Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

08 May 2021, 9:11pm
I got a question dude. Why is your profile pic from 1984? Are you making a statement about big brother?

Not you artie, sorry

Also, just fyi, if anyone here is a maestro on the lore, its M. Lehman. He has written mutliple books set in the ED universe: books that have been both acknowledged and praised by Drew Wagar, the official Elite Dangerous novelist.
08 May 2021, 9:21pm
...I offered multiple times here that Inara can have an comprehensive source of the lore, if anybody will fill it with the content. And that's not an easy work, because there is a ton of lore stuff. Please, do not delegate your problem to find lore sources or ask the proper questions (doesn't matter if it's just a bad luck, laziness, inability to find information or whatever) to other people here. It's your problem, not theirs, but if they will be so kind to put all the information together in their free time and from their good will, it may appear here.

I'd like to repeat an extract from a response I made to this very suggestion back on 12 April:

Sorry, but I really do not think this is a good idea. It sounds fine in principle but, as we have seen during the last week or so (and on several occasions in the past), getting a consensus on what material should and should not be regarded as "lore-suitable" is a minefield of personal opinion. Is it fair to saddle an individual (or group, for that matter) with the responsibility of deciding what goes in and what doesn't, and of having to deal with the arguments and accusations of being "Lore Police" that will inevitably follow?

There is plenty of established lore in ED already. It's simply a case of extrapolating from it, whilst staying as true as we can to the source material.
08 May 2021, 9:26pm
Yep, I read it and definitely acknowledged! But that's a solvable problem (offer the variants in the text, making clear there is no exact definition about certain point, etc.) and also reference the official sources as an authority, etc. There is certainly a plenty of lore around, but in my view the problem is that there is no comprehensive and unified source (in a meaning it will contain all the information, but not necessarily all the information need to be definitive) - something is on the wiki, something is only in the books, something just in the Galnet and so on. Thus my idea to provide some unified space which can answer at least the most common/major stuff and/or point to the other sources. But, I won't lift a finger until there will be enough people filling in the content - it's by the community for the community and if the community thinks it doesn't worth an effort, I am OK with that.
08 May 2021, 9:29pm
M. Lehman
M. Lehman [snipped for brevity] It's because the lore is clear that humans are the only sentient species that humans can mingle with.

Now, that would be interesting & definitive if you could provide the link(s) to substantiate it.

Here's the quotation from Michael Brookes:


It's just not in the lore or roleplay cards, Synthia.

That's good, valuable. Thank you.

I note: "However, sentient life is very rare." & lastly, "...there's the Thargoids." Nothing about what can & can not be interacted with.

Seems vague on the question & anything regarding interaction, if not explicitly forbidden, seems therefore permitted.

While I'm not planning on making a Thargoid right now, I'll reserve the option to do so & remain lore-compliant.

You may rest assured that I'll give a great deal of thought & consideration (perhaps the most ever, in fact) to its creation, description & interactions.
08 May 2021, 9:34pm
M. Lehman

Now, that would be interesting & definitive if you could provide the link(s) to substantiate it.

Here's the quotation from Michael Brookes:


It's just not in the lore or roleplay cards, Synthia.

That's good, valuable. Thank you.

I note: "However, sentient life is very rare." & lastly, "...there's the Thargoids." Nothing about what can & can not be interacted with.

Seems vague on the question & anything regarding interaction, if not explicitly forbidden, seems therefore permitted.

While I'm not planning on making a Thargoid right now, I'll reserve the option to do so & remain lore-compliant.

You may rest assured that I'll give a great deal of thought & consideration (perhaps the most ever, in fact) to its creation, description & interactions.

Well, the word I used was "mingle". As in, given the scientific, anthropological, and gameplay realities of human society in the Elite universe, we just aren't going to see (or justify) the Episode 4 cantina in Elite. Interaction is certainly possible, at least with Thargoids and leftover Guardian structures– but even that is limited to either combat or crude exchanges of scanning and cargo.
08 May 2021, 9:39pm
M. Lehman [snipped for brevity] It's because the lore is clear that humans are the only sentient species that humans can mingle with.

Now, that would be interesting & definitive if you could provide the link(s) to substantiate it.

Exactly.. please if these robot and alien rules are so simple a couple of "canon" source quotes should be put in a FAQ!!!

Come on.. what im saying is not rocket science.

<laughing at his own unintended joke>

Well ok Im wrong of course this is all about "rocket science"


Last edit: 08 May 2021, 9:52pm
08 May 2021, 9:44pm
A quick search on the Elite wiki produces this and you can get deeper from there. Come on, it's not a rocket science. (If I should use the same tone.)
08 May 2021, 9:58pm
I stumbled into this rabbit hole cause I wanted to join a squadron and make some friends.. this proved more challenging than the game itself it seems.

I aint used to all these new fangled "minglings" you speak of. How to choose a squadron.. how to choose a faction.. how to choose a superpower.. and little clique clubs all spread out all over the Aethernet... I have yet to invite a friend in-game on my PS4.. I still have no contacts..

Space is not the only empty place, cyberspace is just as vast and empty it seems...
08 May 2021, 10:00pm
Desert Fox CXVIII got a question dude. Why is your profile pic from 1984? Are you making a statement about big brother?

Not you artie, sorry

Also, just fyi, if anyone here is a maestro on the lore, its M. Lehman. He has written mutliple books set in the ED universe: books that have been both acknowledged and praised by Drew Wagar, the official Elite Dangerous novelist.

Ah thank you for noticing.. yes I identify as/with Winston from 1984 my pronouns are Sir and YES Sir.
08 May 2021, 10:13pm
Stillgar777I stumbled into this rabbit hole cause I wanted to join a squadron and make some friends.. this proved more challenging than the game itself it seems.

I aint used to all these new fangled "minglings" you speak of. How to choose a squadron.. how to choose a faction.. how to choose a superpower.. and little clique clubs all spread out all over the Aethernet... U have yet to invite a friend in-game on my PS4.. I still have no contacts..

Space is not the only empty place, cyberspace is just as vast and empty it seems...

Space is big, really BIG. It can indeed get lonely 'out in the black'. The E:D galaxy is procedurally generated by something called the Stellar Forge.

PS4 players are in the definite minority, sadly. A shame that the FDevs have no plans of which I'm aware to somehow integrate the different gaming platforms, or even if that's possible, given that E:D is a peer-to-peer system, rather than running via dedicated servers. Different operating systems & all that.

You might ask around for squadrons that are either entirely PS4-based, or at least, have a relatively high number of PS4 members.

Not meaning to toot my squadron's horn, but you can also check out different squadron's pages here. You can also do some exploring of squadrons in the game. See which one suits you best.
09 May 2021, 3:53pm
At first I thought the "alternate reality" channel was a cop out.. but the idea is growing on me. Probably was the best solution/compromise.

- Credit when it due. I'm not a total hard-ass.
10 May 2021, 1:14am
Now that there is an "Alternative Reality" page I'd like to throw the gauntlet down for you all to give an alternative version of your characters. Just a short little story. It's not a competition but I'd love to see you all flex your creativity and show us what your character would be if something had been different in their past. A Sliding Doors or even a Fatherland moment.

I had a quick little punt with this. It's not great but it's short and may give you an idea of what I mean.

I hope some of you will take up the challenge as I'd love to see what you can all come up within a unique environment.

Last edit: 10 May 2021, 5:50am
10 May 2021, 2:18am
Thanks for the offer, but I'll pass.
10 May 2021, 6:47am
Sounds interesting!
10 May 2021, 9:43am
The only difference is that my characters' ships would have gravity, considering I designed them for the Elite setting.

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