and suffered through the major part of your life because of it.

A lot of people do not seem to realize that plenty of furries are rejects from the society. I know a lot of furries who are handicapped, suffer mental disabilities (e.g. autism, Asperger), have different sexuality, were kicked from their homes, suffered serious trauma, are of different skin color, and so on. They became furries and joined the fandom, can express being themselves because they feel welcomed, because anyone else rejected them in the first place. There is a lot of reasons why people run into this sort of escapism and simply want themselves to be that way - usually making a new chapter in their lives, often even earning serious money from it. If not for the fandom, I wouldn't even known about Elite: Dangerous thanks to lack of funds to sustain at least minimal standards of being digital.

Then that same person claimed further victimhood when it turned out that no one wanted to roleplay in the alternative reality channel.

That's because furries are usually afraid that you all will go full Games Workshop - so they didn't want to go out. They have nowhere else to go so they stay silent, away from any roleplay section, because they aren't a billionaires who can throw money and create their own "furry" version of ED. What happened just proves their perception that reaching out to "normal" society will always meet with rejection and hostility.

Last edit: 09 Aug 2021, 3:45pm
09 Aug 2021, 3:29pm
M. LehmanNo one is baiting furries. They aren't lore friendly, and one person in particular was particularly stubborn in terms of not accepting the reasons given as to why their character wasn't appropriate for the setting. Then that same person claimed further victimhood when it turned out that no one wanted to roleplay in the alternative reality channel.

Furthermore, equating a requirement that characters uphold a certain standard of lore friendliness to people who have suffered real life harm and discrimination is incredibly disingenuous. It isn't oppression. It isn't even run-of-the-mill unfairness. It's a perfectly reasonable stipulation that prevents shoddy roleplay and setting-breaking interactions.

And seriously, quoting a poem about the Holocaust at the end to make your "point" was exceptionally poor taste.

This is the most balanced and real response.

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