Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

26 Jun 2023, 9:56pm

(actually, that's one of my IRL running jokes: "Me domesticated orc" / "Me house orc" in a similar way to Harry Potter house elves)

What the heck am I missing here?
26 Jun 2023, 10:01pm
Silvia SharpeWhat the heck am I missing here?
Warhammer 40K universe Orcs and their 'battle cry'. I'm definitely not a fan of that setting in whole, though Orcs (or Orks, that's how they're called there) are funny.
26 Jun 2023, 10:12pm
Silvia SharpeWhat the heck am I missing here?

Warhammer 40K universe Orcs and their 'battle cry'. I'm definitely not a fan of that setting in whole, though Orcs (or Orks, that's how they're called there) are funny.

Ah OK lol. My dumba** thought of Wario and his Waaagh! But it didn't even make sense in this setting.
26 Jun 2023, 10:57pm
Just want to note I'm not trying to push for anything to do between Silvia and "Kasumi". Purely from the character's perspective, she is not in a particularly great spot and is acting accordingly.
26 Jun 2023, 11:08pm
That Kasumi's message... Resonated a bit. Hope you're okay.
26 Jun 2023, 11:16pm
MeowersThat Kasumi's message... Resonated a bit. Hope you're okay.

I'm fine... well, unless you consider it bad that I'm currently looking at which direction to take my life in(other than the obvious 'Go work' thing, which I could do without but that's the world as it is now... and it is a bit boring to be stuck at home all day, sometimes).

But I'd rather not make this about me. And I do have people that care, even if we're not on, uh... the greatest of terms(a bit distant family relation, is the best way to put it). I'm definitely not going anywhere, even if I don't know where life is taking me.
26 Jun 2023, 11:17pm
Eek! Ya.... ooc you good though cause like oof. Also Silvias response was more because she is stuck working. Can't exactly leave unless it's an absolutely emergency.
26 Jun 2023, 11:26pm
Silvia SharpeEek! Ya.... ooc you good though cause like oof. Also Silvias response was more because she is stuck working. Can't exactly leave unless it's an absolutely emergency.

Well, as I said. I’m not entertaining any kind of otherwordly thoughts, so to speak. And I can still make stupid jokes and laugh at them, so it’s not all bad. (Seriously though, I don’t always reflect my own thoughts or mental state in writing. The case is such here. Can’t say it’s always been roses and sunshine, but it’s more somewhere neutral currently.)

And I know that that’s how Silvia’s response was meant. Kira, well, you see. I’m not planning anything that far, though, to be perfectly clear.
26 Jun 2023, 11:31pm
Yep, I understand, glad you're okay. It just was quite... accurate.
26 Jun 2023, 11:35pm
I wish I could say I knew less about some of the dark paths the human mind can go down. But well, can’t change that now, and I tend to roll with whatever curve balls I’m thrown anyway.

I would like to write more positively for her, but alas, don’t think it’s quite at that stage yet. (I also added a light disclaimer up top on the post. Probably should’ve thought about that before.)
27 Jun 2023, 12:02am
By the way, when is ‘shift change day’? I don’t think it was specified.
27 Jun 2023, 1:39am
Not exactly a set day. In silvias case it will be this coming weekend for me
27 Jun 2023, 11:14am
Hm… alright. I guess I’ll wait around with what I had in mind until then. Unless you’re fine with your character being inconvenienced, but I usually just assume the answer to that is no.

Oh, and to be clear, I appreciate the concern shown here, but as said, I wasn’t writing this because of me being in a fit(not that kind, at least - luckily). No ulterior motives to it either(I read these) - though I’m aware of it being a serious subject for those concerned.

(I can’t find a way to put it that won’t sound weird but I wouldn’t claim this is intended as ‘educational content’, nor am I trying to overdramatize it as media sometimes tends to do.)

Anyway, I suppose my case of ‘fine’ depends on definition. Still am one odd human being(if you follow what the majority sees as ‘odd’ anyway), which is also partly reflected in Kira. High-functioning autism(which they thankfully stopped calling by that weird name it had prior) and stuff that comes with it… like being really shy and socially awkward(until you get her talking, then she won’t stop).

Right now, I’m just tired all the time. Quite literally, because summer somehow managed to screw up my sleep even more.

And to be doubly sure, I don’t have issues with Willow. That’s just my character. (You never know)
27 Jun 2023, 11:52am
Thank you for the explanation. And for the link, lol.

Yeah, I understand. You did nothing wrong, at least from my personal point of view; this is your character, this post is a part of your roleplay, and you know what you're doing and what you're writing about, even if it's a classic case of 'sad but true'. We may as well close this topic if it makes you feel uncomfortable.

Last edit: 27 Jun 2023, 12:05pm
27 Jun 2023, 12:29pm
You did nothing wrong

Rather be sure about it. I had those entries and that… remark, for lack of a better word, about people writing on the subject to grab attention toward their work, without genuine intention of getting more light on the importance of mental health, in mind, when I was putting that post out. (And I was sleepy, so might not have been too clear about what I was trying to say.)

And nothing wrong in asking. I’m just not big on the ‘me’ talks as I tend to keep to, well, myself. You’ve probably seen that in Kira too - not really revealing a lot about herself unless the person is someone she thinks she can trust, or is close.

(I would lie if I said it didn’t hurt a little on the inside to write that post, though.)

Last edit: 27 Jun 2023, 12:39pm

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