Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

31 May 2023, 3:19am
Vasil VasilescuI suppose it is a personal hang-up of mine wanting the character to be physically near a RP location in the event any IG interactions were planned, though that does not matter much with regards to rp on the boards.

I couldn't tell you where exactly IG my commander is as of right this moment but I tend to utilize only the star map for RP. And it is unfortunate but it seems the RPs have dulled once again.
31 May 2023, 3:21am
Silvia SharpeAnd it is unfortunate but it seems the RPs have dulled once again.
Perfectly reflects the things happening to quantity&quality of playerbase involvement and commitment, 'sad but true'.
31 May 2023, 3:56am
It is indeed. Will we see Mrs Muir in the channels or was the log series the end of her legacy?
31 May 2023, 4:02am
Silvia SharpeIt is indeed. Will we see Mrs Muir in the channels or was the log series the end of her legacy?
Ow. Thank you. Honestly, I can't say for sure, it took a great effort to finish the story going through all of my planned 'major milestones' and it's definitely the last long and serious thing, since this game ceased to give me any 'imagination fuel' a long time ago. Although, on the other hand, I can't rule out random creativity outbursts about anything random and light-hearted that I can wrap in the Elite setting. But, yeah, no more serious stuff I guess.
31 May 2023, 4:06am
Meowerssince this game ceased to give me any 'imagination fuel' a long time ago.

I feel this in my own light. I struggle to find a way to reintegrate my characters into the universe. But if it is the end, it was amazing reading your stories.
31 May 2023, 4:11am
Thank you. Yeah, maybe something else could happen in the game (seriously? lol), or in my real life, that might be a material for a story, but right now I'm absolutely empty. And I don't have much time to write stuff, considering all real life things.
31 May 2023, 4:24am
Well you take care of you. It really was a pleasure to read your story. I do hope something fun or at least much different happens in game. Though I fear like many others that our once beloved game is going to come to an end. But hey maybe starfield will be amazing and provide us with a new place to exist in
31 May 2023, 10:53am
Thank you. Yeah, Starfield looks promising, though it won't be a 'sandbox' game as far as I know.
31 May 2023, 12:18pm
Starfield has been described (and looks more) like Skyrim or Fallout in space, at least by what I've heard. Perfectly fine, but I don't think it'll necessarily scratch that itch Elite does. (Also, after the way FO76 released... I'd wait.)

In the meantime, let's just appreciate what we have with Elite. I'm sure it'll still be around at least for as long as the Thargoid War arc isn't concluded. I hope, at least. It certainly deserves to, with all the stories people have built(and are still building) within the current state/time of the universe.

Ugh, why did I stay up so long last night chasing 'shinies' in the form of interesting stars last night?
04 Jun 2023, 1:35am
Since I decided to show my character in the bar again, a bit of OOC stuff: I'm pretty much looking forward to having a chat or something like this done in-character, but I don't have any time and imagination fuel for any kinds of action. So you may see her as an 'NPC to talk with' if you want.
04 Jun 2023, 1:39am
I’d like to think most of us currently prefer that over having bad guys break down the door*.

*Presumably. I can’t speak for anyone else.
07 Jun 2023, 6:42pm
Hi, have somebody time to get to the bar? My character would introduce himself there.
07 Jun 2023, 6:43pm
SUTTORADHi, have somebody time to get to the bar? My character would introduce himself there.

There are a few of us currently there.
07 Jun 2023, 6:44pm
Yep! Few of us in the bar I think ^^
07 Jun 2023, 7:29pm
Okay, lets spin it up then

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