Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

05 Jun 2021, 10:23pm
RedivivusCrowdWow, first time I've ever made a donation out of spite. I've always advised new players to check out all the tools and info provided on INARA and will continue to do so. Your work and contributions to the Elite Dangerous community are incredibly valuable and appreciated by most Artie. o7

Thanks for weighing in. For the record. Artie has done a fantastic job.. I poke at him just to get him to adjust his thinking a little. as for NEW PLAYERs.. ummmm Ya.. another bone to pick.. this is a game for ADVANCED PLAYERS before they even begin the game.. not welcoming AT ALL IN THE LEAST for 'New Players.'

As for this site specifically.. i would say its the very cliquish 'community' here that has a problem that they cannot even see...

Thanks for making new comers so 'welcome.' (He said sarcastically.)

Everyone's definition of a 'new' or 'advanced' player is different. From my perspective anyone who doesn't have a founder's world permit is a noob. But at the same time there are players who would consider me a scrub for using gimballed weapons. Everyone is a 'new player' to someone.

As for INARA being full of "cliques". Artie runs the site and we are all guests who he allows to use it's resources FOR FREE. If you or anyone else doesn't like it, vote with your feet and go elsewhere. That's what the rest of us did with the Alternative Reality channel.
05 Jun 2021, 10:54pm
Imagine calling people narrow minded for wanting to stay within the established universe.

From my perspective anyone who doesn't have a founder's world permit is a noob

I dunno man, I have over 1,000 hours, but I'm also just lazy.
05 Jun 2021, 11:06pm
LordPsymonImagine calling people narrow minded for wanting to stay within the established universe.

From my perspective anyone who doesn't have a founder's world permit is a noob

I dunno man, I have over 1,000 hours, but I'm also just lazy.

Everyone has their own views, doesn't mean they are all correct. Haha.
06 Jun 2021, 12:51am
Stillgar, the logical leaps you make are truly astonishing.

Also, stop hitting on becci's avatar, its fucking weird, dude.
06 Jun 2021, 1:57am
Desert Fox CXVIIStillgar, the logical leaps you make are truly astonishing.

Also, stop hitting on becci's avatar, its fucking weird, dude.

Try to keep up..
06 Jun 2021, 2:28am
Isaiah EvansonMost newcomers come in wanting to learn about the game, the lore, stuff like that - not shit in the front yard and then demand it be made into a bathroom.

To repair your analogy... I came to your party.. tried to make some friends, discovered what a stuck up bunch of snobs most of you were ( I did encounter a few interesting and creative people but like me.. i see they have moved on and/or have given up trying to get you to see yourselves in the mirror - (maybe ya'll some kinda vampires with no reflection? idk?)) I decided i would make one last attempt to open some minds as I made my exit and my disdain heard.. then I shit in the front yard on my way out. I demand nothing about what you do with the space. I just hope someone 'gets' my point(s) and maybe things change for the better. I'm not holding my breath. As Ive said.. im not alone, others have tried to make the same points.. all falls on deaf ears. ya just to dense to get it and/or dont want your established universe to evolve. Status quo police have spoken.
06 Jun 2021, 2:51am
06 Jun 2021, 8:40am
JB Threepwood
Stillgar777What is my objective here do you think?


06 Jun 2021, 8:54am
RedivivusCrowdWow, first time I've ever made a donation out of spite. I've always advised new players to check out all the tools and info provided on INARA and will continue to do so. Your work and contributions to the Elite Dangerous community are incredibly valuable and appreciated by most Artie. o7

Thanks for weighing in. For the record. Artie has done a fantastic job.. I poke at him just to get him to adjust his thinking a little. as for NEW PLAYERs.. ummmm Ya.. another bone to pick.. this is a game for ADVANCED PLAYERS before they even begin the game.. not welcoming AT ALL IN THE LEAST for 'New Players.'

As for this site specifically.. i would say its the very cliquish 'community' here that has a problem that they cannot even see...

Thanks for making new comers so 'welcome.' (He said sarcastically.)

I love the difficulty and pacing of elite. I don't want the game to hold my hand constantly. For me, being on a path to victory just because I launched the game is not something I don't look forward to. I don't want an arcade game, I want an arcade of obstacles to overcome. I want my progress to matter.
06 Jun 2021, 9:20am
That is still a discussion destined for Game Talk and not Roleplay.
06 Jun 2021, 9:23am
06 Jun 2021, 12:56pm
This club is too small and too crowded with regulars with narrow minds... stuck in their respective creative ruts.

Can't wait for the REAL club to finish being built..

May I make a rhetorical suggestion, or three. Give it a rest Stillhere. Stop flogging a dead horse. Build a bridge, get over it and move on. Maybe build the real club yourself.
06 Jun 2021, 1:27pm
Saverio da Carrara
JB Threepwood
Stillgar777What is my objective here do you think?



only partly correct...
06 Jun 2021, 2:14pm
This club is too small and too crowded with regulars with narrow minds... stuck in their respective creative ruts.

Can't wait for the REAL club to finish being built..

May I make a rhetorical suggestion, or three. Give it a rest Stillhere. Stop flogging a dead horse. Build a bridge, get over it and move on. Maybe build the real club yourself.

Nope... horse is still twitching... bash... bash...

The REAL club would be the game itself and FDEV getting its s**t together.

Last edit: 06 Jun 2021, 2:32pm
06 Jun 2021, 2:26pm
LordPsymonThat is still a discussion destined for Game Talk and not Roleplay.

Is it really now? still in disagreement about this.

Roleplay = subject matter. specifically INARA roleplay community attitude toward 'outsiders.'

Its actually a serious matter I am 'alluding to.' I'm waiting for some people to clue in with that "ah ha!" moment when they realise and see what I see. Others have seen this and 'get it' and have left INARA and moved on for this reason. I also am 'on my way out' after having wasted 5 months of my time trying to get into the community of this game.. maybe play in OPEN one day.. well I guess not.. its broken.

This is not a "creative space" and "role-play" around here has a serious 'blind spot' that I have been desperately trying to get people to see.


communication problems. community issues..

Last edit: 06 Jun 2021, 2:40pm

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