Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

12 Jun 2023, 9:07pm
Up to you.

Have some sniff around. or act like meathead dicks.
Or not.
12 Jun 2023, 9:25pm
Mh... I say leave it. Kira's got enough to deal with, without having pirates interrupt her sleep. And there's been enough trouble for a day or two on the station, if isolated to one part of it.

The ultimate decision is of course yours to take. You think it makes sense to have them snoop around...
12 Jun 2023, 9:40pm
I can't really be a bunch of random bad guys, and hang out with Creamy.
But the option is there if you want to write some chodes. Being an asshole is fun, long as ya don't actually pull the trigger on people too much.
12 Jun 2023, 9:41pm
Meh. I have no real clue in ‘bad guy writing’ and it’s not something my character does anyway.

The Lord can keep his pirates on his ships. I reckon they’ll have enough Thargoid trouble soon anyway.
12 Jun 2023, 9:48pm
It's more like 'you can write some interactions with bad guys' from the perspective of your character, as, in theory, they could be on the station too.
12 Jun 2023, 10:16pm
Mh… thanks, I’m fine. Currently don’t have too much energy to come up with something of my own anyway, so it’d just be pirates snooping around without causing much of a fuss(and not finding anything).
12 Jun 2023, 10:23pm
Vodan...Being an asshole is fun, long as ya don't actually pull the trigger on people too much.

Just like old school pro wrestling, the Heels have all the fun.
12 Jun 2023, 11:17pm
Oh. Added some of my classic 'final screenshot' and 'amateur philosophising' things and my part is done. Thank you for that thing, it's been quite enjoyable.
12 Jun 2023, 11:26pm
Agreed. It was a pleasure. For now Silvia is just going to be taking a break. Any further events for the time being will all be in personal logs after I patch together the short logbook series. Thank you all for the thrills. See you in the next one

The Logbook mini series is called Strange Accords

Last edit: 13 Jun 2023, 4:35am
13 Jun 2023, 3:42pm
Yep, give it another read pls, there are still some lines said from the perspective of other characters, not Silvia's, in both parts. Like... "I replied to a person with a long purple hair", first, that "I" is actually Meowers, and then, she doesn't know Cass, but from the story perspective (and Silvia's knowledge), Cass' name is known.

And, yeah, a thing that I did while posting my texts: if you 'over-post' yourself, posting something before your previous post leaves the main page, that previous post will be hidden, that's how the website engine works. So that's why I kept 2-3 days interval in posting pre-written parts. Also gives you more time to edit and polish.

Last edit: 13 Jun 2023, 5:13pm
13 Jun 2023, 5:25pm
MeowersYep, give it another read pls, there are still some lines said from the perspective of other characters, not Silvia's, in both parts. Like... "I replied to a person with a long purple hair", first, that "I" is actually Meowers, and then, she doesn't know Cass, but from the story perspective (and Silvia's knowledge), Cass' name is known.

And, yeah, a thing that I did while posting my texts: if you 'over-post' yourself, posting something before your previous post leaves the main page, that previous post will be hidden, that's how the website engine works. So that's why I kept 2-3 days interval in posting pre-written parts. Also gives you more time to edit and polish.

Ah thanks. ya it was late so very likely i missed a bunch of stuff. I'll probably pull one down and wait 4 days or so for the next entry. I will certainly go back through them. There is quite a bit that went on. Thank you for the input.
13 Jun 2023, 6:52pm
Yee, for the best. its easy to miss context when ya copy/pasting from multiple posts.

It got pretty crazy with everyone posting at that point, and we were in on the timing and context.
Meowers big gun attracts a lot of intrest
13 Jun 2023, 7:16pm
Oh certainly. This is the first big collab I have tried to rewrite for any project.

I spent about 8 hours yesterday pulling the posts apart and splicing things together. ???? you guys made this soo much fun and it reminded me of my old D&D campaigns things got hectic and energetic fast. This was such an enjoyable experience for me and I greatly appreciate all of your guy's input. Again thank you soo much. I was getting into a weird funk because of the log series Til Death Do Us Part I had been writing. Lots of heavy emotion at the end there and it reminded me alot of my personal experiences. This RP and its excitement was just what I needed to distract myself. You guys are the best.

Cheers. I'll be around and keeping an eye out on the channels for Vodan and Creamy's adventures against the pirate lord Vengerfield.
13 Jun 2023, 7:29pm
Silvia SharpeOh certainly. This is the first big collab I have tried to rewrite for any project.

I spent about 8 hours yesterday pulling the posts apart and splicing things together. ???? This was such an enjoyable experience for me and I greatly appreciate all of your guy's input. Again thank you soo much.

For nothing Silvia, and from my side it is new experience too as I have never been involved in roleplay or something that continuous. For now I will take a little break and I must write something in log too.
13 Jun 2023, 7:30pm
Creamy Goodness IIIMeowers big gun attracts a lot of intrest
There's a certain... Symbolism in 'Meowers' rifle' and other weapons of that class. It can kick arse on its own, but you have to constantly keep pros and cons in mind; it really excels and shines when it has someone else to support.

And Meowers herself is a kind of a character with the same things, not just 'big and hard hitting'.

Silvia SharpeI was getting into a weird funk because of the log series Til Death Do Us Part I had been writing. Lots of heavy emotion at the end there and it reminded me alot of my personal experiences. This RP and its excitement was just what I needed to distract myself. You guys are the best.
Glad to hear it helped. That means a lot.
Elite and INARA were the same kind of a distraction for me when I needed it the most.

Last edit: 13 Jun 2023, 7:44pm

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