Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

06 Jun 2021, 2:36pm
Well, the RP threads here exists for more than five years and around 500 role players participated in so far. The 99% of them were a new people that just hopped in and wrote an RP without any problem. There is no problem with RP on Inara. As always with everything and everywhere, the only problem are people thinking they are very special messiahs trying to solve artificial issues they made up.
06 Jun 2021, 2:38pm
06 Jun 2021, 2:48pm
I met a "roleplayer" once in Star Trek Online who claimed in his biography that he was the human CEO of a company that had a security fleet larger(!) then the Federation, Klingon AND Romulan Empires' respective navies combined... guess how many people wanted to RP with him because of this?

If you break the rules and/or the canon of the franchise you want to RP in noone will RP with you. It is as simple as that.
06 Jun 2021, 3:16pm
Amata LireinI met a "roleplayer" once in Star Trek Online who claimed in his biography that he was the human CEO of a company that had a security fleet larger(!) then the Federation, Klingon AND Romulan Empires' respective navies combined... guess how many people wanted to RP with him because of this?

If you break the rules and/or the canon of the franchise you want to RP in no one will RP with you. It is as simple as that.

How is integrating actual ancient earth history about aliens into the ED universe "breaking lore?" Thats what I'm trying to figure out. TODAY in the news we are talking about actual UFOS... but I guess talking about it in ED roleplay would be BREAKING LORE somehow... heres where I start to get hot under the collar.

Kitsune are ACTUAL Japanese lore.. you all just dismiss this stuff like it doesnt exist. In ED universe does earth have Pyramids? I wonder if Pyramids in Egypt would be too controversial for the RP community around here.. ya what I said.. NARROW MINDED.

And 'lore' has destroyed the idea of robots and AI in the future... this is a serious hot mess.

I think you all need to open up the definition of what is 'canon' to allow for some creativity. Why is your Cartoon so rigid and immutable? Its a CARTOON.. loosen up!

Last edit: 06 Jun 2021, 3:28pm
06 Jun 2021, 3:32pm
Stillgar777[quote=Amata Lirein]I met a "roleplayer" once in Star Trek Online who claimed in his biography that he was the human CEO of a company that had a security fleet larger(!) then the Federation, Klingon AND Romulan Empires' respective navies combined... guess how many people wanted to RP with him because of this?

If you break the rules and/or the canon of the franchise you want to RP in no one will RP with you. It is as simple as that.

How is integrating actual ancient earth history about aliens into the ED universe "breaking lore?" Thats what I'm trying to figure out. TODAY in the news we are talking about actual UFOS... but I guess talking about it in ED roleplay would be BREAKING LORE somehow... heres where I start to get hot under the collar.

That video you linked says at the very beginning that it is the result of body modifications and was a habit that got dropped, similar to some African tribes practicing to elongate their necks. Practices that eventually got dropped due to the risks involved.

Kitsune are ACTUAL Japanese lore.. you all just dismiss this stuff like it doesnt exist. In ED universe does earth have Pyramids? I wonder if Pyramids in Egypt would be too controversial for the RP community around here.. ya what I said.. NARROW MINDED.

German folklore includes Wolpertinger. Yet no German would EVER claim that those really exist. Because they are stories that outlived themselves. Hell, even the POPE said a year or two ago that people should stop taking GENESIS literally, and that the scientic explaination on how the universe came to be is true. It is one thing to acknowlwdge earth's history in Elite RP, but it cannot be the basis to make up non-existant supernatural and/or alien beings.
06 Jun 2021, 4:09pm

Sooo.. 1300 years later.. UFOs still don't exist..

Inter-dimensional story lines.. nope

Time travellers? probably not allowed.. (maybe?)

Future of AI tech.... nope - only basic robots.

Aliens - Well thats a great big resounding NO... isnt it? cant we think out of the box? A LITTLE BIT?

Ghosts goblins, supernatural phenomenon.. outta bounds.

I mean ya pretty much get the feeling anything that isn't comfortable and cosy your little playpen of long term friends, i.e. newcomers and their new fangled idears ain't welcome round these parts...
06 Jun 2021, 4:22pm
As there was said before - please go complain to Frontier about the lore then. Nobody here created it, we are just respecting it. Similar as Star Trek fans are respecting the ST lore, Star Wars fans SW lore and so on. I see no reason why this topic should start spinning into the circles (again). If you do not want to respect the lore as majority of role players here, good - there is a special channel created for that and you can even play a character of an invisible pixie having rainbow farts with a stopping power of .50 cal, if you wish to. Case closed.
06 Jun 2021, 8:31pm
Man, you really are the most self centered nutjob I have ever seen on this site, and there have been a lot. bruh, you do realize the vast majority of the people arguing with you think this is hilarious and are continuing to poke you because of the way you're reacting? This is all a joke to the rest of us. When you inevitably leave, we're all only going to remember you as "that crazy 1984 dude."
06 Jun 2021, 9:00pm
Oh i see why this is futile... "inara writers guild" it all makes sense now..

When McArthur met Romel (desert fox) after kicked his ass in North Africa.. Romel said.. "how did you beat me?"
McArthur replied.. "i read your book"
06 Jun 2021, 9:04pm
06 Jun 2021, 9:07pm
06 Jun 2021, 9:07pm
06 Jun 2021, 9:10pm

Gideon's plotting and scheming seems like it might catch up with him sooner or later. For a calculating operator, leaving assets in the wind with gaps in their memory seems pretty sloppy.
06 Jun 2021, 9:12pm
Also, it was Patton, not McArthur. And the book Rommel wrote was about infantry tactics, not tank warfare. And Rommel was forced to kill himself by Hitler before the war ended, so he never got to meet any allied generals. Every single statement in your post was incorrect.
06 Jun 2021, 9:30pm
Isaiah EvansonAnyway.

Gideon's plotting and scheming seems like it might catch up with him sooner or later. For a calculating operator, leaving assets in the wind with gaps in their memory seems pretty sloppy.

Seems like he's getting too soft for the job.

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