Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

05 Jun 2021, 5:55pm
Let me clarify one of my basic points here. FDEV is only half the problem. The fiefdoms and cliques that have sprung up to fill the void in FDEV. Have created a problem of its own in its decentralisation of the entire game as a whole.. the fact that half the game exists in several other player created web domains breaks the game. The entire 'ROLEPLAY' aspect has been really lacking and INARA unfortunately has a MONOPOLY. (are you affiliated directly with FDEV 'Artie'?) but Artie is king.. because where else is ED 'roleplay.' Congrats Artie.. the 'Facebook' of ED.. well done. Now, how can we break up your monopoly? hmmmm.

I hope FDEV fixes the problem and puts all these INARA functions in the game rather than delegate to the player community to create half the game online in web sites. I got news for you.. I only got ONE monitor.. so its log into irara to research what i want to do ingame. then switch over to my PS4 to actually play.. and back and forth.. OMG what a joke.. you call this a game? I call it tricking the player community into becoming BETA TESTERS and PAYING for the PRIVILEGE.

A 'horse' designed by a committee ends up looking more like a camel.

ED is broken. It pro-ports to be a RP game!!! hardly! Its a wire-frame 1980s game of planetarium.. the 'roleplay' ingame is NON EXISTANT. yet the write up says its a roleplaying game. holy false advertising!

Ya im a bit 'salty' want me to rant to a wider audience? hmm maybe yer right.
05 Jun 2021, 5:57pm
Stillgar777What is my objective here do you think?

Quite interesting way to have fun on a forum.
p.s. And the 'definition of what's fun' as well.

Thanks.. yer cute too!
05 Jun 2021, 6:03pm
this channel definition (see bottom of the page): "Anything you want to ask about roleplay. Questions, answers, out-of-character talk..."

Am I in the wrong channel? really? My main beef is the lack of in-game roleplay. and even trying to navigate the WWW to do 'roleplay' was just a nightmare. Here i am OUT of Character talking about the crappy roleplaying community... whats the right channel exactly? "shout into a pillow" channel maybe?
05 Jun 2021, 6:04pm
05 Jun 2021, 6:13pm
Stillgar, it's quite clear that you're not talking about the roleplay that happens in the Inara roleplay channels, nor have any intention of doing so. That's what this channel is for. That's what's been explained to you already.

The right channel for what you want to talk about is General or Odyssey: launch.
05 Jun 2021, 6:15pm
M. LehmanStillgar, it's quite clear that you're not talking about the roleplay that happens in the Inara roleplay channels, nor have Any intention of doing so. That's what this channel is for. That's what's been explained to you already.

The right channel for what you want to talk about is General or Odyssey: launch.

Noo.. im in the right channel.. im talking to YOU arnt I? perfect..
05 Jun 2021, 6:15pm
Stillgar777 Thanks.. yer cute too!

Ah, jokes like this are making my day.

Btw, I see nothing wrong about person ranting about the state of game and roleplaying based on this game and someone else being sarcastic.
A natural way of things.
So I'll just sit and contemplate.
05 Jun 2021, 6:20pm
What im talking about about is people like YOU Mr. Lehman. petty tyrants. You think you are a big shot because you wrote some ED Book(s)

Im not impressed. from what I understand you are not actually taken for canon. and have no affiliation with FDEV. Correct me if i'm wrong?

So I see you capitalising on the void left by FDEV.. great, more power to you. Sell your books. You and Artie lording over others telling them how to roleplay, where to post.. what is canon or not.. well lets just keep this family friendly..

Not a fan.
05 Jun 2021, 6:23pm
Eat a shoe.
05 Jun 2021, 6:31pm
I don’t think Matt charges for his books. I suspect that might cause an issue with FDEV.
05 Jun 2021, 6:33pm
1) The rules and purpose of this channel are obvious to everyone except you. My post regarding them was a helpful reminder. Artie then repeated them. This entire conversation might be moved or deleted, and rightfully so.

2) Not only do I never claim or even hint that my work is canon, but I state very clearly at the start of each book that it isn't. Drew Wagar was gracious enough to post them on his website, an act for which I remain grateful.

3) I can't charge for them, as they are based on intellectual property that isn't mine. Such was never my intention anyway, as they were labors of love.

4) I'm not lording over you or anyone else by giving reminders that certain channels are for certain things. Artie, however, does have the option of lording over you.

Last edit: 05 Jun 2021, 7:04pm
05 Jun 2021, 6:46pm
Stillgar777Let me clarify one of my basic points here. FDEV is only half the problem. The fiefdoms and cliques that have sprung up to fill the void in FDEV. Have created a problem of its own in its decentralisation of the entire game as a whole.. the fact that half the game exists in several other player created web domains breaks the game. The entire 'ROLEPLAY' aspect has been really lacking and INARA unfortunately has a MONOPOLY. (are you affiliated directly with FDEV 'Artie'?) but Artie is king.. because where else is ED 'roleplay.' Congrats Artie.. the 'Facebook' of ED.. well done. Now, how can we break up your monopoly? hmmmm.

You are mixing two very different things - issues with the game and roleplay. I will leave the issue with the game, because it's not within a scope of this thread.
How you can break up so-called monopoly? It's very easy - dedicate a ton of hard work, hundreds and thousands of hours to create a site like Inara.

I hope FDEV fixes the problem and puts all these INARA functions in the game rather than delegate to the player community to create half the game online in web sites. I got news for you.. I only got ONE monitor.. so its log into irara to research what i want to do ingame. then switch over to my PS4 to actually play.. and back and forth.. OMG what a joke.. you call this a game? I call it tricking the player community into becoming BETA TESTERS and PAYING for the PRIVILEGE.

Of course it will be great when some functionalities that 3rd party sites have will be also in the game, there is no dispute about that. Frontier is certainly capable to do that, with dedicating a lot of work and resources into it, but it's not surprising they are rather investing those resources into other aspects of the game. You can complain to us that you would like some functionalities in the game and that you have only one monitor, but it will completely miss the target - it's not a problem of anybody here on Inara nor something anybody here can affect.

ED is broken. It pro-ports to be a RP game!!! hardly! Its a wire-frame 1980s game of planetarium.. the 'roleplay' ingame is NON EXISTANT. yet the write up says its a roleplaying game. holy false advertising!

Let me tell you a sweet secret - RPG in computer games is a very wide term and on top of that, Elite: Dangerous was never promoted as an RPG game in its core by Frontier.

Stillgar777What im talking about about is people like YOU Mr. Lehman. petty tyrants. You think you are a big shot because you wrote some ED Book(s)
Im not impressed. from what I understand you are not actually taken for canon. and have no affiliation with FDEV. Correct me if i'm wrong?
So I see you capitalising on the void left by FDEV.. great, more power to you. Sell your books. You and Artie lording over others telling them how to roleplay, where to post.. what is canon or not.. well lets just keep this family friendly..
Not a fan.

No affiliation with FDev, but also we are not creating and writing the official lore and canon here, we are just sticking with it. It was told to you some time ago already. On top of that, you've got a thread where you can ignore any official canon and lore and make a roleplay as you wish, with a full freedom. I suppose it still was not good enough.
The most important thing last, if you decided to insult other people here because they don't share your view, then I must agree with your previous words - it's your goodbye.

Last edit: 05 Jun 2021, 7:11pm
05 Jun 2021, 6:49pm
Ah yes, Artie and his malicious "monopoly" on a free service. How dare he.
05 Jun 2021, 7:15pm
@Artie re: Insulting other people.. um.. I thought I was being rather tactful for an antagonist. In any case I am content that my complaints made in public were addressed to the right parties. Monopoly or not. The 'multiplayer' aspect of the game is broken on several levels. INARA has stepped into fix a problem that should not exist in the 1st place. I give you credit for all you have achieved but i'm afraid it was all actually counter productive in the end. Artie, his website and his like minded friends have really exacerbated a development problem making it actually un-fixable at this point. I think ya'all broke the game with your 3rd party efforts. IMHO.

You cant accept a little 'heated' discussion? what kind of liberal speech cop are you?
05 Jun 2021, 7:18pm
I am a benevolent dictator here, I never said otherwise and in fact, I said exactly this multiple times in the past. It's like a club - you can enter, you can discuss, you can eat and drink for free, you can even puke into corners sometimes and I will clean it up with a smile. But once you start to break the furniture and shit on the tables, that's where the benevolence ends.

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Anything you want to ask about roleplay. Questions, answers, out-of-character talk...